The schedule of sewer rates for the public sanitary sewer is adopted by resolution of the Township of White by separate sewer district. The schedule of sewer rates by sewer district may be changed from time to time by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.[1]
Editor's Note: The fee schedule is on file in the Township office.
All bills for services furnished by the Township will be based on the published rate schedule of the Township. Each residential premises will be subject to a fixed charge for sewer service as determined in the rate schedule of the Township. Commercial accounts will be subject to the base rate plus usage charge. The charge for sewage services in all cases where more than one premises is served through a service line connection shall be determined as follows:
The total charge per service line connection shall be equal to the number of premises served times the prevailing rate as set forth in the schedule of sewer rates.[1]
Editor's Note: The fee schedule is on file in the Township office.
Each premises so served shall be charged equally a rate as established hereafter.
This regulation shall apply regardless of whether a business may be owned by a customer also receiving sewer service through the same service line connection, or two or more premises located in one building or in different buildings, the ownership of the property or business not being significant.
Bills for said sewer service shall be rendered by and in the manner and in the form prescribed by the Township or its duly designated agent. All bills for sewer service shall be rendered to the owner of the premises to which sewer service is furnished, and such owner shall in all cases be liable for payment of such bills. For commercial accounts only, should the owner be absent from the premises and, therefore, or for any other reason, desire that the Township conduct business directly with the tenant of each premises, he must first provide the Township with the written agreement of the tenant. However, neither this section nor any other provision in these rules and regulations shall be construed to relieve the particular premises from encumbrance by municipal lien for failure of the owner or tenant to pay the charges required herein. The Township will honor existing billing agreements for residential accounts that are under such a billing agreement at the time of adoption of this ordinance until such time a new tenant is contracted or the existing tenant defaults on payment. When either of these events occur, the bills will be sent directly to the owner.
The Township or its duly designated agent shall collect and receive all sewer rates and charges prescribed by this article. All such monies shall be deposited to the credit of a special fund, designated the "White Township Sewer Fund," which shall at all times be a separate and distinct fund of the Township of White.
Sewer charges imposed by this article shall be due and payable immediately upon receipt of the bill and shall be paid not later than the due date appearing on the bill. Said charges shall be subject to a six-percent penalty if not paid on or before the due date. If not paid within 30 days after the due date on the bill, the charge, plus the penalty, shall bear interest at the rate of 1/2% per month or any fraction thereof until paid.
The sewer rates imposed by this article shall become effective immediately upon passage of this article; provided, however, no charges shall be made until actual service is rendered or March 1, 1965, whichever is earlier.
All bills are payable to any office or payment agency of the Township in accordance with directions imprinted on the said bills.
The Township will compile bills regularly, either monthly or quarterly at its option, and bills will be rendered as soon as practicable after the compilation. Payment of bills shall be due in accordance with the directions imprinted thereon.
Abatements of sewer charges shall comply with the following:
Any customer desiring an abatement from sewer charges for a single-family residence due to vacancy, other than death or a permanent move to another residence, shall give written notice to the office of the Township. Such notice shall be received at the office of the Township at the time the vacancy occurs. When a vacancy is properly reported, an allowance may be made for the period of the vacancy, but not for a period less than one billing quarter (January 1 through March 31; April 1 through June 30; July 1 through September 30 and October 1 through December 31). It shall be the responsibility of the customer to notify the Township of reoccupancy of the residence. The Township reserves the right to inspect the property at any reasonable time during the term of the vacancy, to request from the customer additional documentation in support of the vacancy application and/or reject the vacancy application.
A vacancy of a single-family, owner-occupied residence due to death of the owner or due to a permanent move to another residence by the owner shall not be considered an abatement, but rather a temporary discontinuance of service. For billing purposes, the date of the vacancy shall be adjusted to either the 15th or the last day of the month in which the vacancy occurs, whichever is closer to the actual date of vacancy. Service shall be reestablished upon transfer or reoccupancy of the premises. It shall be the responsibility of the former owner, or his agent, to report such transfer to the Township.
Any owner of a mobile home park desiring an abatement from sewer charges due to vacancies shall give written notice to the office of the Township. Such notice shall be received at the office of the Township on or before the 15th day of the third month of the billing quarter (i.e., March 15, June 15, September 15 or December 15) for which the abatement is being requested. When a vacancy is properly reported, an allowance may be made for the period of vacancy, but not for a period of less than one billing quarter (January 1 through March 31; April 1 through June 30; July 1 through September 30 and October 1 through December 31). The notice shall list all vacant units and the dates of vacancy of each such unit. The Township reserves the right to bill the owner of mobile home parks full occupancy if a proper notice is not received by the dates listed above.