[Adopted 12-9-2008 by Ord. No. 4168-08[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance repealed former Art. I, Depositing Wastes in Waters, adopted 11-27-1973 by Ord. No. 1378 as Ch. 90, Art. IV, of the 1973 Code, as amended.
No person, firm or corporation shall place, discharge or deposit by any process or in any manner any offal, food, paper, wood or any waste material in any slip, basin, bay, lagoon, river, stream, channel or other water in or of this Township.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 501, Waterway Control, § 501-20, Garbage disposal.
No person, firm or corporation shall permit or suffer any boat to be tied up, docked or kept at his or its premises, on which boat one or more persons stay, if:
Any waste material is or shall be discharged from said boat or by its occupant or occupants into or upon any of the waters of this Township; or
Any condition is caused by the maintenance of said boat at said location which is either dangerous to the health of, or interferes with the comfort of, any human being residing or being in the vicinity.
Any person convicted of violating any of the provisions of Article I of this chapter shall suffer a penalty of $500 for each such violation.