[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Millville 5-13-2013 ATM by Art. 18. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Earth removal — See Ch. 55.
Stormwater management — See Ch. 80.
Wetlands — See Ch. 95.
Zoning — See Ch. 100.
Any person, firm, or organization that releases or causes to be released any hazardous material or waste within the boundaries of the Town of Millville on public or private property shall be held liable and responsible for the following:
The cost of complete cleanup and disposal of the material released or contaminated by the release, including all cost incurred or authorized by an officer of the Town that has jurisdiction in such matters and any state or federal agency that has jurisdiction.
Replacement or cost of replacement of any reusable equipment and/or material damaged due to the incident.
Replacement or cost of replacement of any disposable equipment and/or material damaged due to the incident.
Reimbursement of any funds expended by the Town for food and/or shelter due to the incident.
Reimbursement of any funds expended by the Town for evacuation and/or relocation due to the incident.
Reimbursement of any funds expended by the Town for overtime pay due to the incident.
Reimbursement of any funds expended by the Town to mitigate the incident.
Failure to comply with any of the foregoing within 30 days of demand shall entitle the Town to bring an action in contract in the appropriate court to recover the same.