It shall be the duty and responsibility of each applicant to:
Make a written application for such permit with the Township Clerk on such forms as the Township shall prescribe. No work shall commence until the Township Engineer and/or Township Superintendent of Public Works has approved the application and plan and the applicant has paid and provided all fees, deposits and certificates required by this chapter. The Clerk shall issue a permit within 14 days after receipt of the Township Engineer and/or Township Superintendent of Public Works approval of the permit application and all required fees, deposits and certificates from the applicant.
Include, in the application, information stating the kind, character and purpose of the proposed excavation or opening and such other information as may be reasonably required to fulfill the requirements of this chapter.
Furnish in triplicate a scaled plan showing the location of the work to be performed under said permit. If approved by the Township Engineer and/or Township Superintendent of Public Works, one copy of such plan shall be returned to the applicant at the time the permit is granted.
Obtain a permit for each and every opening.
Agree to save the Township, its officers, employees and agents harmless from any and all costs, damages and liabilities which may accrue or be claimed to accrue by reason of any work performed under said permit. The acceptance of any permit under this chapter shall constitute such an agreement by the applicant whether the same is expressed or not.
Pay a permit and engineering review fee and security deposit in accordance with the requirements of Article V herein.
Furnish a certificate of insurance as required by Article VI of this chapter, or, in the case of a public utility or authority, furnish a self-insurer certificate issued by the Security Responsibility Bureau of the Division of Motor Vehicles, Department of Law and Public Safety, for the State of New Jersey.
Keep the original copy of the permit and an approved copy of the plan in the possession of the party or parties actually doing the work, and, when required, exhibit same to the Township Engineer and/or Township Public Works Superintendent, duly authorized inspectors, or in the instances of county or state highways, to the respective inspectors of these authorities.
Agree to perform the work under said permit in accordance with the regulations established under Article IV herein and such further conditions as may be imposed by the Township Engineer and/or Township Public Works Superintendent.
If it is determined by the Township Engineer and/or Township Superintendent of Public Works that it is necessary, provide a video or photograph of the proposed opening and surrounding areas to protect the Township and adjoining property owners from damages during construction.