[CC 1991 §650.010; CC 1970 §12-94; Ord. No. 143 §1, 3-22-1952]
No person shall change the occupancy of any business existing within the City or make any change in the type of business existing within any structure in the City without first obtaining a permit therefor.
[CC 1991 §650.020; CC 1970 §12-95; Ord. No. 143 §2, 3-22-1952]
Application for a permit required by this Chapter shall be made to the Building Commissioner on blanks furnished by the City Clerk for that purpose.
[CC 1991 §650.040; CC 1970 §12-97; Ord. No. 143 §4, 3-22-1952]
The Building Commissioner shall examine all applications for permits required by this Chapter and shall inspect the premises for which the permits are to be issued.
[CC 1991 §650.050; CC 1970 §12-98; Ord. No. 143 §5, 3-22-1952]
The Building Commissioner shall approve or disapprove any permit required by this Chapter within fifteen (15) days after application therefor has been filed. He/she shall approve any application for a premises which conforms to the provisions of the zoning ordinance of the City and if, in his/her opinion, the structure is safe for the business to be conducted therein.
[CC 1991 §650.060; CC 1970 §12-99; Ord. No. 143 §6, 3-22-1952]
If the Building Commissioner disapproves any permit required by this Chapter, the City shall not issue any license to conduct any business in the structure.
[CC 1991 §650.070; CC 1970 §12-100; Ord. No. 143 §7, 3-22-1952]
The Building Commissioner shall revoke any occupancy permit in the event that a material false statement is found to be contained in any application or in the event that any work performed or material employed under such permit is not in accordance with the specifications set forth by the Building Commissioner.