[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Camden 1-10-2002 by Ord. No. MC-3719 (Ch. 114 of the 1987 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Any nonprofit agency, public entity, private group/individual, or commercial entity may petition the Bureau of Parks and Open Spaces of the City of Camden to participate in the Adopt a Park Program.
Any nonprofit agency, public entity, private group/individual, or commercial entity shall complete a form setting forth the name of the park for which it desires to become responsible and setting forth the names and addresses of all participants, either on an individual or group basis. The applicant(s) shall also set forth the level of commitment.
The applicant shall choose the level of commitment from the following criteria:
Volunteer services.
Provision of equipment/supplies.
Financial support.
Collaborate with City on recreational park activities.
Organize and implement at least one community-oriented event per year.
Designate a community resident as "Park Warden."
Hire a "Park Monitor," who will be paid at least minimum wage by the applicant.
Oversee the day-to-day activities of the Park Monitor.
Conduct annual fund-raising campaign.
Pursue additional sources of material, monetary and programming support.
Organize biannual park clean-up drives in the spring and fall.
Assist the City Gardener with coordinating community sharing of park facilities.
Maintain financial records of all monies applicant utilizes or collects in conjunction with the program.
Nominate local businesses and/or individuals for an award of recognition for significant contribution and involvement in park maintenance, programming and monitoring.
Other commitments identified by the applicant.
The application shall be reviewed by the Bureau of Parks and Open Spaces as to the feasibility and compatibility of the applicant of the Adopt a Park Program.
Upon the recommendation of the Bureau of Parks and Open Spaces, the City Council will adopt a resolution authorizing the applicant to begin a program of maintenance, monitoring and redevelopment of the adopted park.
The period of adoption shall be for a period of three years.
At either the request of the individual, organization or group or after a determination by the Bureau of Parks and Open Spaces of unsatisfactory performance, the City Council may terminate the adoption.
No individual, organization or group who performs any work or services under this program shall be deemed to be an employee of the City of Camden, but merely volunteers, and the City shall be held harmless from any negligent or careless acts of the individual, organization or group in the performance of any functions under the program.