[Adopted 3-5-1997 by Ord. No. 458-97]
To establish guidelines for the Municipality of Murrysville to operate within the principles of equal employment opportunity and affirmative action guidelines set forth in federal, state and local laws and regulations.
Affirmative action is an essential part of a modern, merit-based, personnel system. The Municipality of Murrysville subscribes to this philosophy and is committed to acting without regards to race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age or mental or physical disability status in all of its personnel administration activities. including employment selection procedures; promotions; training; transfers; lay-offs; compensation; and conditions of employment. The Chief Administrator is responsible for administering this policy.
The objectives of the policy in regards to municipal employment shall be:
Proportionate representation of protected groups;
Distribution of protected groups throughout department and job categories;
Elimination of biased or discriminatory personnel selection procedures;
Provide encouragement and skills training in improving the promotion ability of protected group members currently in the municipal work force;
Communicate to the general public and various personnel recruitment sources the Municipality's status as an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer;
Make a good-faith effort to appoint protected group members to municipal boards and commissions.
It shall be the responsibility of the Chief Administrator to administer this policy.