Borough Council may from time to time supplement, change, modify or repeal this chapter, including the Zoning Map, by amending the chapter in accordance with the provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code and this section.
By resolution adopted at a regular or special meeting, Borough Council shall fix the time and place of a public hearing on the proposed amendment and shall publish a notice thereof once each week for two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the Borough, provided that the first publication shall be not more than 30 nor less than 14 days from the date of the hearing.
Borough Council shall submit each proposed zoning amendment, other than one prepared by the Borough Planning Commission, to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation. Such amendment, which may include any amendment requested by a landowner in accordance with the Planning Code, shall be submitted to the Planning Commission at least 30 days prior to any hearing which is to be held on the proposed amendment in order to provide the Commission with an opportunity to submit its recommendations prior to final action. Whenever Council has adopted a Comprehensive Plan or any part thereof, the recommendations of the Planning Commission shall include a specific statement as to whether or not the proposed action on any zoning amendment is in accordance with the intent of the formally adopted portion of said Comprehensive Plan.
A copy of any proposed zoning amendment also shall be submitted to the County Planning Commission at least 30 days prior to any hearing to be held on the proposed amendment in order to provide the Commission with an opportunity to submit its recommendations prior to final action.
Whenever the owners of more than 50% of the frontage in any district or part thereof shall present to Borough Council a petition duly signed and acknowledged requesting an amendment, supplement, change, modification or repeal of the regulations prescribed for or of the Zoning Map including such district, it shall be the duty of Borough Council to hold a public hearing thereon and cause notice thereof to be given in the manner prescribed in § 181-116, Amendment procedures. The petition shall set forth the following facts:
Signature and address of each owner/petitioner, together with the number of feet frontage in any district or part thereof.
The petition, if pertaining to the Zoning Map, shall have attached thereto a plot plan of the real estate to be affected.