[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Eagles Mere 4-2-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-01.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Ch. 17, Historical and Museum Commission, adopted 10-7-1996 by Ord. No. 115, as amended.
There is hereby established a Eagles Mere Historical and Museum Board of Directors of the Eagles Mere Museum (hereinafter the "Board") to carry out the duties set forth in this chapter and to carry out other duties related to the Eagles Mere Museum as assigned and directed by the Borough Council. The Eagles Mere Museum shall consist of the Museum Gallery, the Museum Shop, the archives and second floor gallery and other facilities and activities as authorized by the Council and may hereinafter be referenced together as the "Museum."
The Board shall be composed of not less than five nor more than 15 members and shall be appointed by the Borough Council.
[Amended 10-6-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-02]
Board members shall be appointed for three-year terms and shall serve overlapping terms to provide continuity on the Board. Board members may serve successive terms.
Within six months of appointment of the initial Board, the Board shall prepare, adopt and submit to the Council for final approval a comprehensive set of bylaws which shall conform with this chapter and shall include:
Board operating policies and procedures.
Officers and election of officers.
Meetings: scheduling and rules of conduct.
Policies and procedures on finances.
Procedure for amending bylaws.
Any amendments to the Board's bylaws shall be made in accordance with the Board's initial bylaws and shall be submitted to the Council for final approval.
The Board and Museum shall operate upon a calendar year budget cycle. A proposed budget for the upcoming year for the Board and Museum shall be submitted by the Board to the Council for review and final approval no later than October 1 of the preceding year.
The funds received from gifts and donations and funds appropriated by the Borough Council to the Museum shall be held by the Council in a special Borough account and used solely for the operation and maintenance of the Museum and for the care of ancient landmarks and artifacts, as well as the purchase thereof. The Board shall have no power to expend any of these funds, except as approved in the annual budget, without those funds first being appropriated by the Council by ordinance, resolution or approved motion in a public meeting. Any expenditure which causes or could cause a budgeted line item to be exceeded or any changes to or transfer of funds between budgeted line items must be approved by the Council at a public meeting in advance of said expenditure or transfer.
The Borough's Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer shall write and sign checks from the Museum special account to pay the expenses of the Museum in accordance with procedures approved by the Borough Council. At its discretion, the Council may authorize the establishment of a separate operating account for the Museum and establish policies and procedures for use and administration of the account.
The Board shall operate the Museum on behalf of the Borough Council in accordance with an operating agreement executed between the Council and the Board. Within six months of appointment of the initial Board, the Board shall prepare, adopt and submit to the Council for final approval an operating agreement which shall conform with this chapter and shall include procedures for the operation and maintenance of the Museum. The operating agreement shall include rules and regulations specifying when and under what conditions the Museum and its property will be open to the public and to students or other groups and individuals studying the historical and cultural aspects of the artifacts and displays in the Museum.
All employees of the Museum shall be Borough employees and shall be supervised by the Board in accordance with the operating agreement. All positions at the Museum, the employees employed in those positions and the terms of employment shall be approved by the Council. All positions at the Museum will have a job description developed by the Board and approved by the Council, which description shall be an appendix to the operating agreement. All employees of the Museum will be at will employees of the Borough and shall serve at the pleasure of the Council.
All artifacts, archival material and items donated to or purchased by the Council or the Board for the Museum shall be the property of the Borough and shall be entrusted to the custody and control of the Board on behalf of the Borough. Any sale or disposal of artifacts, archival material or items shall be in accordance with the Borough Code and other applicable law. Any sale or disposal of an artifact or item with an estimated fair market value of $1,000 or more shall be approved by the Council at a public meeting in advance of the sale or disposal.
The Board shall have the responsibility and authority to:
Maintain ancient landmarks and other property of historical or antiquarian interest located in the Borough of Eagles Mere, acquired by the Borough of Eagles Mere or committed to the care, custody or control of the Borough of Eagles Mere by the owner of the landmark or property of historical or antiquarian interest.
Seek technical assistance provided by the Pennsylvania State Historical Commission when maintaining ancient landmarks and other property of historical or antiquarian interest located in the Borough of Eagles Mere.
Operate and maintain a museum in the Eagles Mere Borough and receive and accept on behalf of the Eagles Mere Borough gifts and donations of money and historical artifacts for the use of and in such museum.
Exercise exclusive custody and control of all ancient landmarks, property of historical significance or antiquarian interest and control the museum property committed to it by the Eagles Mere Borough Council or under the supervision of the Pennsylvania State Historical Commission.
Carry out the terms of this chapter and other such duties related to the Museum approved by the Borough Council.