[HISTORY: Derived from the Charter and Ordinances, 1974, of the City of Buffalo as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
City-owned vehicles — See Ch. 53.
Ambulances and ambulance drivers — See Ch. 72.
Moving of buildings — See Ch. 107.
Enforcement — See Ch. 137.
Transportation of flammable liquids — See Ch. 186.
Gasoline — See Ch. 219.
Transportation of hazardous materials — See Ch. 235, Art. II.
Naming of streets, parks and public buildings — See Ch. 286.
Parking and parking lots — See Ch. 307.
Police and fire vehicles — See Ch. 345.
Railroads — See Ch. 352.
Snow removal operations — See Ch. 404.
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 413.
Taxicabs and liveries — See Ch. 437.
Sale of tires — See Ch. 449.
Tow trucks — See Ch. 454.
Trailers — See Ch. 459.
Sale of vehicles — See Ch. 475.
Wharves, harbors and bridges — See Ch. 495.