[Adopted 9-24-2002 ATM]
The purpose of this article shall be to promote the public health and welfare relating to the removal of dog litter from public property or the private property of another, as hereinafter defined. Public property shall include Town-owned parks, recreation areas, playfields, school grounds, sidewalks, easements, rights-of-way, and the traveled portion of public streets and highways. The private property of another shall include any property owned or occupied by a person or persons who are not members of the family of the owner or keeper of or person then walking or otherwise responsible for a dog.
If any dog shall defecate upon any public property, or the private property of another, the owner or keeper of, or person then walking or otherwise responsible for, said dog shall immediately remove or cause to be removed from the property all feces deposited by said dog. Unless such feces are removed, the owner or keeper of, or person then walking or otherwise responsible for, the dog (or if said owner, keeper, or person shall be a minor, then his or her parent or guardian) shall be deemed to have committed a punishable offense.
Any violation of this article shall be punishable by a fine of $50.
The provisions of this article shall not apply to guide dogs accompanying a blind person.