Cross References—As to composition of city council, charter §3.2(a); as to candidate eligibility/qualifications, charter §§3.2, 3.2(c); as to election and terms, charter §3.2(d); as to compensation, expenses, charter §3.4; as to prohibitions, charter §3.5; as to vacancies—resignations—forfeiture of office—filling of vacancies, charter §3.6(a—d); as to judge of qualifications, charter §3.7; as to investigations, charter §3.10; as to conflict of interest prohibited, charter §§3.14, 3.14(a); as to meeting—time and place, charter §3.12(a); as to meeting—attendance—quorum, charter §3.12(c); as to rules of procedure—generally, charter §3.12(b); as to journals—public records, charter §3.12(b),(i); as to voting on questions, charter §3.12(c).
[R.O. 2009 §2.06.010]
Notice of all meetings, regular or special, of the City Council shall be given indicating time, date and place of each meeting and its tentative agenda. Additional copies of all agendas shall be available at City Hall and via electronic access, such as the City managed website.
Notice conforming with all of the requirements of Subsection (A) above for regularly scheduled meetings.
[R.O. 2009 §2.06.020; Ord. No. 4803 §3, 9-1990]
All meetings of City Council shall be made public except when said meeting is authorized by Section 610.021, RSMo., as amended, to be a closed meeting.
When City Council proposes to hold a closed meeting, notice shall be given in conformance with Section 110.010 above and shall include reason for holding the closed session by reference to the specific exemption allowed under the provisions of 610.025, RSMo., as may be amended.
During a closed meeting, the Mayor or Chairman of the meeting shall call for executive session and cause the room to be cleared of all persons except members of City staff or other persons that Council may deem appropriate.
[Ord. No. 5926 §I, 9-12-2013]
Because disclosure would impair the City’s ability to protect the security or safety of persons or real property, and because the public interest in nondisclosure outweighs the public interest in disclosure under the circumstances, it is hereby determined that all operational guidelines, policies and specific response plans developed, adopted, or maintained by any agency, department, board or commission of the City responsible for law enforcement, public safety, first response, or public health for use in responding to or preventing any critical incident which is or appears to be terrorist in nature and which has the potential to endanger individual or public safety or health shall be closed records; except that financial records related to the procurement of or expenditures relating to operational guidelines, policies or plans purchased with public funds shall be open records.
[R.O. 2009 §2.06.060; Prior Code §2.212]
The Director of Public Safety, or such officer as may be delegated by him/her, shall be present at each regular and special meeting of the Council to execute its orders and preserve order.