[HISTORY: Adopted by the 1998 Annual Town Meeting of the Town of Westwood by Art. 31 (Art. 10, § 21 of the General Bylaws). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Any athletic field under the care, custody and control of any Town agency which has artificial lighting shall be subject to the following restrictions relating to the use of said artificial lighting:
Artificial lighting may be used only for athletic events that involve participants from recognized Westwood sports organizations or for community events sponsored by the School Committee or the Board of Selectmen.
Artificial lighting may only be used with the permission of the particular Town agency that has the care, custody and control of the field, and participants shall be subject to the rules and regulations of said agency.
Artificial lighting may not be used after the hour of 10:00 p.m.
The foregoing provision shall not apply to any athletic field which has artificial lighting as of the effective date of this bylaw.