[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Niles 9-14-1995 by L.L. No. 5-1995. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Planning Board — See Ch. 34.
Fire prevention and building construction — See Ch. 98.
Flood damage prevention — See Ch. 107.
Mobile homes — See Ch. 135.
Setbacks and lot area — See Ch. 164.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 190.
The intent of this chapter is to provide for the Planning Board review and approval of site plans for certain uses in the Town of Niles for one or more of the following purposes:
Mitigating potentially negative impacts resulting from development of environmentally sensitive areas including floodplains, steep slopes, the lake shore and lake escarpment and other areas as may be designated from time to time by the Town Board.
Achieving an acceptable level of compatibility between new development and existing uses of adjacent land.
Identifying and minimizing adverse effects of development on drainage, traffic, public utilities, surface and ground water quality, wildlife habitat and other natural resources and community services.
Preserving and enhancing visual quality in the town as development occurs.
The following land uses and activities are specifically exempt from site plan review pursuant to this chapter:
Any project, activity or action related to an existing farm or agricultural land use.
Normal maintenance or repair of an existing building, parking area, road, driveway, retaining wall or similar structure.
Uses and structures that are lawfully in existence as of the date this chapter becomes effective.
New construction of a one- or two-family dwelling unit and related accessory structures where the Planning Board considers the proposed site development to have little or no potential for adverse effects on the environment.
The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all construction not exempt in § 170-2.
In reviewing an application for approval of a site plan, the Planning Board will be guided by the existing characteristics and conditions of the site and its surroundings, by any particular design objectives of the applicant and by the quality and distinctiveness of the proposal. Unless modified by the resolution of the Planning Board, the following should be considered acceptable practices. For each site plan development proposal, the Planning Board shall weigh and consider all general standards listed in this section, as applicable, and other specific concerns related to a particular site as may be identified, in writing, by the Board.
Special attention shall be given to proper site drainage so the runoff of stormwater will not adversely affect neighboring properties or produce downstream flooding, or cause excessive turbidity in Owasco Lake or Skaneateles Lake.
Development on erodible soils, or on slopes of greater than 10%, shall be designed to minimize erosion during construction and after construction has been completed.
All placement of buildings shall be in accordance with Chapter 164, Setbacks and Lot Area.
No commercial or industrial building or use shall be located less than 50 feet from the lot line of another property owner. A landscaped buffer strip planted along such lot line may be required by the Planning Board.
[Amended 7-14-2005 by L.L. No. 1-2005]
To preserve visibility at road intersections and enhance safety, nothing higher than three feet shall be located or planted less than 50 feet from the intersection of the road right-of-way lines as shown on the applicant's sketch.
The Planning Board shall be satisfied that an adequate amount of off-street parking will be provided for the proposed use. No off-street parking space shall be less that 10 feet from the road right-of-way.
All loading and unloading areas and outside storage areas, including areas for the storage of trash, which face or are visible from a public road shall be screened from public view by a vertical screen at least six feet in height. A landscape buffer, or a combination of landscaping and fencing, may be used to provide the required screening.
Multiple or extra-wide driveway cuts to provide access to any site shall be avoided in the site design whenever possible. On corner lots the location of the driveway cuts shall be approved by the Planning Board after review and comment, as appropriate, by the Town Highway Superintendent.
Access and circulation plans for vehicular traffic, including roadway and intersection design, traffic controls, signage and lighting, shall be adequate to handle expected traffic volumes.
Exterior lighting, if any, shall be designed and located so that it does not produce glare on adjacent properties and does not impede the vision of traffic on the adjacent roads.
Approval of the type and design of any sewage disposal system shall be obtained from the Cayuga County Health Department.
Insofar as practical, topographic modifications (cut or fill) that will not be in keeping with adjacent land forms shall be avoided.
No offensive noise, traffic, odor, smoke, dust, heat, glare or electrical disturbance shall be produced that cannot be contained inside a building on the site.
All other applicable state, county and local laws and regulations shall be complied with.
Application. For all land use activities specified in § 170-3 of this chapter as requiring site plan review, a request for such approval shall be made on forms provided by the Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Niles.
Site plan requirements.
Each application for the site plan review shall be accompanied by a site plan of the proposed land use activity drawn to a scale of one inch equals 100 feet (another scale may be approved by the Code Enforcement Officer). Such application and site plan shall contain the following information, as applicable:
Name and address of the landowner of record and the applicant, if not the same; scale of the drawing(s); tax map number; and acres in parcel.
An identification map showing the location of the proposed development relative to the local road system. A tax map or USGS map is adequate for this purpose.
Location of the site in relation to abutting properties and road. Show existing property lines, rights-of-way, easements and the names of current owners of adjacent property and property on the opposite side of any road serving the site. County tax records can be used for this information.
Existing buildings and land uses on the site and on the adjacent properties.
Proposed buildings and land uses, including approximate location and design of off-street parking areas, access and egress drives, buffer strips or screening and any proposed new roads to be built.
The location of any areas within the one-hundred-year floodplain.
The location of any areas designated as a wetland by the Department of Environmental Conservation or indicated as being wet on the Soil Survey of Cayuga County of New York, prepared by the United States Soil Conservation Service.
The approximate location of any areas, as shown on the Soil Survey of Cayuga County, where the depth to bedrock is three feet or less.
Indication of existing and proposed topography and drainage systems for the site when this is a consideration (such as hillside property or areas of poor soils). The Planning Board may require that pre- and post-development stormwater runoff calculations be provided.
Proposed water source and sewage disposal system. The Planning Board will require percolation tests, deep holes or Health Department approval of septic systems.
The location and type of any proposed site lighting.
The location, size and design of any proposed sign shall be submitted for Board approval.
Location and type of any proposed site landscaping, including buffer strips and screening, as required.
Brief statement describing the project, the type of building material to be used and the method of operation.
Environmental assessment on the forms provided by the Code Enforcement Officer.
Any of the above site plan requirements may be waived by the Board if circumstances warrant. The Planning Board may request additional information when this is necessary to make an informed judgment about the proposal. Such additional information shall be requested, in writing, after discussion with the applicant.
Plan approval.
Hearing. Before a decision is made on an application for the site plan approval, the Planning Board shall hold a public hearing on such application. Such hearing shall be held within 45 days from the date the complete application is submitted to the Board and shall be duly advertised. Notice of such hearing shall be provided by mail to all adjacent property owners.
[Amended 10-12-2017 by L.L. No. 3-2017]
Decision. Within 45 days from the date of the hearing, or from the date an application is submitted to the Board, if no hearing is held, a decision to approve, with or without modification, or disapprove the application shall be made by the Board. Such forty-five-day period may be extended by mutual consent of the applicant and the Board.
At the conclusion of the site plan review, the applicant will draft a final plan which will be submitted to the Board for approval and placement in the records of the the Town of Niles. The Board may require the final plan to be prepared by a professional engineer or architect.
Environmental determination. In reviewing an application for approval of a site plan, the Board shall make a determination on the environmental impact of the proposal in accordance with the provisions of Part 617 of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law. A long-form environment assessment or an environmental impact statement may be required by the Board before an environmental assessment is made.
Building and use permit. When an application for approval of a site plan has been approved in accordance with the revisions of this chapter, with or without modification, a building and use permit shall be issued by the Code Enforcement Officer if there is also compliance with all other state, county and local code requirements. All required modifications established as a result of the site plan review procedure shall be conditions of building and use permit.
Performance guaranty. The Board may require the applicant to provide a performance guaranty to assure that the proposed project will be completed in accordance with the provisions and conditions of the approved site plan. The type and the amount shall be determined by the Town Board.
Fee. The application fee for site plan approval shall be as set forth in the fee schedule of the Town of Niles.[1]
Editor's Note: The fee schedule is on file in the town offices.
Any person, firm, corporation or other party violating the provisions of this chapter, or who shall build in violation of any detailed statement of specifications or plans submitted and approved pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, shall be deemed guilty of an offense punishable by a fine of not exceeding $250 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 15 days, or to both such fine and imprisonment, for each and every violation and for each and every week that such violation continues.
[Amended 3-9-2000 by L.L. No. 2-2000]
In addition to other penalties, the Town of Niles may institute any appropriate action or proceeding to prevent the unlawful erection, construction, alteration or use of any building or land in violation of the requirements of this chapter.
Any person aggrieved by any decision of the Town of Niles Board or any officer, department or board of the Town of Niles may apply to the Niles Board of Appeals. Such proceedings shall be instituted within 30 days after the filing of a decisions in the office of the Town Clerk.
The Town Board may, on its own motion, on petition or on recommendation of the Planning Board, after public notice and hearing, amend this chapter pursuant to all applicable requirements of the law.
All proposed amendments originating by petition, or by motion of the Town Board, shall be referred to the Planning Board for report and recommendation therein. The Planning Board shall submit its report within 30 days after receiving such referral. Failure of the Board to report within the required thirty-day time period shall be deemed to constitute a recommendation for approval of the proposed amendment.
[Added 3-10-2022 by L.L. No. 1-2022]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A building comprising a place of residence to be occupied exclusively by no more than one family.
A building comprising a place of residence to be occupied exclusively by no more than two families.
Any number of individuals related by blood, marriage or adoption, or not more than five unrelated individuals 18 years of age or older, living together as a single housekeeping unit sharing one common kitchen facility.