Every franchise agreement shall require a franchisee to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local customer service requirements and shall specify the minimum customer service requirements the franchisee must satisfy. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, every franchisee must satisfy the following requirements whether or not specified in its franchise agreement.
A franchisee shall maintain a business office at a location where subscribers may readily visit and may call without incurring toll charges that shall be open at least during normal business hours, which shall include evening hours and some weekend hours.
A franchisee shall render sufficient service, make repairs promptly, and interrupt service only for good cause and for the shortest time possible. A franchisee shall generally respond to all service calls within 24 hours and correct cable malfunctions as promptly as possible and shall maintain a competent staff sufficient to provide adequate and prompt service to its subscribers. A franchisee shall provide a pro rata credit to subscribers for periods of interruption of service in accordance with applicable law.
A franchisee shall maintain adequate telephone lines and personnel to respond to subscriber complaints or inquiries and schedule service calls in a timely manner. A franchisee shall respond to written subscriber complaints in writing within five business days, with a copy to the Township. A franchisee shall also respond to Township complaints in writing within five business days.
A franchisee shall give at least 30 days' notice to subscribers and the Township of any change in programming decisions or channel realignment.
A franchisee shall restore service to customers wishing restoration of service, provided customer shall first satisfy any previous obligations owed including the full payment of previous balances, penalties and interest.
Subscribers shall have the right to have cable service disconnected. A refund of unused service charges shall be paid to the customer within 30 days from the date of termination of service.
A franchisee shall provide parental control devices to all subscribers who wish to be able to cut off any objectionable channel or channels of programming from the cable service entering the subscriber's home.
The Township Manager shall be responsible as the Township official for receiving and acting upon any unresolved complaints. Written notice of this complaint procedure, including the identity of the Township official responsible for receiving unresolved complaints, shall be given to each subscriber at the time of initial subscription to the cable system.