[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Walpole as Article XVIII of the 1973 General Bylaws, as updated through 2002.[1] Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Building Maintenance Advisory Committee — See Ch. 22.
Editor's Note: This bylaw was adopted or amended at 4-3-1995 ATM, Art. 42.
A Permanent Building Committee to be responsible for the construction of any additions to municipal buildings or construction of new municipal buildings in the Town and the acquisition of sites therefore.
[Amended 10-21-2019 FATM, Art. 20]
Said committee shall consist of seven members to be appointed by the Select Board for a three-year term. One member shall be a lawyer, one member shall be an engineer or architect, one member shall have experience in financial management, there shall be three members at large and the seventh member of the committee shall be serving currently on the particular construction project's petitioning Board, in the case of any school construction, the Superintendent of Schools will be a member ex-officio.