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... 1996 § 350.050] Whenever a vehicle is lawfully parked upon a street or highway ... need be displayed upon such parked vehicle. Whenever a vehicle is ...
parked (3)
parked vehicles (1)
parked vehicle (2)
vehicle (6)
... unlawful for any person to park or stand any vehicle or for the owner of any vehicle to allow the same to be parked or to be stood within Baumgardner Park while said person is ...
parking (1)
parked (1)
park (3)
vehicle (2)
... unlawful for any person to park or stand any vehicle or for the owner of any vehicle to allow the same to be parked or to be stood within Young Park while said person is ...
parking (1)
parked (1)
park (3)
vehicle (2)
... zoned or public property to park a motor vehicle in the throat of said ... any portion of said motor vehicle is less than twenty-five (25) ... zoned property to park a motor ...
parking (2)
vehicles (1)
park (3)
vehicle (5)
... or any other self-propelled vehicle within any public park of the City or within or upon ... or upon areas in such parks or public places designated ... or self-propelled vehicle use. The provisions of this ...
parks (2)
vehicles (2)
park (1)
vehicle (3)
... 12-19-1988 ] No one shall park, or allow a motor vehicle, trailer, or boat of which ... owner or part owner to be parked, on private or public ... for sale, such motor vehicle, trailer, or boat unless they ...
parking (1)
parked (6)
vehicles (4)
park (2)
vehicle (8)
... § 1, 6-17-2013 ] No motor vehicle, other than those operated by ... City business in City parks or emergency vehicles, shall be driven or parked within any City park except upon designated ...
parking (4)
parks (4)
vehicle parking (1)
parked (2)
vehicles (3)
park (6)
vehicle (3)
... or any other self-propelled vehicle within any City park of the City or within or upon ... or upon areas in such City parks or City-owned places ... or self-propelled vehicle use. The Director of ...
parks (2)
vehicles (3)
park (1)
vehicle (3)
[R.O. 1996 § 355.120; Ord. No. 3646 § 1, 2-2-2004 ] No person shall park a vehicle in a fire lane that has been designated as such by either a sign or red paint on the curb or pavement.
parking (1)
park (1)
vehicle (1)
... 7-5-1966 ] No person shall park a vehicle within an alley in such a ... person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle within an alley in such ...
parking (1)
park (2)
vehicle (2)
... See Sch. V, Commercial Vehicles And Trucks. [R.O. 1996 § ... Ord. No. 5065 , 12-6-2021 ] Parking And/Or Storage Restrictions. It shall be unlawful to: Park or store any travel trailer, ... be pulled behind a motorized vehicle on any street or highway; ...
parking (7)
parked (2)
vehicles (3)
park (4)
vehicle (17)
... to erect signs indicating no parking upon either or both sides of ... school property when such parking would, in their opinion, ... are erected indicating no parking upon either side of a street ... herein, no person shall park a ...
parking (4)
park (1)
vehicle (1)
... it shall be unlawful to park and/or stand any vehicle or for the owner of any vehicle to allow same for a longer ... Company's right-of-way No parking only between 2:00 A.M. and ...
parking (2)
park (1)
vehicle (2)
... unlawful for any person to park or stand any vehicle in any stall or space ... to public use, unless the vehicle bears the State of Missouri ... wording such as "Accessible Parking" to indicate that the space ...
parking (5)
vehicles (1)
park (1)
vehicle (5)
... the optimal amount of vehicle parking for individual sites, ... that both too little parking and too much parking create negative impacts. ... that mitigate the impact of parking on the public realm and urban ...
parking (136)
parks (1)
vehicle parking (10)
parked (1)
vehicle park (1)
vehicles (8)
vehicle (6)
... ] No person shall operate or park any motor vehicle or trailer upon any street or ... this City, unless such motor vehicle or trailer has properly ... to the lawful owner of the vehicle by the Department of Revenue ...
parking (2)
parked (1)
park (3)
vehicle (15)
[R.O. 1996 § 355.040; CC 1968 § 20-1; Ord. No. 323 § 1, 7-5-1966 ] No person shall park a vehicle upon a roadway for the principal purpose of: Displaying such vehicle for sale; or Repair such vehicle except repairs necessitated by an emergency.
parking (1)
park (1)
vehicle (3)
[R.O. 1996 § 355.020; CC 1968 § 20-1; Ord. No. 323 § 1, 7-5-1966 ] No person shall park any vehicle upon a street, other than an alley, in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than ten (10) feet of the width of the roadway for free movement of vehicular traffic.
parking (1)
park (1)
vehicle (1)
... to erect signs indicating no parking upon any street when the ... official signs prohibiting parking are erected upon narrow ... herein, no person shall park a vehicle upon any such street in ...
parking (3)
park (1)
vehicle (1)
... person shall: Stop, stand or park a vehicle: On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a ... when stopping, standing, or parking would obstruct traffic; Upon ...
parking (3)
parked (1)
park (3)
vehicle (6)