The owners of property adjacent to which the sidewalks are not paved shall, whenever the Town Council by ordinance determines that such sidewalk shall be paved, pave the sidewalk which is adjacent to their respective properties at 1/2 of the expense and in such manner as may be required by the Town Council; and if such owner shall neglect, after 30 days' notice to him from the Town Manager, to build or pave such sidewalk in the manner required as aforesaid, then it shall be the duty of the Town Manager to cause such sidewalk to be so paved, and 1/2 the cost of so paving thereof shall be certified by the Town Manager to the Town Treasurer, who shall enter such amount in a book to be kept for the purpose, setting forth the name of the owner and the street upon which his property abuts and the frontage of such property on the street. And the amount of such cost shall be a lien on such property and shall be collected by the Town Treasurer by levy or suit or in the manner that taxes are collected by the Town Treasurer. The notice required by this section may be served on the owner in person, or if he is a nonresident, by mailing to him at his last known address said notice by registered mail, or by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town for two successive weeks, or in any other manner authorized by law.
Whenever the Town Council shall order property owners to pave the sidewalks adjacent to their respective properties as provided in § 165-9 or whenever the owners or a majority thereof petition the Town Council to pave the sidewalk along their property, which petition shall contain an agreement by the signers to pay 1/2 the cost thereof, the Town Council shall, at the same time, determine the material with which the sidewalks shall be paved, the width to be paved, the kind of foundation to be used for said pavement and any other matter material to the paving.
Before the Town Council shall, in accordance with § 165-9, order property owners to pave a sidewalk, the Council shall first publish for two weeks, in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town, a notice inviting all persons interested to appear before the Council to be heard on the question. Such notice shall simply state that the Council is considering the subject of requiring the owners abutting on a certain street or a designated portion thereof to pave the sidewalks and inviting all persons interested to appear at a certain time and place to be heard on the subject.
No person shall pave a sidewalk within the Town without first obtaining a permit from the Town Manager, which permit shall designate the material and foundation to be used, the width of the pavement and such other matters as may be material; and the paving shall be done under the supervision of the Town Manager.
Any person injuring any sidewalk shall, when required by the Town Manager, pay to the Town Treasurer such an amount as shall be estimated by said Town Manager to be necessary to repair such injury, and the Town Manager shall repair the injury. If the person causing the injury fails to pay to the Town Treasurer the costs of repairs within 15 days, such costs shall be collected as any other debt is collected.