The construction of any new sidewalks or curbs and the repairing of any existing sidewalks or curbs in the Township of North Coventry, Chester County, Pennsylvania, shall be done in conformance with the following specifications, regulations and/or provisions.
The grade to which every curb, gutter, or sidewalk shall be hereafter laid, constructed or repaired, other than that established in an approved subdivision plan, shall be that fixed and designated by the Township Engineer representing the Board of Supervisors of the Township of North Coventry, Chester County, Pennsylvania.
The space between the street side of the curb to the street side of the paved edge of the sidewalk shall be five feet and the sidewalk paved width shall be four feet in all new developments or street construction. In existing developed sections of the Township, and where sidewalks have been constructed prior to the date of this article, existing conditions shall be taken into consideration by the Township of North Coventry in applying the width and location regulations.
Finished sidewalks and curbs shall have a grade from the inner edge of the sidewalk to the outer edge of the curbs of 1/4 inch to the foot.
All work done hereunder shall be inspected by the Township Engineer, or Township-authorized representative, representing the Board of Supervisors of the Township of North Coventry, Chester County, Pennsylvania.
It shall be the duty of the owners of the land abutting upon any curbs and/or sidewalks to keep them clear so that they may not be or become dangerous to the welfare and safety of the traveling public. It shall hereafter be unlawful to allow the growth of any trees to extend to a height of seven feet or less over the sidewalk which could interfere with the safety of the traveling public on all public sidewalks at all times. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to place the responsibility of determining when sidewalks may become dangerous to the welfare and safety of the traveling public upon the Township. At all times such responsibility shall be solely upon the property owner whose land abuts the curb or sidewalk.
No open gutters for conducting rainwater or drainage of any kind will be permitted to run over top of the sidewalk or curbs. All underground rain conductors shall be of pipe material such as cast iron, wrought iron, clay or approved plastics, constructed under the sidewalk and through the curb to the gutter.
No persons or person, firm or corporation shall construct or repair any sidewalk, curb or gutters without first applying for and obtaining from the Building Codes or Code Enforcement Departments of the Township of North Coventry, Chester County Pennsylvania, a permit for the same use.
The application for such permit shall set forth:
The full name and address of the owners of the land affected;
The name and address of the contractor or the person to perform the work;
The precise location of the property upon which the work is to be done;
The length of the proposed project;
Contractor's compliance with Workers' Compensation Act of 1990, as amended, if applicable; and
Such other pertinent information as may be considered necessary to process this permit.
No permit will be required for new curbing, gutters or sidewalk to be constructed in an approved subdivision which is to be installed by the developer.
The cost of obtaining a permit to repair existing curbs, gutters and sidewalks shall be as determined by resolution of the Board of Supervisors from time to time.
All curbs and sidewalks as well as all driveways over sidewalks shall be constructed of monolithic concrete. Said concrete shall develop a compressive strength of 4,000 pounds per square inch (psi) in 28 days. Certification of the concrete mix shall be furnished, if required by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of North Coventry, Chester County.
Curbs shall be made to the following specifications: The curbs shall have a depth of not less than 18 inches and shall be eight inches thick at the base and seven inches thick at the top. Curbs shall be constructed with an eight-inch reveal and shall rest on a compacted bed of AASHTO No. 57 (PADOT 2B) crushed stone of a depth of not less than four inches.
Sidewalks shall not be less than four inches in thickness and shall rest on a compacted bed of AASHTO No. 57 (PADOT 2B) crushed stone of a depth of not less than four inches. For width and location of sidewalks see § 312-28.
Mortar shall be used only in case of patching honey-combed concrete and then shall be one part cement and two parts of sand or its equal.
Sidewalk shall have clean cut joints, a minimum one inch deep, every five linear feet, and expansion joints every 30 linear feet or less, at structures, and at the end of a day's work. Curbs shall have clean cut joints, a minimum two inches deep, every 10 linear feet, and expansion joints every 60 linear feet or less, at structures, and at the end of a day's work. Expansion joints shall be 1/2 inch wide with premolded expansion joint filler. Expansion joint material shall also be placed between any curb and driveway apron. All sidewalks shall have a float finish, except that any sidewalk on a grade of 10% or greater shall have a broom finish.
Driveways over sidewalks shall be at least six inches thick and shall include six-inch-by-six-inch by-ten-gauge welded wire fabric. Driveways over sidewalks shall be constructed to rest on a compacted bed of AASHTO No. 57 (PADOT 2B) crushed stone of a depth of not less than four inches. Widths shall be a minimum of 10 feet for single driveways and 20 feet for double driveways, except as approved otherwise by the Board of Supervisors.
All joints between curb and bituminous pavement shall be sealed with AC-20.
If the owner of any property neglects to perform such duty so required of him, the Road Master may serve written notice upon such owner requiring him to do what is necessary. The notice provided for in this section may be served on the property owner by leaving the same at his place of residence or, if he has no residence in the Township of North Coventry, then by posting the same on the premises and mailing a copy thereof to the owner at his last known address. If such property owner fails to comply with the requirements of such notice within 30 days from the date of its service, the Township of North Coventry may make the necessary repairs or remove any obstruction. The cost of the same, together with a penalty of 10%, shall be paid by the delinquent owner and may be collected by action of assumpsit, or the Township may file a municipal lien against the property.
Any person or persons, firm or corporation constructing or repairing sidewalks, curbs or gutters or planting trees in violation of any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof before a Magisterial District Judge, be subject to a penalty of not less than $600 nor more than $1,000 for each and every offense, and costs of prosecution, and, upon default in the payment of said fine and costs, shall be imprisoned for a period not exceeding 30 days in the Montgomery County Prison.
Any and all terms, conditions, specifications, or requirements of this article shall be consistent with the terms, conditions, standards, and specifications as may be established by or in accordance with the American Disabilities Act or any codes, regulations, standards,, specifications, administrative requirements, etc., as may be adopted by the appropriate and authorized agencies to implement the terms and conditions of said Act or any amendments thereto as may be hereinafter adopted or implemented by any federal, state, or county regulatory agency as if said standards, conditions, regulations, codes or requirements were incorporated herein at length.