[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Lynnfield 10-3-1966 STM; amended 4-27-1981 ATM (Ch. 5, §§ 2, 3 and 4, of the Bylaws). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 217.
No person shall behave in a rude and/or disorderly manner or use any indecent, profane or insulting language, gestures or objectionable sounds, or assemble in a disorderly manner with others:
In any public way, lane, alley or other public place; or
In or near any dwelling house, building or other place to which the public has the right of access as invitees.
Violation of this bylaw shall be punished in accordance with Chapter 58, Penalties and Enforcement.
No person shall stand upon or near any sidewalk or street crossing so as to obstruct free passage for foot passengers; and any person or persons obstructing any sidewalk or street crossing shall move on immediately after a request made by one of the Selectmen, the Chief of Police, or any constable or police officer; and any person neglecting or refusing to move when so requested shall be liable to a penalty in accordance with Chapter 58, Penalties and Enforcement.
No person shall place or cause to be placed upon any sidewalk in the Town a horse, carriage, automobile or any goods and merchandise, or other obstruction or any team, except for the purpose of loading or unloading the same, or drive or lead any horse or neat cattle thereon, under a penalty in accordance with Chapter 58, Penalties and Enforcement.