In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1977 Code have been included in the 2010 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. I.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 1977 Code
Location in 2010 Code
Title 1, General Provisions
Ch. 1, General Provisions
Title 2, Administration
Ch. 1, Fees, Rates and Permits
Ch. 140
Art. 1, General Provisions (reserved)
Art. 2, Administration
Ch. 140, Art. I
Art. 3, Building and Construction
Ch. 140, Art. II
Art. 4, Fire Prevention
Ch. 140, Art. III
Art. 5, Health and Sanitation
Ch. 140, Art. IV
Art. 6, Parks
Ch. 140, Art. V
Art. 7, Public Safety
Ch. 140, Art. VI
Art. 8, Streets and Highways
Ch. 140, Art. VII
Art. 9, Subdivision and Land Development
Ch. 140, Art. VIII
Art. 10, Zoning
Ch. 140, Art. IX
Art. 11, Miscellaneous
Ch. 140, Art. X
Ch. 2, Fire Department
Art. 1, Fire Board
Repealed by Ord. No. 1473
Art. 2, Fire Department
Ch. 18, Art. I
Ch. 3, Director of Emergency Services/Fire Marshal
Ch. 18, Art. II
Ch. 4, Manager, Township
Ch. 37
Ch. 5, Pensions and Retirement
Art. 1, Police Pension Plan
Ch. 45, Art. I
Art. 2, Retirement Age
Ch. 45, Art. II
Art. 3, Social Security
Ch. 45, Art. III
Art. 4, Municipal Retirement System
Ch. 45, Art. IV
Art. 5, Enrollment of Medical Technicians/Firefighters in Retirement System
Ch. 45, Art. V
Ch. 6, Planning Agency, Boards and Commissions
Art. 1, Advisory Planning Agency
Ch. 50
Art. 2, Historical Advisory Committee
Ch. 23
Ch. 7, Taxation
Art. 1, Business Privilege Tax
Ch. 310, Art. I
Art. 2, Mercantile License Tax
Ch. 310, Art. II
Art. 3, Occupational Privilege Tax
Ch. 310, Art. III
Art. 4, Realty Transfer Tax
Ch. 310, Art. IV
Art. 5, Discounts and Penalties
Ch. 310, Art. V
Art. 6, Earned Income Tax
Ch. 310, Art. VI
Art. 7, Administrative Review Process
Ch. 310, Art. VII
Art. 8, Earned Income Tax Review Board
Ch. 310, Art. VIII
Title 3, Building and Construction
Ch. 1, Building Code
Ch. 115, Art. I
Ch. 2, Plumbing Code
Ch. 115, Art. II
Ch. 3, Signs
Ch. 263
Ch. 4, Swimming Pools
Ch. 304
Ch. 5, Design Requirements
Ch. 268
Ch. 6, Electrical Standards
Ch. 115, Art. III
Ch. 7, Licensing of Contractors
Ch. 119, Art. I
Ch. 8, Code Enforcement
Ch. 108
Ch. 9, Erosion and Sediment Control
Ch. 133
Ch. 10, Mechanical Code
Ch. 115, Art. IV
Ch. 11, One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code
Ch. 115, Art. V
Ch. 12, Energy Conservation Code
Ch. 115, Art. VI
Ch. 13, Fuel Gas Code
Ch. 115, Art. VII
Title 4, Fire Prevention
Ch. 1, Fire Extinguishers
Ch. 153, Art. I
Ch. 2, Fire Prevention Code
Ch. 153, Art. II
Ch. 3, Fire Zones
Ch. 153, Art. III
Ch. 4, Firesafety Requirements for Buildings of R-1 or R-2 Use
Ch. 153, Art. IV
Ch. 5, Prohibited Conduct and Compliance with Orders
Ch. 153, Art. V
Ch. 6, Abatement of Hazardous Substances
Ch. 179, Art. I
Ch. 7, Fire Insurance Proceeds
Ch. 184, Art. I
Ch. 8, Reimbursement for Industrial Accidents
Ch. 179, Art. II
Title 5, Health and Sanitation
Ch. 1, Property Maintenance Code
Ch. 243, Art. I
Ch. 2, Food and Drink
Ch. 160
Ch. 3, Fumigation, Posting of Property
Ch. 165
Ch. 4, Garbage and Refuse, Recycling and Composting
Ch. 279
Ch. 5, Holding Tanks
Ch. 256, Art. I
Ch. 6, Junkyards
Ch. 190, Art. I
Ch. 7, Public Nuisances
Ch. 223
Ch. 8, Sewer Connections
Ch. 256, Art. II
Ch. 9, Weeds
Ch. 88, Art. I
Ch. 10, Wells
Ch. 338
Ch. 11, Massage Providers
Ch. 210
Ch. 12, Dust Control
Ch. 125
Ch. 13, Discharges into Storm Sewers
Ch. 285, Art. I
Title 6, Parks and Recreation
Ch. 1, Park Regulations
Ch. 231
Title 7, Public Safety
Ord. No. 1569
Ch. 1, Care and Responsibility for Animals Kept as Pets
Ch. 70, Arts. I and II
Ch. 2, Bicycles
Ch. 80, Arts. I, II and III
Ch. 3, Hunting and Firearms
Ch. 148, Arts. I and II
Ch. 4, Junkyards
Repealed by Ord. No. 1569
Ch. 5, Laundromats
Repealed by Ord. No. 1569
Ch. 6, Art. 1, General Conduct
Art. I, Dumping or Littering
Ch. 203
Art. II, Alcoholic Beverages
Ch. 63, Art. I
Art. III, Public Urination or Defecation
Ch. 234, Art. I
Art. IV, Aggressive Panhandling
Ch. 234, Art. II
Art. V, Loud Music from Vehicles
Ch. 234, Art. III
Ch. 7, Opening or Tampering with Manholes
Ch. 285, Art. II
Ch. 8, Peddling and Soliciting
Ch. 236
Ch. 9, Self-Service Gas Stations
Ch. 170, Art. I
Ch. 10, Snow and Ice
Ch. 290, Art. I
Ch. 11, Vehicles, Abandoned
Ch. 325
Ch. 12, Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 330
Ch. 13, Uniform Procedures for Municipalities in Montgomery County in Emergency Situations re: Civil Disobedience and/or Natural Disasters
Ord. No. 1569; see Ch. 40
Ch. 14, Alarm Systems
Ch. 60
Title 8, Streets and Highways
Ch. 1, Curb and Sidewalk Construction
Ch. 295, Art. I
Ch. 2, Discharge of Water upon Public Highway
Ch. 290, Art. II
Ch. 3, Driveways onto Public Highways
Ch. 295, Art. II
Ch. 4, Erection of Poles along Public Highways
Ch. 290, Art. III
Ch. 5, Obstructions within Boundaries of Public Highways
Ch. 290, Art. IV
Ch. 6, Opening or Excavating Public Highways
Ch. 290, Art. V
Ch. 7, Construction Standards for Roads
Ch. 295, Art. III
Ch. 8, Construction Standards for Driveways and Parking Areas for Commercial, Industrial and Multifamily Uses
Ch. 295, Art. IV
Ch. 9, Technical Specifications for Traffic Control Signalization
Ch. 316
Title 9, Land Development and Subdivision
Ch. 1, Land Development and Subdivision Regulations
Arts. 1-8, 10-12 (except § 4.09)
Ch. 300
§ 4.09, Grading
Ch. 175
Art. 9, Floodplain Development Regulations
Ch. 156
Art. 13, Design Standards for the Town Center Districts
Ch. 350, Art. XXXIII
Title 10, Zoning
Ch. 350
Title 11, Miscellaneous Provisions
Ch. 1, Auctions or Public Sales
Ch. 75
Ch. 2, Circuses and Menageries
Ch. 103
Ch. 3, Amusement Games
Ch. 65
Ch. 4, Smoking Regulations
Ch. 274, Art. I
Ch. 5, House Numbers
Ch. 95
Ch. 6, Newspapers, Advertising Circulars, Publications
Ch. 217
Ch. 7, Cable Television Franchise to Comcast Cablevision Corporation (PA)
Ch. A360