[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Sand Lake 4-8-1992; amended in its entirety at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I). Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Department of Public Works — See Ch. 42.
The Town Highway Superintendent is authorized to issue permits, revocable for cause, for highway crossings and for the laying of drainage, sewer and water pipes across town highways; provided, however, that such permits shall be issued in duplicate, one of which shall be filed in the office of the Town Superintendent of Highways and the second of which shall be filed in the office of the County Superintendent of Highways.
In case the applicant shall fail to make any required repairs, they may be made by the Highway Superintendent, and the expenses thereof shall be a lien against the property benefited by the use of the highway for such pipes, hydrants or structures.
Such permit shall be granted upon the following conditions:
Such pipes and hydrants or crossing shall be so laid, set or constructed as not to interrupt or interfere with public travel upon the highway;
The applicant will replace the earth removed and leave the highway in all respects in as good condition as before the laying of said pipes or construction of such crossings;
The applicant will keep such pipes and hydrants or crossing in repair and save the town harmless from all damages which may accrue by reason of their location in the highway; and
Upon notice by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the applicant will make the repairs required for the protection of the highway.