All signs shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of the Butler Building Code (BOCA)[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 112, Building Construction. and the provisions of this chapter. Where provisions of this chapter conflict with the Building Code, the provisions of this chapter shall take precedence. Signs may be erected only when in compliance with the regulations contained in this Article.
All signs shall be constructed of durable materials and maintained in good condition. The Zoning and Code Management Officer may require the owner of a sign to repair it if in the Officer's opinion it has become dilapidated. If the sign is not repaired after 30 days from the date written notice to repair has been sent, the Zoning and Code Management Officer may order it removed within a period of 30 additional days.
Freestanding signs shall be considered as structures for purposes of locating on a property except that they may be placed in a front yard between side yard lines.
No sign shall be permitted to be placed upon the roof of any structure or to project above the cornice or eave line of any structure.
No animated signs, signs illuminated by a flashing, pulsating or intermittent source or signs lighted in such a manner to create glare conditions on adjacent properties or any adjacent highway shall be permitted.
Signs in residential, office and all commercial zones may be lighted, provided that the light source is hidden from the view of observers on adjacent public streets or adjacent properties and no reflected glare occurs on adjacent roads or properties.
Building permits shall be required for all signs.
Temporary signs in the public interest may be approved by the Zoning and Code Management Officer for erection in accordance with the requirements of this chapter for a period not to exceed 30 days.
Sign areas indicated in the following sections are for each side if a sign is two-sided. The area shall include all portions of the sign actually conveying a message.
Permitted types of signs. The following types of signs shall be permitted in the R-1, R-2 and R-3 Districts:
Identification of property sign, limited to name and address of occupant or nature of home occupation, not more than two square feet in area.
Signs advertising property for sale or rent, indicating only the owner's or broker's name, address and phone number, provided that the total sign area does not exceed six square feet.
Signs identifying public or semipublic institutions and activities carried on by them, not over 30 square feet in area.
Temporary signs advertising the seasonal sale of products limited to two signs on any property, to be removed when sales are terminated each season, not more than two square feet in area.
Development signs not more than 30 square feet in area, giving directions to or located on areas under development and indicating the name, address and phone number of the developing agency, the name of the development and the number of lots available only, such signs to be removed within 30 days, after sale of the last lot in the development.
Artisans' signs indicating name, address, phone number and type of service performed by contractor, to be removed not more than 30 days after the structure on which the artisan is employed is completed and not more than six square feet in area.
For apartment buildings or buildings other than dwellings, a single identification sign not exceeding six square feet in area and indicating only the name and address of the building. The name of the management may be displayed.
Location of signs.
Signs shall be placed only in the area between the front wall of the building and the adjacent street and/or side wall and the adjacent street if on a corner lot. Signs shall be either freestanding on their own post or on a private lamppost or attached to the building or a fence. One sign shall be allowed on each street frontage.
Not more than four development signs on a tract to be or which is already subdivided or on other properties where such signs give directions to or otherwise advertise the development shall be permitted.
Illumination. No sign in a residential district shall be illuminated except signs identifying public or semipublic institutions, provided that such lighting is from a hidden source.
Signs of commercial or professional businesses other than a home occupation in a residential zone.
Permitted types. Permitted types of signs shall be signs identifying businesses on the same property as the business advertised.
Permitted kinds of signs. Permitted kinds of signs shall be signs applied flat to a wall surface, abutting a street on the building containing the business or freestanding signs or projecting signs not extending into a public right-of-way.
Size of signs. Signs shall not exceed in area 10% of the wall surface to which attached, including openings in the wall or 30 square feet, whichever is greater. Freestanding or projecting signs shall not exceed three square feet in area.
Location of signs. Wall signs shall be placed in the area over first floor windows and doors but below the sills of second floor windows, roof eaves or tops of parapet walls, whichever is lower.
Illumination of signs. Signs shall be illuminated only from within the sign or by a source that is not visible from adjacent streets or properties.
Permitted content of signs. The following types of signs shall be permitted in the C-2 District:
Signs identifying the name and type of business on the same property as the business identified.
Signs identifying the name and type of business in the C-2 District but not on the same property as the business identified.
Permitted kinds of signs. The following kinds of signs shall be permitted in the C-2 District:
Signs applied to or painted on a wall surface or a window surface.
Signs attached to and projecting from a building wall.
Signs attached to a marquee.
A freestanding sign on its own structure not attached to a building or marquee.
Size of signs.
Plans for all signs or art work painted on a wall surface shall be presented to the City Planning Commission and Council for approval if the area of the sign exceeds 12 square feet.
Signs applied flat to a wall surface shall not project more than 12 inches from the wall to which attached and shall not exceed in area 10% of the wall face, including openings in the wall.
[Amended 6-16-1988 by Ord. No. 1308]
A projecting sign shall not extend more than four feet at its furthest point from the building wall to which attached. Such signs shall not exceed in area on any face 75 square feet.
A sign attached to a marquee shall be applied to the vertical side and/or front edges only. A marquee shall not extend closer than three feet to the street curb in front of the building to which the sign is attached. One sign per business occupying the building not more than one foot in height may be attached to the underside of a marquee but no sign may be placed on top of a marquee.
A freestanding sign shall not be greater than 75 square feet in area on any one face of the sign device, nor more than total of 150 square feet on all faces. No freestanding sign shall exceed in height 20 feet, measured from the topmost point of the sign to the ground level of the sign support.
[Amended 6-16-1988 by Ord. No. 1308]
The entire area of a sign device, not including the structure that supports it, shall be measured in computing the sign's area.
Location of signs.
Signs applied that to a wall surface shall not project above or beyond the edges of the wall to which attached.
A sign identifying businesses in basement or upper floor premises of a building, limited to one sign per building regardless of the number of such occupants, may be applied flat to the building wall adjacent to the entrance for such businesses or may, alternatively, be hung from the wall adjacent to the entrance, extending not more than 18 inches from the face of the wall and containing not more than four square feet of area on each face.
Marquees and freestanding signs shall be located so the lowest point on the edge or face is at least 10 feet off the pavement below.
The support of a freestanding or projecting sign shall be entirely outside any public right-of-way.
The faces of such signs may extend not more than four feet into the public right-of-way, provided that there is a clearance of at least 10 feet over a pedestrian way and 15 feet over a vehicular way.
On a property abutting a residential zone district a freestanding or projecting sign shall be set back as for a structure. (See § 260-60).
Illumination. Any sign that is lighted shall be illuminated from within unless the light source is so located as to be not visible from any public street or from any adjacent or nearby property.
Signs attached to or hung from a structure or freestanding signs shall be removed by the sign owner when the business which the sign identifies has left the premises. Removal of stock, furniture and/or fixtures will indicate that the premises have been vacated and that the sign and supporting hardware including chains, brackets, etc., should be removed. Such a sign may be sold to a successor occupant of the premises for his use but proof shall be provided to the Zoning and Code Management Officer that such sale has taken place, and the sign shall not be structurally altered except to make it less nonconforming. A sign painted on a wall shall be painted out to blend with the background wall surface color after the business the sign advertises has been discontinued.
A business may move its sign, if conforming, for use at its new location if in the C-2 District.
Permitted types of signs. The following types of signs shall be permitted in the C-1, M-1 and M-2 Districts:
Any sign permitted in the residential districts.
Signs identifying businesses or industry on the same property as the business or industry advertised.
Signs advertising goods or services not produced on the same property as the sign. Billboards are specifically excluded in all areas except Industrial Districts M-1 and M-2.
Size and kind of signs.
[Amended 6-4-1992 by Ord. No. 1371]
A projecting sign, at right angles to the wall surface and extending not more than three feet at its farthest point from the building to which attached shall be permitted. Such signs shall not exceed 50 square feet in area.
Signs flat against a wall surface shall not exceed 10% of the area of the wall to which attached, including all openings in the wall, and shall not project above or beyond the wall surface at any point.
Freestanding signs and billboards shall not exceed 300 square feet in area. The top of such a sign shall be not more than 25 feet in height above the average ground level below the sign. If lighted, such signs shall not face or partially face any dwelling in a residential zone district less than 300 feet from the sign.
Portable signs shall not exceed 30 square feet in area, shall not extend into any public right-of-way and shall not be located on any property as a sign for a period exceeding 60 days. A portable sign shall only be permitted when the business or organization advertised on the sign has no other sign on the property. A portable sign is one that is capable of being towed on its own wheels, but removal of the wheels will not change the sign's status as a portable sign.
Location if signs.
Only one projecting, one wall face and one freestanding sign shall be allowed an any property. All signs shall be either on the face of the building abutting or facing the street to which the property has its principal access or in the area between the building and such street. If the property abuts two or more streets, two signs of each kind shall be permitted, one of each facing one street and one of each facing a second street.
[Amended 6-4-1992 by Ord. No. 1371]
Signs projecting at right angles to a wall surface and over an area established for public pedestrian use shall not extend to less than 10 feet above the pedestrian way or if over an area established for vehicular use shall not extend to less than 14 feet six inches above the pavement.
Freestanding signs and billboards shall maintain a 300 foot lateral buffer zone from any existing residence and no such sign shall be nearer than 50 feet to the property line where it abuts a residential property. No such sign is permitted that shall create a traffic or pedestrian hazard or an obstruction to adjoining properties.
Permitted types of signs. The following types of signs shall be permitted in the R-O District:
Any sign permitted in residential districts.
Signs identifying business on the same property as the business.
Size of signs.
Residential signs shall comply with requirements for signs in residential districts.
Signs identifying businesses shall not exceed 30 square feet in area and illumination, if any, shall be provided in such a manner that the light source is hidden from direct view by observers on adjacent properties or streets.
Location of signs. Only one sign of each type permitted shall be allowed on any property, except that where a property abuts two public streets, two signs of each type shall be permitted.
Persons desiring to erect a sign or signs shall apply to the Zoning and Code Management Officer and submit a plan of their proposal indicating the location of the sign on the property, showing dimensions to property lines, the dimensions of the sign, including height aboveground, the content of the message and construction details indicating materials to be used and method of attachment to the building or the ground, including guying. The Zoning and Code Management Officer shall issue a building permit if all applicable parts of this chapter are adhered to.
For any sign that projects into a public right-of-way, the owner shall maintain, throughout the life of the sign in place, liability insurance holding the City harmless from any claims of injury or damage resulting from failure of the sign, whether or not the fault of the owner. The Zoning and Code Management Officer shall be assured that the insurance is in force prior to issuing a permit for erection of the sign, and he shall inspect the sign after erection to make sure it has been properly supported. The foregoing shall be used in conjunction with Chapter 232, Article V of the City Code but shall supersede in the case of conflict with Chapter 232, Article V.
[Added 6-27-2024 by Ord. No. 1822]
The City hereby approves the erection of up to 12 signs within the Rotary Arts and Cultural District to designate and promote the existence of the Rotary Arts and Cultural District. All such signs shall be the property of the City. The City may in its sole discretion enter into a maintenance agreement with one or more community organizations for the general repair, maintenance, and upkeep of the signs. As City property, the City shall retain final control over the signs, including, but not limited to, decisions regarding the relocated, removal, and replacement of the signs.
[Added 6-27-2024 by Ord. No. 1822]
The above-referenced signs shall meet with specifications listed below.
[Added 6-27-2024 by Ord. No. 1822]
The City may permit advertising to be displayed on the signs. The proceeds of any such advertising shall be used to off-set the costs associated with the installation, maintenance, repair, replacement, removal, and other general expenses associated with the signs.