[HISTORY: Adopted by the Special Town Meeting of the Town of Townsend 1-4-2000 by Art. 16. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Capital Planning Committee — See Ch. 14.
Strategic Planning Committee — See Ch. 110.
Zoning — See Ch. 145.
There shall be a Master Plan Committee charged with assisting the Town in its long-range planning. The members of the Planning Board shall, during their respective terms, be ex-officio members of the Master Plan Committee. The Planning Board may appoint up to 12 additional members of the Master Plan Committee, to terms that expire at the next annual Town election. In determining the number of additional members, the Planning Board shall take into account the anticipated workload, which is expected to vary from year to year.
For the purpose of this bylaw, the term "Master Plan" refers to the Plan described in MGL c. 41, § 81D (Master or Study Plan), including the economic development supplement. It also includes any additional sections that may reasonably be part of the Master Plan and do not come under other areas of state law.
The Master Plan Committee may, subject to appropriation, conduct studies, make presentations to the Town and perform any other activities that will assist the Planning Board in the maintenance of the Town's Master Plan. This may include the creation of maps and drafting of proposed updates to the Master Plan, provided that any changes to the Master Plan may only be adopted by the Planning Board in accordance with state law and the Town Charter. This authority is not exclusive to the Master Plan Committee.
The Master Plan Committee shall schedule its activities so that each section of the Master Plan is reviewed at least every 10 years.
The Master Plan Committee may, subject to appropriation and upon request of the responsible board, perform similar activities to assist town boards with respect to similar long-range plans that do not come under MGL c. 41, § 81D.
The Master Plan Committee may, from time to time, review the progress of the Town toward implementing the programs and reaching the goals of the Master Plan and report back to the Town on such progress.