Note: Where provisions conflict with the Charter, the Charter shall govern (Part IX, Charter).
Chapter 34: Act of Incorporation Chatham. Extract from General Court Records, Vol 9, pg 207
Chapter 126: Petition of Elisha Hedge and Co. continued to next session
Chapter 18: Petition of Elisha Hedge re: Monomoy Beach heard
Chapter 92: Order granting Joseph Doane permission to keep an Inn
Chapter 164: Resolve remitting the Province Tax of L98.7 to Town of Chatham
Chapter 54: Resolve allowing Prince Gorham to ship fish and onions to the Island of St. Eustatia
Chapter 387: Resolve empowering the Committee of Correspondence of Chatham to detain the schooner Williams belonging to John Prince, a Tory
Chapter 462: Resolves directing delivery to Thomas Ludlow, Jr., of articles from the sloop Ellizabeth
Chapter 73: Resolve granting L600 to the Town of Chatham
Chapter 54: Resolve re: tax abatements in the County of Barnstable, etc., Town of Chatham and others
Chapter 153: Resolve re: purchasing of beef, Town of Chatham and others
Chapter 368: Resolve re: repair of several towns in County of Barnstable
Chapter 379: Resolve directing a committee to go into the towns for the purposes aforementioned
Chapter 79: Resolve re: taxes
Chapter 54: Resolve re: abatement of taxes
Chapter 50: Resolve re: abatement of taxes
Chapter 13: Resolve re: abatement of taxes
Chapter 72A: Order on the petition of the Town of Eastham for a permanent line between Eastham and Chatham
Chapter 8: Resolve on the petition of the Town of Eastham appointing a committee to settle the boundary line between the Towns of Chatham and Eastham
Chapter 95B: Resolve on the petition of inhabitants of certain towns in the County of Barnstable
Chapter 25: An Act incorporating a number of the inhabitants of the towns of Harwich, Dennis and Chatham in the County of Barnstable into a distinct and separate religious society
Chapter 19: An Act extending Chapter 30 of the Acts of 1787 to Chatham re: the regulation of oysters and other shellfish
Chapter 96: Resolve on the petition of the Selectmen of the Town of Chatham re: a committee appointed to establish a line between Orleans and Chatham
Chapter 83: Resolve on the petition of the Selectmen of the Towns of Chatham and Orleans re: fixed boundary between the towns
Chapter 132: An Act to preserve, regulate the Eel Industry in Town of Chatham
Chapter 44: An Act to incorporate Chatham and Harwich Mfg. (cotton, woolen goods) Company
Chapter 11: An Act to incorporate (Proprietors of Chatham Academy)
Chapter 27: An Act to improve Chatham harbor (allowed Towns of Chatham and Orleans to open a passage through Nauset Beach within the limits of the Town of Chatham)
Chapter 30: An Act to incorporate Chatham Marine Insurance Company
Chapter 81: An Act authorizing the County Commissioners for the County of Barnstable to lay out a road and construct a bridge across Frost Fish Creek in Chatham and Wading Place Creek in Chatham and Harwich (the arches over both creeks must be high enough to allow boats and scows to pass under at full sea)
Chapter 19: An Act to incorporate the Chatham Marine Railway.
Chapter 75: An Act to authorize Samuel Young of Chatham to construct a Fish Weir on Nauset Flats
Chapter 88: An Act to authorize Thomas Sparrow and associates to construct a Fish Weir at westerly shore of Monomoy (Stewards Hole)
Chapter 90: Resolves: joint committee formed to investigate boundary lines between the Towns of Chatham, Harwich and Orleans
Chapter 121: An Act to establish the boundary line between the Towns of Harwich and Chatham
Chapter 122: An Act to establish the boundary line between the Towns of Chatham and Orleans
Chapter 96: An Act to authorize the Town of Chatham to take stock in the Cape Cod Central Railroad Company
Chapter 98: An Act to authorize the building of a bridge over Mitchell's River in Chatham. (Construction subject to approval of Harbor Commissioners; Commissioners to build bridge; Town of Chatham pays expense; three years to complete.)
Chapter 130: An Act to authorize the Town of Chatham to construct a bridge across Oyster Pond River
Chapter 70: An Act concerning (validating) the election of Moderator in the Town of Chatham
Chapter 96: An Act to confirm the proceedings of certain Town Meetings held in 1885 (despite defects in the warrant elections not invalid)
Chapter 221: An Act to authorize the Town of Chatham to take stock in a railroad corporation
Chapter 11: Resolve: clerical error in favor of the Overseers of the Poor
Chapter 207: An Act to authorize the Town of Chatham to refund a portion of its debt (empowered for this particular instance to issue bonds, notes or script)
Chapter 37: An Act relative to the Wading Place Bridge between the Towns of Harwich and Chatham
Chapter 491: An Act to incorporate the Eldredge Public Library
Chapter 47: Resolve to authorize the Board of Harbor and Land Commissioners to build certain structures in the vicinity of Stage Harbor in the Town of Chatham
Chapter 90: additional monies for above
Chapter 102: Resolve to authorize the Board of Harbor and Land Commissioners to improve the entrance of Red River in the Town of Chatham
Chapter 54: Resolve to authorize and direct commissioners of Fisheries and Game to take control of the Powder Hole, so called, at Monomoy Point in the Town of Chatham, for the propagation of lobsters
Chapter 524: An Act to authorize the Town of Chatham to build a bridge across Mitchell's River and to borrow money therefor
Chapter 444: An Act to authorize the Town of Chatham to build a bridge across Mitchell's River and to borrow money therefor (increases interest rate on bonds from 4% to 5%)
Chapter 246: An Act to confirm the organization and proceedings of the Chatham Seaside Cemetery Corporation
Chapter 120: Resolve related to the Improvement of Hummarock Beach in the Town of Scituate and Buck's Creek in the Town of Chatham
Resolve relative to the construction of breakwaters and other structures to protect the Town of Chatham from damage by the sea
Chapter 252: An Act to legalize the organization and proceedings of the Union Cemetery Corporation in the Town of Chatham
Chapter 20: An Act to legalize the conveyance of certain cemetery property by the First Congregational Parish in the Town of Chatham (Church gave land to Union Cemetery)
An Act directing Secretary of Commonwealth to furnish certain books and documents to the Town of Chatham: SJC decisions, revised laws, books and documents required by Chapter 9 of revised laws, ballot boxes, etc.
Chapter 208: An Act validating certain acts and proceedings of the Town of Chatham and of its Park Commissioners between June 16, 1921 and April 4, 1923
Chapter 416: An Act authorizing the Town of Chatham to incur indebtedness for schoolhouse and other municipal purposes
Amended Chapter 208, 1923 (see Park Commissioners above)
Chapter 346: An Act to incorporate Chatham Water Company (Note Section 9 states Town may buy CWC)
Chapter 204: An Act providing for forest fire patrol in certain towns in Barnstable County
Chapter 271: An Act relative to appropriations by the Town of Chatham for public amusement (also validates Article 15 of Annual Town Meeting)
Chapter 327: An Act authorizing certain cemetery corporations in the Town of Chatham to transfer the cemeteries and other property and trust funds of said corporations to Town (Union, Seaside, Peoples, South Chatham, Methodist-Episcopal)
Chapter 333: An Act ceding jurisdiction of the United States of America over certain tracts of land in Boston, Quincy, Scituate, Chatham and Town of Nantucket. (for national defense)
Chapter 198: An Act removing certain restrictions on the use of proceeds of bonds issued by Chatham Water Company
Chapter 516: An Act authorizing the Town of Chatham to borrow money for meeting its share of the cost of dredging the present channel or a new channel into Chatham Harbor
Chapter 86: Resolve relative to Stage Harbor improvements: authorized contingent upon congressional approval of federal funds
Chapter 114: An Act authorizing the Town of Chatham to erect a wharf, bulkhead, and fish packing house on certain property in said Town (Chatham Town Wharf)
Chapter 241: An Act authorizing the Town of Chatham to convey a certain portion of the old William Nickerson cemetery in said Town (action taken by Annual Town Meeting validated. Town may convey to John and Idamarie Hallihan a ten-foot section of Nickerson cemetery)
Chapter 52: An Act relative to appropriations by the Town of Chatham for municipal advertising purposes
Chapter 517: An Act providing for harbor improvements at the entrance to Ryders Cove in the Town of Chatham
Chapter 346: An Act authorizing the conveyance by the Commonwealth to the Town of Chatham certain land on Stage Harbor
Chapter 2: An Act increasing the amount the Town of Chatham may appropriate for municipal advertising purposes
Chapter 168: An Act authorizing conveyance by the Commonwealth to the Town of Chatham certain land (Hardings Beach, Morris Island areas)
Chapter 507: An Act authorizing the Shellfish Constable of the Town of Chatham to enforce within said Town certain laws relative to dragging for fish (Shellfish Constable has powers of Natural Resource Officer, MA General Laws Chapter 21)
Chapter 199: An Act authorizing the Town of Chatham to acquire, administer and maintain the property of a cemetery located therein known as Queen Ann Road Baptist Cemetery
Chapter 54: Towns of Barnstable County are authorized to contribute to the establishment and maintenance of the Otis Memorial at Otis Air Force Base
Chapter 734: An Act authorizing the Towns of Brewster, Chatham, Harwich and Orleans to acquire land in the Town of Harwich for the construction and operation of an ice skating rink thereon by the Department of Natural Resources. (Chatham, Brewster and Orleans pay Harwich; Selectmen of Harwich in charge of getting the land; land to be conveyed to Commonwealth; Dept. of Natural Resources will construct and operate rink; Harwich Selectmen must have approval of other towns; Towns pay Harwich Treasurer.)
Chapter 403: An Act authorizing the Town of Chatham to reimburse Nauset Airways, Inc., the amount paid by Nauset Airways Inc., for the construction of an apron in front of the new hanger at Chatham Airport
Chapter 849: Fiscal year of all counties, cities, towns and certain districts changed to conform with Commonwealth's fiscal year
Chapter 346: An Act increasing the amount the Town of Chatham may appropriate for municipal advertising purposes
Chapter 430: An Act providing tenure of office until age 65 for certain officers and members of the police force of the Town of Chatham
Chapter 455: An Act providing that the Town of Chatham Sewer Commission shall be designated and known as the Town of Chatham Water Pollution Control Board
Chapter 322: An Act authorizing the Town of Chatham to establish a revolving fund for the propagation, cultivation, protection and study of shellfish
Chapter 264: An Act establishing the office of Town Treasurer-Collector in the Town of Chatham
Chapter 265: An Act establishing a Municipal Water Department in the Town of Chatham
Chapter 513: An Act which provides for the appointment of the Town Clerk
Chapter 641: An Act establishing an Historic Business District Commission in the Town of Chatham and establishing certain areas as an Historic Business District
Chapter 707: An Act which validated Question 3 of the annual Town election ballot which exempted amounts required to pay for bonds to be issued in order to purchase the water company
Chapter 532: An Act authorizing the Town of Chatham to combine the powers and duties of the Water Commissioners and the Water Pollution Control Board as an appointive body
Chapter 26: An Act authorizing the Department of Veterans Services to pay a certain amount of money to the Town of Chatham for certain veterans benefits paid by said Town ($41,024 maximum)
Chapter 695: An Act validating action taken at a special election in the Town of Chatham (Library: bonding: purchase of land and construction of an addition)
Chapter 369: An Act relative to certain borrowing by the Town of Chatham: for the dredging of Chatham Harbor
Chapter 500: An Act validating a certain act of a Special Town Meeting of the Town of Chatham to allow for the imposition of betterments/laying of water pipes by allowing acceptance at a Special Town Meeting held September 9, 1985 to the same extent as if the acceptance was at an Annual Town Meeting, MA General Laws Chapter 40, §§ 42G to 421, inclusive
Chapter 316: An Act relative to orders of condition for recreational activities at Nauset Beach within the Towns of Orleans and Chatham
Chapter 73: An Act relative to an increase in parking fines in the Town of Chatham (to $25/$30/$35)
Chapter 201: An Act authorizing the Town of Chatham to grant an easement in certain conservation land (for the installation of a well, pumping station, water mains and appurtenances on, through and across five parcels of Town owned lands that were acquired for conservation purposes)
Note: Technical correction made to this Act by Chapter 137 of the Acts of 2000 but still not correct: therefore, a new petition was unanimously adopted at the 2001 ATM and transmitted to the Great and General Court for legislative action. Approved in 2001 as Chapter 151 of the Acts of 2001.
Chapter 137: An Act relative to certain conservation land in the Town of Chatham
Chapter 415: An Act relative to road improvements in the Town of Chatham
Chapter 151: An Act authorizing the Town of Chatham to grant an easement in certain conservation land
Chapter 113: An Act relative to the Historic Business District of the Town of Chatham
Chapter 79: An Act relative to parking fines in the Town of Chatham