[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Munhall 9-15-1993 by Ord. No. 1365. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The proper Council members of the Borough of Munhall, in particular, the President of the Borough Council or his designate and the Borough Manager or his designate shall be empowered to file any and all complaints or challenges with the Federal Communications Commissions or any other federal agency established under federal legislative enactments dealing with the reasonableness of rates of any cable television service company operating within the Borough of Munhall with respect to the rates charged by said company for programming, services, installation and rental of equipment for said service.
The President of the Borough Council or his designate and the Borough Manager or his designate are further authorized and directed to file all necessary certification and application materials with the Federal Communication Commission and to take all other actions required to certify the Borough of Munhall as an entity with full authority under the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992 to regulate rates and to enforce standards for cable television service, installation and equipment involving any cable company operating within the jurisdiction and territorial limits of the Borough of Munhall. The Borough Council is hereby designated as the body empowered to regulate said rates and conduct all other regulatory actions under federal legislation. Further, the Borough Council may function as a committee of not less than three members subject to final approval of the full Borough Council.
The aforementioned officers of the Borough of Munhall are further directed to retain such expert advice and opinion from the Borough Solicitor or from any other specialist operating in the field to assist them in carrying out their duties both with regard to the filing of complaints with the Federal Communications Commissions as to the rates being charged presently in the Borough of Munhall, as well as to assist them in establishing the necessary procedures for review and evaluation of any rates standards that may be imposed by cable television companies in the Borough with regard to their service, installation and equipment, and to otherwise carry out the mandate included herein to file the necessary certification and application materials with the Federal Communications Commission so as to permit regulation of such rates.
The proper officers of the Borough are authorized, directed and mandated to carry out the above, and to otherwise comply fully with all legislative requirements to enable the Borough to regulate rates, where applicable, and to file complaints, where appropriate, with regard to matters involving the delivery of cable television services within the Borough including the rates for service, installation and equipment.