Registration of alarm business. Any person engaged in the business of installing or leasing or selling an alarm device or devices or system of alarm devices who conducts such a business in the City of Glens Falls shall apply to the City Clerk for registration on a form to be supplied by the registering authority. Such registration shall expire on December 31 of each year and must be renewed on an annual basis. Upon adoption of this chapter, all current and existing persons engaged in the business of installing, leasing or selling an alarm device or devices or system of alarm devices shall register with the registering authority within 60 days of such adoption.
Registration required to install, lease or sell. It shall be unlawful for any person to install, lease or sell an alarm device or devices or system of devices without first registering with the registering authority as provided in this chapter.
Any owner or lessee who is charged for one or more false alarms may contest such charges in writing to the Mayor within 10 days after the date of the notice of charges. An appeal may be made in writing to the Common Council within 10 days of the Mayor's determination. The decision of the Common Council shall be final.