In accordance with Section 365.040 and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle in the manner or between the hours specified herein upon any of the streets or parts of streets as follows:
Ord. No.
[Repealed Ord. No. 2864 §§1 — 3, 4-2-2013]
[Repealed Ord. No. 2861 §1, 3-19-2013]
[Repealed Ord. No. 2861 §1, 3-19-2013]
On the east side and west side of First Street between its intersection with St. Louis Street north to its intersection with Union Street within the City limits.
No parking for more than two (2) hours between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.m. except Sundays and holidays.
Union Street from Northwest corner of West Union where it intersects with North Second Street 155 feet west.
No parking zone and no vehicular traffic shall be allowed to park on said street, with the exception for loading and unloading, between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M.
On either side of Fourth Street from its intersection of St. Louis Street to the Union Pacific railroad track.
No parking for more than two (2) hours between 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday.
[Ord. No. 3155, 9-18-2019]
East and West sides of First Street, 25 feet north of the Orleans Street intersection.
No parking except for motorcycles.
2502, 2510
[Repealed Ord. No. 2861 §1, 3-19-2013]
On both sides of South Fifth Street from West Pacific Street to the dead end and on both sides of West Meramec Street from South Sixth Street to South Fifth Street.
No ballpark parking
Both sides of W. Pacific Street between Sixth Street and the railroad tracks.
No ballpark parking
[Repealed Ord. No. 3310, 1-18-2022]
Easternmost parking space on West Orleans Street, west of First Street
Fifteen minute parking only
North side of Lisa Lane from Indian Warpath to Millstone Village Drive
No parking
Both sides of the entrance ramp from Viaduct Street to Westbound 1-44.
No parking
Lamar Parkway from Old Gray Summit Road to Osage Street, on the east and west sides
No parking except for the three (3) designated turnouts which shall be limited to fifteen (15) minutes for deliveries only
East side of Second Street, South of St. Louis Street to the dead end at the railroad tracks
No parking
S. Hawthorne Drive from Peach Tree Lane to Jefferson Street
No parking
South side of Jefferson Street from S. Hawthorne Drive to Gear Tech Parkway
No parking
“Ballpark parking” shall mean any person going to the ballpark located in City Park and generally described as the area west of the railroad tracks, north of brush creek, east of the unnamed tributary to brush creek, and south of the midblock of Meramec Street, as more fully depicted on Exhibit A which is on file in the City offices. Ballpark parking is authorized at City Park two (2) blocks west on Congress Street at designated parking areas.