[HISTORY: Adopted by the Special Town Meeting of the Town of Townsend 4-26-1994 by Art. 20. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Street numbers shall be attached to each dwelling, business, industry and other buildings in the Town of Townsend.
The number shall be made of permanent, weatherproof materials, in contrasting color, shall be at least three inches in height, and shall be clearly visible from the street or roadway upon which the structure fronts, and shall be placed either to the left or the right of the front entrance to the structure.
Any structure that is not visible from the street or roadway shall have the assigned number posted on a suitable support at the entrance to the driveway that services such structure.
The numbers posted shall be those assigned to each structure.
It shall be the responsibility of each property owner in the Town to obtain, display, and maintain the assigned street number within 90 days after the effective date of this by-law.
This by-law shall be enforced by the Police Department or the Inspector of Buildings. Failure to comply with this by-law shall subject property owners to a fine of not more than $20 for each offense. Each day after notification shall constitute a separate offense.
No certification of compliance for smoke detectors or certificates of occupancy shall be issued unless the property is in compliance with this by-law.