Chapter 32B.
Blue Cross – Blue Shield; Town will pay 50% of premiums for active employees
Question on ballot 3-11-1961
§ 8A
Certain portion of dividends to go back to employees
Question on ballot 5-1-1976
§ 9A
Town will pay 50% for retired employees
Question on ballot 3-21-1964
§ 9D
Town will pay 50% for deceased retired employee spouses
Question on ballot 3-21-1970
§ 16
Make another medical coverage available, i.e., an HMO
Voted by Selectmen 2-28-1983
§ 18
Medicare extension plans; mandatory transfer of retirees
Art. 21, April 2004 ATM
§§ 56 to 59
Pensions regarding veterans
Voted by Selectmen 4-28-1971
Chapter 33.
§ 59
Acceptance allows a DPW employee during time of service as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces to receive pay without loss of ordinary remuneration and be entitled to the same leaves of absence or vacation with pay given to other employees
Art. 3, 4-27-2009 STM
Chapter 40.
§ 4G
Increasing the amount the Town can spend without going to bid to $4,000
Art. 11, 9-19-1988 STM, p. 53
§ 5, Subsection 12
Accepting gift of Marshfield Servicemen's Auxiliary Association to erect a memorial
Art. 38, 1947 ATM, p. 67
§ 5B
Establishment of stabilization fund
Art. 17, 1964 ATM, p. 39
§ 6B
Uniforms for fire and police
Art. 67, 1960 ATM, p. 39
§ 6C
Removal of snow and ice from private ways
Question on ballot, 3-6-1954, p. 103
§ 6H
Repairs of private ways
Art. 55, 1963 ATM, p. 147; repealed by Art. 10, 1979, p. 18
§ 6J
Authorizing rainwear and work clothes for certain employees
Art. 25, 1965 ATM, p. 27
§ 6K
Regarding uniforms for public health nurses
Art. 81, 1971 ATM, p. 49
§ 8A
Established Industrial Development Commission
Art. 36, 1961 ATM, p. 25
§ 8C
Established a Conservation Commission to consist of 5 members
Art. 57, 1961 ATM, p. 29
§ 8C
Conservation Commission from 5 to 7 members
Art. 32, 1962 ATM, p. 29
§ 8D
Established Historical Commission
Art. 62, 1965 ATM, p. 37
§ 8G
Mutual aid
Art. 33, 1990 ATM, p. 40
§ 8J
Regarding establishment of Disability Commission
Art. 17, 11-14-1994, p. 12 of 1995 Annual Report
§ 13D
To establish a fund for future payment of accrued liabilities for compensated absences due employees
Art. 3, 10-22-2012 STM
§ 15C
Designation of scenic roads: South River Street, Ferry Street, Church Street, Summer Street, Spring Street, Highland Street, Union Street, Parsonage Street, Winslow Cemetery Road, Pine Street, School Street
Art. 80, 1974 ATM, p. 48
§ 15C
Designation of scenic roads: Acorn Street, Canal Street, Forest Street, Old Main Street, Old Ocean Street, Old Plain Street, Pleasant Street, Pudding Hill Lane, Webster Street, Winslow Street
Art. 57, 1976 ATM, p. 42
§ 22A
Increasing penalty for parking in handicapped spaces to not more than $100
Art. 35, 1988 ATM, p. 38
§ 22D
Regulations regarding removal and storage of vehicles illegally parked or standing on public ways
Art. 37, 1988 ATM, p. 38
§ 39K
Enterprise accounts for solid waste, wastewater, water/sewer
Arts. 26, 27 and 28, 1990 ATM, p. 39
§§ 42A to 42F
Water rates to bear interest and be a lien on property
Art. 45, 1982 ATM, p. 34
§§ 42G, 42H and 42I
Authorized assessment of betterments for water extension
Art. 38, 1959, p. 82
§ 42J
Will allow property owners that qualify to defer water usage charges
Art. 8, October 2005 STM
§ 57
Regarding nonissuance of licenses or permits to those with unpaid taxes
Art. 27, 1986 ATM, p. 26
Chapter 40A.
§ 8
Regarding minimum time lapse of 2 years after unfavorable action by Town Meeting on proposed zoning before same proposal can be submitted again to Town Meeting
Art. 75, 1963, p. 150
Chapter 41.
§ 4A
Authorizing the Board of Health to appoint members of medical and dental clinic
Art. 16, 1945 ATM, p. 74
§ 38A
Establishment of Town Collector
Art. 41, 1954 ATM, p. 98
§ 41B
Payment of public employees by direct bank credits
Art. 28, 2001 ATM
§§ 69C, 69D, 69E and 69F
Authorized Department of Public Works with Commissioners
Question 1, Annual Town Election 3-21-1970, elected 3-20-1971, p. 54
§ 73
Established Selectmen as Board of Survey
Art. 16, 1948 ATM
§ 81A
Provides for a Planning Board
Art. 35, 1956 ATM, p. 99
§§ 81F to 81J
Approval of subdivision plats
Art. 18, 1941 ATM, p. 89
§ 91A
Appoint constables instead of electing them
Art. 35, 1962 ATM, p. 30
§ 97A
Police Department established under Chief
Art. 25, 1961 ATM, p. 24
§ 100F
Authorizing indemnification for harbormasters against certain acts and claims
Art. 82, 1971 ATM, p. 49
§ 100G
Funeral and burial expenses for active members of Police and Fire Departments
Art. 12, 1976 ATM, p. 59
§§ 108A and 108C
Established Personnel Board
Art. 21, 1963 ATM, p. 139
§ 108L
Quinn Bill, incentive pay for police officers
Art. 7, 1997 ATM, p. 27
§ 110A
Town Hall closed Saturdays
Art. 11, 2012 ATM, p. 16
Chapter 59.
§ 5, cl. 17C
Liberalizes property tax exemptions of surviving spouses and minor children and persons over age 70
Art. 46, 1982 ATM, p. 34
§ 5, cl. 17D
Property tax exemptions regarding widows or orphans
Art. 9, 1986 STM, p. 56
§ 5, cl. 37A and 41B
Property tax exemptions regarding over 70
Art. 8, 1986 STM, p. 56
§ 5, cl. 41C
Liberalizes requirements the blind and elderly must meet in order to qualify for property tax exemptions
Art. 44, 1984 ATM, p. 31
§ 5, cl. 54
Allowing the Town to exempt $2,000 of fair cash value on personal property accounts to be taxed beginning with fiscal year 2013
Allowing the Town to exempt $10,000 of fair cash value on personal property accounts to be taxed beginning with fiscal year 2019
Art. 21, 4-23-2012 ATM
Art. 23, 4-23-2018 ATM
§ 5L
National guardsmen and reservists deployed outside the state to defer payment of their property taxes up to 180 days after that service without interest or penalties
Art. 26, 2007 ATM
§ 57C
Property tax collected on quarterly basis
Art. 25, 1990 ATM, p. 39
Chapter 60.
§ 15B
Establish Tax Title Collection Revolving Account
Art 15, 4-24-2017 ATM
§ 23B
Certificate of liens; fee schedule
Art. 13, October 2002 STM
§ 79
Sale of land of low value
Art. 32, 1948 ATM, p. 71
Chapter 80.
Betterments Act
Art. 53, 1955 STM, p. 111
§ 13B
Betterments deferral and recovery agreements; application; recordation; lien
Art. 6, April 2004 STM
Chapter 83.
§§ 16A through 16F
Sewer bills treated same as real estate bills by collector, subject to interest and becoming a lien
Art. 1, 1981, p. 40
§ 16G
Deferral of charges
Art. 7, April 2004 STM
Chapter 90.
§ 18A
Pedestrian regulations
Art. 17, 1973 ATM, p. 49
§ 20A 1/2
Enforcement of parking violations
Art. 5, 1981 ATM, p. 40
§§ 20C and 20D
Regarding visible parking tags
Art. 45, 1970 ATM, p. 33
§ 22C
Disposition of abandoned motor vehicles
Art. 6, 1966 ATM, p. 46
Chapter 91.
§ 11
State improvement of waterways
§ 29
Indemnify state public works liability and appropriation of same
Art. 40, 1945 ATM, p. 78
Ch. 31, § 48
Police and Fire Departments under civil service
Annual Town Election, 1962, pp. 43-44
Ch. 44, § 8, cl. 5
Borrowing outside the debt limit for water mains
Ch. 44, § 17
Borrowing in anticipation of revenue
Ch. 44, § 53D
Establishment of revolving fund for conducting a self-supporting Recreation Department
Art. 7, 1981 ATM, p. 32; revoked 4-22-2013 ATM by Art. 5
Ch. 44, § 53F
Permission to enter into compensating balance
Art. 24, 1990 ATM, p. 39
Ch. 44B, §§ 3 to 7
Community Preservation Act at 5%
Art. 10, 2001 ATM, Question 1 on 2001 ballot
Ch. 48, §§ 42, 43 and 44
Establishment of Fire Department under Chief
Art. 31, 1957 STM, p. 103
Ch. 48, § 36A
Appointment by Fire Chief of call men to regular firemen
Art. 8, 1962 ATM, p. 61
Ch. 48, § 58E
Residency requirements for members of Fire Department
Art. 10, 1976 ATM, p. 58
Ch. 58, § 7A
Acceptance of State Assessment System
Art. 20, 1971 ATM, p. 29
Ch. 60A, § 1, 2nd and 3rd sentences
Regarding distinctive plates to POWs without fee
Art. 41, 1986 ATM, p. 30
Ch. 64G, § 3A
Authorizing the imposition of a local excise tax upon the transfer of occupancy of a room in a bed and breakfast establishment, hotel, lodging house, short-term rental or motel at a rate of 6% of the total amount of rent for each such occupancy
Art. 38, 1986 ATM, p. 28; Art. 8, 10-18-2021 STM
Ch. 64G, § 3D
Authorizing the imposition of a local community impact fee upon the transfer of occupancy of a professionally-managed unit and short-term rental units in a two-family or three-family dwelling that includes the operator’s primary residence at a rate of 3% of the total amount of rent for each such occupancy
Art. 9, 10-18-2021 STM
Ch. 64L, § 2
Authorizing the imposition of a local sales tax upon the sale of restaurant meals in the statutory amount of .75% on meals originating within the Town
Art. 10, 4-27-2015 ATM
Ch. 64N, § 3
Imposes a local sales tax upon the sale or transfer of marijuana or marijuana products by a marijuana retailer operating within the Town to anyone other than a marijuana establishment at a rate of 3% of the total sales price received by the marijuana retailer as a consideration for the sale of marijuana or marijuana products, or at any higher rate as authorized by law
Art. 13, 4-23-2018 ATM
Ch. 71, § 40
Increasing teacher compensation
Arts. 9 and 10, 1985 ATM, p. 42
Ch. 71, § 71F
Create a revolving fund for nonresident or foster care students tuition
Art. 15, 4-24-2006 STM
Ch. 82, § 24
Eminent domain land damages
Art. 36, 1948 ATM, p. 72
Ch. 85, §§ 11A and 11B
Regarding bicycle regulations
Art. 61, 1965, p. 37
Ch. 94, §§ 120 and 120A
Requiring slaughter license
Art. 31, 1945, p. 77
Ch. 128, Revised §§ 41 and 45
County aid to agriculture
Ch. 139, §§ 1, 2 and 3
Re: burned and dilapidated buildings
Art. 30, 1956, p. 99
Ch. 140, § 139
Free dog licenses for residents over 70 years of age
Art. 18, April 2003 ATM
Ch. 140, § 147A
Setting regulations for licensing and keeping of dogs
Art. 36, 1988, p. 38
Ch. 143, §§ 4 through 12
Control of dangerous buildings by Building Inspector
Art. 30, 1945, p. 74
Ch. 145
Regarding tenement houses in Town of Marshfield
Art. 52, 1954, p. 96
Ch. 147, § 17B
Police get 40-hour week and 8-hour day
Art. 11, 1963, p. 139
Ch. 148, § 26C
Regarding smoke or heat detectors
Art. 3, 1976, p. 57
Ch. 148, § 26E
Regarding smoke or heat detectors in residential buildings
Art. 34, 1990 ATM, p. 40
Ch. 148, § 26G
Regarding sprinkler systems
Art. 6, 1983, p. 29
Ch. 148, § 26H
Regarding sprinkler systems in lodging or boarding houses
Art. 36, 1990 ATM, p. 40
Ch. 148, § 261
Regarding sprinkler systems in multi-dwellings
Art. 41, 1991 ATM, p. 30
Ch. 148, § 56
Relative to licensing open-air parking spaces
Art. 3, 1957, p. 93
Ch. 175, § 110
Accident insurance for Fire Department
Art. 54, 1951, p. 94
Ch. 234, § 1
Exempting firefighters from serving on jury duty
Art. 81, 1984, p. 49
Acts of 1910, Ch. 130, §§ 7 and 2
Providing for a 9-member Advisory Committee
Art. 33, 1914 (between pp. 72 and 73)
Acts of 1920, Ch. 405, § 10
Water surplus
Acts of 1928, Ch. 396, § 2
Water surplus
Art. 43, 1945, p. 78
Acts of 1931, Ch. 112
Mosquito control (first year)
Art. 9, 1946, p. 74
Acts of 1941, Ch. 487
Public Safety Committee
Art. 15, 1945, p. 74
Acts of 1943, Ch. 157
War emergency power to appropriate money for bus service
Art. 11, 1945, p. 74
Acts of 1943, Ch. 564
Required information on tax bills
Acts of 1945, Ch. 56
Authorizing Water Commissioners to act as Sewer Commissioners
Art. 23, 1946, p. 75
Acts of 1945, Ch. 56
Water Commissioners unable to dually serve as Sewer Commissioners
Art. 55, 1960, p. 30
Acts of 1945, Ch. 635, § 3
Authorizing advance payment to those going on vacation
Art. 4, 1948, p. 94
Acts of 1946, Ch. 563
Shore protection
Art. 3, 1946, p. 87
Acts of 1947, Ch. 8
Provide adequate transportation and avoid discontinuance of such service
Art. 14, 1947, p. 64
Acts of 1947, Ch. 621
Harbor improvements — dredging
Acts of 1950, Ch. 820
Increasing certain pensions
Art. 56, 1951, p. 94
Acts of 1951, Ch. 781
Increasing certain pensions
Art. 47, 1952, p. 87
Acts of 1952, Ch. 624
Increasing certain pensions $100 per year
Art. 24, 1953, p. 96
Acts of 1953, Ch. 387
Pension increase for employees with 15 years or more of service
Art. 10, 1954, p. 93
Acts of 1955, Ch. 670
Increasing certain pensions $200 per year
Art. 17, 1956, p. 97
Acts of 1956, Ch. 401
Regarding protection for civil defense volunteers while operating Town-owned vehicles
Art. 39, 1957, p. 105
Acts of 1963, Ch. 214
Control of Cedar Grove Cemetery to Town of Marshfield
Art. 67, 1963, p. 148
Acts of 1963, Ch. 383
Enforcement of Marine Fisheries Laws by local police
Art. 53, 1964, p. 36
Acts of 1965, Ch. 595
Control of Marshfield Hills Cemetery to Town of Marshfield
Art. 17, 1965, p. 47
Acts of 1969, Ch. 781
Regarding annuity to Robert E. McGowan, Police Department
Art. 44, 1970, p. 33
Acts of 1975, Ch. 808
Zoning Enabling Act
Art. 48, 1978, p. 24
Acts of 1977, Ch. 639; MGL c. 71, § 71E
Authorizing Treasurer to deposit to separate accounts all receipts received by the School Committee for adult education, etc.
Art. 47, 1978, p. 24
Acts of 1988, Ch. 245
Allows Town to complete unfinished subdivisions
Art. 27, 1991, p. 26
Acts of 1989, Ch. 653, § 40
Taxation of improvements constructed between January 1 and June 30
Art. 47, 1991, p. 33
Acts of 1990, Ch. 291
Enhanced 911
Art. 34, 1991, p. 29
Acts of 1994, Ch. 235
Rights of certain firefighters and police officers
Art. 58, 1997, p. 43
Acts of 2006, Ch. 79
Adding a new § 23D to MGL c. 39 to be applicable to all types of adjudicatory hearings held by any Town board, committee or commission
Art. 1, 10-3-2006 STM
Acts of 2008, Ch. 479
Establish an Other Post Employment Benefits Liability Trust Fund and transfer $10,000 to the fund
Art. 9, 4-27-2009 STM