[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Board of the Township of Putnam 10-20-1993 by Ord. No. 27 (Ch. 16 of the 2004 Township Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Uniform video service franchise — See Ch. A362.
The purpose of this ordinance is to regulate rates of cable television basic service and associated equipment through adoption of regulations consistent with the provisions of the Federal Communications Act of 1934, as amended, including the Cable TV Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992, Public Law 102-385 and the Federal Communication Commission's Rules and Regulations promulgated pursuant thereto; and to provide procedures applicable to rate regulation which offer a reasonable opportunity for comment by interested parties.
The following words and terms used in this ordinance are defined as follows:
The Federal Communications Act of 1934, as amended, specifically including the amendments contained in the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992, Public Law 102-385.
This Cable Television Basic Service Regulation Ordinance or Article.
Equipment used by a subscriber to receive basic service cable programming regardless of whether such equipment is also used to receive other tiers of regulated programming service and/or unregulated tiers of programming service(s). "Associated equipment" includes, but is not limited to:
Converter boxes;
Remote control units;
Connections for additional television receivers; and
Other cable home wiring.
The level or tier of cable television programming which includes, at a minimum, all signals of domestic television broadcast stations provided to any subscriber (except a signal secondarily transmitted by satellite carrier beyond the local service area of such station, regardless of how such signal is ultimately received by the cable system); a public, educational, and/or governmental programming required by the Franchise Authority to be carried as a basic service, and any additional video programming signals added to the basic service by the regulated cable operator.
The rates for basic service and associated equipment charged by a regulated cable operator on the initial date of regulation by the Franchising Authority.
The United States Federal Communications Commission.
Any and all rules and/or regulations that the FCC promulgates and/or adopts pursuant to the act.
The Township Board.
An increase in rates for basic service and/or associated equipment including, among others, increases in rates that are the result of reductions in programming provided under the basic service.
Any operator of a cable television system that is subject to regulation by a Certified Franchising Authority.
The General Law Township of Putnam.
Any word or term that is not specifically defined in this ordinance shall be given its normal, ordinary meaning; provided that any word or term which is used in this ordinance and which is not specifically defined in this ordinance but is defined in FCC rules or regulations shall have the meaning given to such word or term in the FCC rules and/or regulations.
Rules and/or regulations:
The Township, by this reference, hereby adopts all rules and regulations regarding basic service rates and associated equipment rates that the FCC promulgates pursuant to the act, and makes said rules and regulations part of this ordinance.
The Township has submitted an application to the FCC for certification as a cable Franchising Authority pursuant to the act. Upon certification as a cable Franchising Authority, the Township shall regulate the basic service rates and associated equipment rates in compliance with the act, the FCC rules and/or regulations and this ordinance.
Upon receiving its certification, the Franchising Authority shall send written notice of its certification and notice that it has adopted the required regulations, return receipt requested, to all regulated cable operators within the Township. The date upon which the Franchising Authority gives this notice is the initial date of regulation.
Effective upon certification of the Township as a cable Franchising Authority, the Township Board is hereby designated as the cable Franchising Authority for the Township and shall execute the powers, duties and responsibilities given to the cable Franchising Authority in this ordinance, the act and the FCC rules and/or regulations.
A regulated cable operator shall comply with all duties and obligations imposed upon the regulated cable operator by the act, FCC rule and/or regulations, and this ordinance.
A regulated cable operator has the burden of proving that its submitted existing rates or a proposed rate increase comply with the act and FCC rules and regulations.
Putnam Township has granted a cable television franchise and TW Fanch-two Co d/b/a Cable Comm, a Delaware general partnership, is the original grantee. Under an Amended and Restated Memorandum of Agreement dated June 4, 1999, and a Purchase Agreement dated as of May 21, 1999, after a transfer of the Franchise to Fanch-JV2 Master Limited Partnership, the franchise will be transferred to Charter Communications VI, LLC.
[Added 11-2-1999 by Ord. No. 27-1]
Municipality does consent to the transfer of the franchise and the cable television system subject to an acceptance by the Master, Charter and Charter Communications Holding Company, LLC of an acceptance and agreement in the form attached.
[Added 11-2-1999 by Ord. No. 27-1]
To the extent that Subsection C or D of this section or the acceptance agreement modify any terms and conditions of the franchise, the franchise is amended.
[Added 11-2-1999 by Ord. No. 27-1]
Within 30 days of receiving the notice identified in § A350-4 of this ordinance, a regulated cable operator shall submit an original and eight copies of a written schedule of the regulated cable operator's existing rates to the Franchising Authority. Said schedules shall be addressed in care of the Township Clerk.
The schedule(s) identified in this section shall contain a detailed statement explaining whether the regulated cable operator's existing rates comply with existing FCC rules and/or regulations for basic service rates and associated equipment rates.
Upon receipt of the existing basic service rate and associated equipment rate schedule(s), the Township Clerk shall provide the schedule(s) to the Franchising Authority within seven days.
Unless the time for conducting the public hearing and entering a decision is extended by the issuance of a tolling order by the Franchising Authority pursuant to this ordinance, the Franchising Authority shall hold a public hearing on the existing rate schedule(s) which the regulated cable operator submitted to the Franchising Authority, and enter a decision on said submitted schedule(s) within 30 days of the date the Township Clerk received the schedule(s). If the time for conducting the public hearing is extended pursuant to this ordinance, a public hearing should be held and decision rendered before the extended time period expires.
The existing rates identified in the submitted schedule(s) of rates shall go into effect 30 days from the date of the Township Clerk's receipt of the schedule(s) unless the Franchising Authority disapproves the rate or extends the time period for conducting the review of existing rates pursuant to this ordinance.
If the Franchising Authority fails to act on the submitted existing rates by the end of the respective tolling period, then the rates will remain in effect. If the Franchising Authority subsequently disapproves any portion of said rates, refunds may not be ordered unless a brief written order is issued by the Franchising Authority before the end of the respective tolling period directing the regulated cable operator to keep an accurate accounting of all its customers and the amounts paid by each as a result of said rates.
A regulated cable operator cannot institute a rate increase charged to its subscribers unless the regulated cable operator complies with the act or FCC rules and/or regulations of this ordinance.
A regulated cable operator which proposes a rate increase must submit at least eight copies of the proposed rate increase(s) request to the Franchising Authority in care of the Township Clerk.
Unless the time for conducting the public hearing and entering a decision is extended by the issuance of a tolling order by the Franchising Authority pursuant to § A350-11 of this ordinance, the Franchising Authority shall conduct a public hearing and render a decision upon the regulated cable operator's proposed rate increase request within 30 days of the Township Clerk's receipt of a proposed rate increase request. If the time for holding the public hearing is extended pursuant to § A350-11 of this ordinance, the public hearing should be held and decision rendered before the extended time period expires.
A proposed rate increase requested by a regulated cable operator will become effective after 30 days have elapsed from the date the Township Clerk received the proposed rate increase request unless the Franchising Authority disproves the proposed rate increase or extends the time period for conducting the review of the proposed rate increase pursuant to § A350-11 of this ordinance.
If the Franchising Authority allows rate increases to go into effect at the end of the respective tolling period through inaction and then subsequently disapproves any portion of such rates, then refunds may not be ordered unless a brief written order is issued by the Franchising Authority before the end of the respective tolling period, directing the regulated cable operator to keep an accurate accounting of all its customers and the amounts paid by each as a result of said rates.
If the Franchising Authority is unable to determine, based upon the material submitted by the regulated cable operator that the existing rates or proposed rate increase(s) are reasonable or if the regulated cable operator has submitted a cost of service showing, then the Franchise Authority may toll the thirty-day deadline for an additional 90 days in cases not involving cost of service showings or for an additional 150 days in cases involving cost of service showings.
In order for the Franchising Authority to toll the thirty-day period pursuant to this section, the Franchising Authority must issue an order explaining that additional time and/or information is necessary in order for the Franchising Authority to act upon the existing rates or the proposed rate increase. Said order must be in writing, by resolution adopted within said thirty-day period.
The Franchising Authority shall send a copy of the tolling order to the regulated cable operator by first class mail within seven days after the effective date of the decision.
During the public hearing on the review of a regulated cable operator's existing rates or on review of a proposed rate increase, the Franchising Authority shall provide the regulated cable operator and all other interested persons with the opportunity to comment on the rates either in person, in writing, or by agent.
The Franchising Authority may conduct as many public hearings as necessary to carry out the provisions of the act, FCC rules and regulations, and this ordinance.
If the Franchising Authority deems it necessary, either prior to or following a public hearing, the Franchising Authority may direct the preparation of a written report for the Franchising Authority. This report may contain a recommendation to the Franchising Authority for its decision on the review of the existing rate schedule(s) or proposed rate request submitted by a regulated cable operator. This recommendation should also summarize and be based upon the schedule or request submitted by the regulated cable operator; comments or objections to the schedule or request which the Franchising Authority received from the regulated cable operator; any additional information received from the regulated cable operator; information which the Franchising Authority received from a consultant, its staff or its attorney; and other information which it deems appropriate.
The Franchising Authority shall send, by first class mail, a copy of any report to the regulated cable operator prior to the Franchising Authority's consideration of the report at a public hearing.
The Franchising Authority shall send a written notice of the date, time, and location of the public hearing to the regulated cable operator that submitted the existing rates or proposed rate increase for review no less than seven days before the date of the public hearing. Said notice is to be sent to the regulated cable operator by first class mail.
The Franchising Authority shall cause to be published, in a qualified newspaper of general circulation within the Township, a notice of the public hearing on the existing rate schedule(s) or proposed rate increase request no less than seven days before the public hearing. Said notice shall:
State that a regulated cable operator has submitted the existing rate schedule(s) or proposed rate increase request to the Franchising Authority for review pursuant to this ordinance;
State the location and times at which the public may examine the submitted schedule(s) of existing rates or proposed rate increase request;
State the date, time and location at which the Franchising Authority will conduct the public hearing; and
State that all interested persons shall have an opportunity to comment on the rates at the public hearing, and/or to submit written comments on or before the date of the public hearing to the Franchising Authority.
The Franchising Authority shall issue a written order supported by its reasons by resolution which:
Approves the regulated cable operator's existing rate or proposed rate increase;
Disapproves the regulated cable operator's existing rate or proposed rate increase;
Approves, in part, and disapproves, in part the regulated cable operator's existing rate or proposed rate increase;
Orders a rate reduction;
Prescribes a reasonable rate;
Determines that a refund hearing should be held pursuant to § A350-15 of this ordinance; and/or
Orders any further appropriate relief permitted by this ordinance, the act or the FCC rules and/or regulations.
If the Franchising Authority determines that the subscribers to a regulated cable operator may be entitled to a refund pursuant to FCC rules and regulations (specifically 47 CFR 76.942), the Franchising Authority shall include a notice in its decision issued pursuant to § A350-14 of this ordinance that the Franchising Authority will hold a public hearing to consider ordering the regulated cable operator to make a refund to subscribers.
The Franchising Authority shall then conduct a public hearing to determine whether to order a refund to subscribers and the amount of the refund.
The Franchising Authority shall send, by first class mail, to the regulated cable operator, written notice of the date, time and location of the public hearing. Said notice must be sent no less than seven days before the public hearing.
At any refund hearing the regulated cable operator may appear in person, by agent or in writing to comment upon whether the Franchising Authority should order a refund.
Members of the public may also comment at the refund hearing in person, by agent or in writing.
At the conclusion of the refund hearing, the Franchising Authority shall issue a written order, by resolution:
Denying a refund; or
Ordering the regulated cable operator to implement a refund.
All decisions of the Franchising Authority issued pursuant to § A350-14 and/or A350-16 of this ordinance shall be:
In writing, by resolution, supported by its reasons; and
Effective as of the date the Franchising Authority makes the decision.
Notice of all decisions of the Franchising Authority issued pursuant to § A350-14 and/or A350-16 shall be published in a qualified newspaper of general circulation in the Township no less than 15 days after the effective date of the decision. Said notice shall include:
A summary of the Franchising Authority's written decision;
A statement that copies of the Franchising Authority's decision are available for public inspection;
A statement as to the location at which, and times during which, the public may inspect copies of the Franchising Authority's decision.
The Franchising Authority shall send, by first class mail, a copy of the Franchising Authority's decision to the regulated cable operator not more than seven days after the effective date of the Franchising Authority's decision.
The Franchising Authority may require the regulated cable operator to produce documents needed to make rate decisions. Requests that proprietary information be held confidential shall be supported by the regulated cable operator and be handled in a manner analogous to the procedures and criteria set forth in 47 CFR 0.459.