Application for a building permit shall be as prescribed by and shall contain all plans and documents required by the Town Building Code, as well as the fee required under Article XI hereof.
An incomplete application for a building permit may not be accepted for review.
Approval of an application for a building permit shall be by the Town Building Inspector.
A building permit shall be issued by the Town Building Inspector.
A building permit shall become valid on the date of issuance.
Before any unimproved building lot can be cleared or filled, or both, 24 hours' notice must be given to the Town Building Inspector prior to starting site work.
[Added 12-9-1988 by Ord. No. 216]
On any lot to be filled, reasonable measures shall be taken to prevent filling any existing drainage ditches or swales around the lot lines or along the street.
Any silt fence or barricade needed to prevent soil erosion while construction proceeds will be installed as directed by the Town Building Inspector.
Any ditches or swales that are covered or filled while clearing or filling of the lot in preparation for construction shall be cleared of such debris before a building permit will be issued.
In all cases where operation or work is being performed under a building permit, before the start of any construction that permit shall be conspicuously displayed upon that part of the site of such operation or work which is closest to a street or public highway, so that such said poster shall be visible to the general public at all times during the duration of the permit.
[Added 2-15-2008 by Ord. No. 433]
A building permit shall be valid for a period of 18 months beginning on the date of issuance.
Extension of time on a valid building permit may be issued in accordance with the Town Building Code.
Any construction authorized by a valid building permit not completed at the time of expiration of the permit and any extensions is hereby declared a violation of this Part 3.
All construction authorized by a valid building permit shall comply with all material and construction method requirements of the Town Building Code.
All construction shall comply with the Town Zoning Code,[1] Subdivision Code,[2] Flood Insurance Code and all other applicable Town ordinances.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 425, Zoning.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 410, Subdivision of Land.
All construction for new dwellings, authorized by a valid building permit, will require a foundation survey, to be conducted by a licensed surveyor, prior to construction of framing, in order to ensure that the building will not violate the applicable setback requirements.
[Added 6-20-1986 by Ord. No. 174]
A rigid trash/refuse container, approved by the Building Inspector to be of sufficient size and strength to hold construction debris and other associated trash, is required to be located at the site of all new construction. Provision of the container and the collection of trash from the same shall be the sole responsibility of the person(s) that signs the application for a Town building permit.
[Added 5-18-1990 by Ord. No. 246]