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salaries and compensation(1)
... by L.L. No. 3-1983 ] Compensation. The County Legislature shall have the power to fix the compensation of its members, and the compensation of the President, Vice ... of the Legislature, which compensation shall be stated annual ...
compensation policy commission (4)
commission (9)
compensation (14)
It is hereby declared to be the policy of the County of Monroe to control open burning consistent with the public ...
policy (2)
Effective January 1, 1974, the Judges of the County Court, Surrogate's Court and Family Court of the County of Monroe, State of New York, shall each receive $1,625 annually as compensation additional to the salaries of $32,575 per year now received by each of said Judges.
compensation (2)
It is declared to be the public policy of Monroe County to preserve, protect and ... of the county. It is further declared to be the policy of Monroe County to exercise its authority ...
policy (3)
It is hereby declared to be the policy of the County of Monroe to maintain a reasonable degree of purity of ...
policy (2)
... shall appoint a Deferred Compensation Committee (hereinafter ... which shall adopt a deferred compensation plan for the employees of the ... the New York State Deferred Compensation Board. A certified copy of ...
compensation (5)
The County of Monroe herewith applies to the New York State Off-Track Pari-Mutuel Betting Commission for its approval as such participating municipality.
commission (2)
The Legislature hereby establishes the following policy for providing 911 call delivery service in Monroe County. "911" shall be ...
policy (2)
... except as provided in this Charter. Compensation. The County Executive shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed by the County ... but in no event shall such compensation be diminished during a term for ...
compensation (4)
Formation of Deferred Compensation Committee. The Committee shall consist of 11 members appointed by the County Executive, provided ...
compensation (1)
... this article, any person serving the County or any agency thereof without compensation shall not be deemed in violation of the Article unless such interest is in ...
compensation (2)
... of the County Civil Service Commission, the Civil Service Law of the ... and administer personnel policies. To prepare personnel rules ... To prepare and maintain a compensation plan for all positions, ...
policies (1)
commission (7)
compensation (1)
Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act.
compensation (1)
... County of Monroe, whether or not compensated, or a volunteer expressly authorized ... any of its agencies, boards or commissions, but shall not include any ... of the Monroe County Deferred Compensation Committee ("Committee") and those ...
compensated (1)
commissions (1)
compensation (2)
... One hundred thousand dollars, property damage, each accident. Workmen's compensation, as may be required by state law. Such other insurance in the form and ... a minimum of 10 days prior to any cancellation or material change in the policies specified thereon.
policies (1)
compensation (1)
... employees and prescribe their duties and qualifications and fix their compensation. To adopt, amend and repeal, after public hearing (except in the case of ... any and all things necessary or convenient to carry out the purpose and policies of this chapter. To contract for professional and technical assistance and ...
policies (1)
compensation (1)
The County Legislature or any county department, agency, board, authority, commission, officer or employee.
commission (1)
Any council, department, division, office, board, commission or other governmental unit of the County, excluding the County Legislature and its officers and any commission excluded by the provisions of this Charter.
commission (2)
Any council, department, division, office, board, commission or other governmental unit of the county, excluding the County Legislature and its officers, and any commission excluded by the provisions of the Charter.
commission (2)