Search Results
Bonds may be issued for the following purposes: ... and treatment works and, for enlarging, improving, or ... purifying plants and works, for increasing the water supply ... and alarm equipment; for the purchase or installation ...
for (8)
Nominating petitions for elective City offices shall be filed with the City Clerk not later than ...
for (2)
... and circulating in said City for one week preceding July 1, ... shall be sufficient demand for the payment of all taxes on ... specified in this section for the payment of such taxes ... Treasurer by July 1, or if for other reason the Treasurer is ...
for (6)
... proceedings shall be taken for each separate type or kind of ... provide in such resolution for payment of all or such part ... improvement to be paid for in part by special ... Improvement Reserve Fund for that portion of the cost of ...
for (5)
... be given credited service for periods of active duty ... service shall not be given for periods of active duty which ... retirement program; except for service that is or would be ... under the federal government for service in the reserves; and ...
for (5)
The City shall not be liable for unliquidated damages for personal or other injuries, unless the person ...
for (3)
... vacation privileges or other special privileges for inefficiency, incompetency, insubordination, ... all dismissals and all suspensions imposed for more than 10 working days or 80 working hours.
for (3)
... published once in each week for three successive weeks ... electoral vote of said City for adoption or rejection at a ... General Laws of this State, for the submission to the ... question of issuing bonds for the aforesaid purposes, and ...
for (6)
Any newsrack box which either remains empty for more than 30 business days or contains only outdated issues based on ... of publication as set forth in the registration application. In case of a labor strike or a temporary and ...
application (1)
business (1)
for (1)
... to and including the 10th day of January next ensuing without any charge for collection, but that four-percent collection fee will be charged and ...
for (2)
... found. The proceeds of such sale, or so much thereof as may be necessary for that purpose, shall be applied to the payment of the assessment, the costs ...
for (2)
... contract, shall be awarded to a responsible bidder in competition. Bids for such contracts shall be opened not less than three days after ...
for (2)
... intention to circulate a petition for submitting said ordinance to the electors for their adoption or rejection as ... their discretion be called by them for that purpose, and such ordinance ...
for (4)
... any agency of the foregoing, for the disposal of sanitary ... water sewage from the City, for a period not to exceed 40 ... shall be declared invalid for want of proper notice. The ... City shall be responsible for any deficit. Such rates, ...
for (5)
... statement of those charges to any person liable for the expenses of the emergency response or, if ... determines that the person is not liable for any or all of the expense of the emergency or ...
for (3)
Tax Levy for Appropriations and City Debt. The Commission shall, by resolution, levy such taxes each year as may ...
for (1)
... without compensation to the owner for all damages to such property ... appropriation of private property for public use, or said damages may be ... to be benefitted, as provided for in this Charter, and all of the ...
for (4)
... shall be jointly and severally responsible with other owners of such dog for compliance with the requirements of this section. No person shall own, ...
for (2)