The Town of Rockland shall be governed by elected Town officials and their appointees of such titles, numbers, and terms of office as are hereinafter set forth in the Charter and/or the Town By-laws.
On multi-member boards filled by election, one-third (1/3) of the members (or as nearly as possible) shall be elected annually, unless otherwise specifically provided in this Charter or by the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
All town elections shall be conducted only in such manner, time, and place as set forth in this Charter.
Elected and appointed town officials must be registered voters in the town of Rockland. The term appointed town officials shall only apply to those persons appointed to serve on the various boards and commissions. All full time administrative personnel shall not be town officials for the purpose of this section.
[Amended by c. 98, Acts of 1997]
No elected official shall hold any other elected office in the Town during the term to which he was elected to office, unless otherwise provided by this Charter.
All elected officials shall, upon taking office, make an oath or affirmation that they will abide by the provisions of Chapter 39, Section 23D of the General Laws of the Commonwealth (the "Open Meeting Law"),[1] and shall be given a copy thereof.
Editor's Note: The Open Meetings Law is now MGL c. 39, § 23B.
Each elected and appointed town board, commission, and committee shall adopt written Rules of Procedure governing the conduct of its meetings, hearings, and general business; which rules shall not be inconsistent with the terms and provisions of this Charter, the Town By-laws, or the General Laws of the Commonwealth. Each board, commission, or committee, after adopting its Rules of Procedure, shall cause a copy of said Rules to be placed on file with the Town Clerk.
Each elected and appointed town board, commission, and committee shall keep a journal of its proceedings, which journal shall be a public record.
Each elected and appointed town board, commission and committee whose business it is to adopt, from time to time, rules and regulations governing the issuance of licenses, permits, special permits, variances, orders of conditions, and other similar types of actions, shall, at least seven (7) days prior to the adoption of said rules and regulations, post them in their proposed form in a public place in the Town Offices and file a copy of them with the Town Clerk.
Each elected and appointed town board, commission and committee shall meet not less often than once a month (unless otherwise provided for by the General Laws of the Commonwealth) at such times and places as may be specified by the presiding officer. A board, commission or committee may, however, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of its members, elect not to meet at all for a period of time not to exceed eight (8) consecutive weeks. Emergency meetings may, when necessary, be called by the presiding officer of a board, commission or committee subject to the provisions of the "Open Meeting Law."
All elected and appointed officials of the Town shall have the powers and duties of their offices as hereinafter set forth, and in addition shall have all of the powers and duties conferred upon them by the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
[Amended by c. 357, Acts of 1993; c. 170, Acts of 1994; c. 346, Acts of 1998; c. 94, Acts of 2004; c. 331, Acts of 2020; c. 99, Acts of 2024]
There shall be a select board consisting of five (5) members, each elected for a three (3) year term, who shall choose a chairman and shall act by majority vote, except as may be required by this Charter or the General Laws of the Commonwealth. The select board shall be responsible for the general direction and management of the property and affairs of the Town, except as otherwise provided for by this Charter or by the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
As agents for the Town, the select board shall have authority to prosecute, defend, settle or compromise any and all claims by or against the Town. However, the select board acting upon advice of counsel, shall not have the authority to settle or compromise any actions or claims against the Town if said settlement or compromise exceeds the funds appropriated for that purpose by vote of a duly called Town Meeting.
The select board may investigate the operation of any town department, in accordance with the procedures set forth in the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
The select board shall cause the annual town report to be printed on or before May first of the following fiscal year, and shall cause a copy of the report to be distributed at the following locations: main entrance to the town hall, Rockland Public Library and the Rockland Senior Center.
The select board shall prepare the warrant for the annual town meeting, which warrant shall be closed 50 days before the date of the meeting. The select board shall cause copies of the warrant for the annual town meeting to be distributed at the following locations: main entrance to the town hall, Rockland Public Library and Rockland Senior Center at least 14 days before holding the meeting. The warrant for the annual town meeting shall also be announced in a newspaper of general circulation within the town at least 14 days before the town meeting. The notice shall include locations where a copy of the warrant can be obtained.
The select board shall have the power to order special town meetings as they consider necessary, and shall prepare the warrants for the meetings; but, to order a special town meeting the select board shall first adopt, by a majority vote of their board, a resolution stating clearly the emergency nature of the situation prompting their order.
No warrant for a special town meeting shall close until at least 7 days have passed from the date of adoption of their resolution; and each article inserted in the warrant shall have attached to it a brief statement explaining the emergency nature of the article.
The select board shall cause copies of the warrant for each special town meeting to be distributed at the following locations: main entrance to the town hall, Rockland Public Library and the Rockland Senior Center at least 14 days before the town meeting. The warrant for each special town meeting shall also be announced in a newspaper of general circulation within the town at least 14 days before the town meeting. The notice shall include locations where the warrant can be obtained. Upon a majority vote of the board, the select board shall have the power to open any warrant after it has closed for the purpose of inserting articles, if the articles are of an emergency nature and have attached to them a brief statement explaining the emergency.
The select board may issue permits and/or licenses subject to the requirements of the General Laws of the Commonwealth. However, their power to issue such permits and/or licenses shall not operate to limit the authority or affect the decision of any other town board, commission, or official who may be required to act in the same matter by the provisions of this Charter, any Town By-law, or the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
The select board shall annually, unless otherwise required, appoint the following town officials, whose powers shall be set forth in the Town By-laws:
A Town Accountant for a term of three (3) years
A Town Counsel
A Building Inspector and Zoning Enforcement Officer for a term of three (3) years
A Director of Emergency Management
A Director of Veterans Affairs, who shall also be Veterans Burial Agent, for a term of three (3) years
A Forest Fire Warden
A Full Member of the Board of Appeals, for a five (5) year term
An Associate Member of the Board of Appeals, for a three (3) year term
Three (3) members of the Airport Committee
A Dog Officer, who shall also be the Animal Inspector, for a term of three (3) years
Three (3) members of the Charter Maintenance Committee
Election Officers, pursuant to the provisions and requirements of the General Laws of the Commonwealth
Two (2) Gas Inspectors
A Parking Clerk
An Inspector of Weights and Measures
An Insect Control Superintendent
Two (2) Inspectors of Wires
A Director of the Council on Aging for a term of three (3) years
An Assistant Zoning Enforcement Officer
A Tree Warden.
The select board shall make the following appointments annually to town boards, commissions, and committees, in such a manner that one-third (1/3), as nearly as possible, of the members of each board, commission, or committee shall be appointed each year. The boards, commissions, and committees listed below shall have such powers and duties as are set forth in the Town By-laws.
One (1) member of the Board of Registrars of Voters, for a three (3) year term
Two (2) or three (3) members of the Conservation Commission, for three (3) year terms
Two (2) or three (3) members of the Industrial Development Commission, for three (3) year terms
One (1) or two (2) members of the Industrial Development Financing Authority, for a three (3) year term
Three (3) or four (4) members on the Council on Aging, for three (3) year terms
Two (2) or three (3) members of the Historical Commission, for three (3) year terms
One (1) or two (2) members of the Recreation Commission, for a three (3) year term
The select board shall, from time to time, appoint a Chief of Police, whose powers and duties shall be as set forth in the Town By-laws. Upon making said appointment the select board shall execute with him a contract of employment for a term not to exceed five (5) years.
The chief of police shall have full authority to appoint, demote, suspend and terminate all the police officers and command officers of the police department, and for the purposes of the requirements of chapter 31 of the General Laws, and the rules made thereunder shall be considered the appointing authority for the police department.
In original appointments to the permanent-intermittent force, regular full-time force or the promotion of any officer to any rank, said chief of police shall convene an assessment panel comprised of not less than three superior police officers of any police department, who shall interview and recommend the best candidates to said chief of police who shall choose among the names submitted to him by the assessment panel in accordance with the provisions of said chapter 31.
Said chief of police shall appoint such clerical and civilian staff as is authorized by town meeting.
The select board shall, from time to time, appoint a Fire Chief, whose powers and duties shall be as set forth in the Town By-laws. The Fire Chief shall continue to hold office unless removed by the select board for good cause after a public hearing, as detailed in § C-2.02(N).
The select board shall appoint such other town officials, boards, and committees as may be required by the provisions of this Charter, any Town By-law, a vote of Town Meeting, or the General Laws of the Commonwealth. In addition, the select board may appoint temporary or "ad hoc" committees to deal with special emergency situations; but the duration of any such committee shall not extend past the next Annual Town Meeting unless extended by vote of that Town Meeting.
The terms of office of town officials appointed annually, and of members of boards, commissions, and committees whose terms are expiring, shall end on the first day of May; except that all persons whose terms are expiring may serve until their successors are appointed and sworn in. The select board shall make their annual appointments within thirty days following the annual town election.
A vacancy in any appointive office, due to death, disability, resignation, or removal of the person holding the office, shall be filled by the select board without unreasonable delay. The select board shall make no appointment to fill a vacancy, however, until they have publicly announced the availability of the position at least two (2) weeks prior to making the appointment. Any appointment made to fill a vacancy shall be for the unexpired term of office.
In all cases where a procedure for removal from office is not specified in the General Laws of the Commonwealth, no person appointed to office by the select board shall be removed from that office except for good cause, and after a public hearing. Said hearing shall take place not sooner than one (1) week after the person whose removal from office is sought has received written notice of the hearing and written particulars of the charges preferred against him. At the hearing that person shall be entitled to counsel, may introduce evidence and call witnesses on his behalf, and may cross-examine witnesses called against him. At the conclusion of the hearing, the select board shall deliberate and vote upon the charges; the vote shall be by poll of the Board. No vote to remove from office shall be effective unless two-thirds (2/3) of the select board present and voting shall have voted in the affirmative.
There shall be a Town Clerk, elected, whose term of office shall be three (3) years.
The Town Clerk shall have all of the powers and duties conferred upon the offices by this Charter, the Town By-laws, votes of Town Meetings, and the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
The Town Clerk shall appoint an Assistant Town Clerk, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Town Clerk. In the absence or incapacity of the Town Clerk, the Assistant Town Clerk shall exercise all of the powers and duties of that office.
There shall be a Town Treasurer, elected, whose term of office shall be three (3) years.
The Town Treasurer shall have all of the powers and duties conferred upon the office by this Charter, the Town By-laws, votes of Town Meetings, and the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
The Town Treasurer shall appoint an Assistant Town Treasurer, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Town Treasurer. In the absence or incapacity of the Town Treasurer, the Assistant Town Treasurer shall exercise all of the powers and duties of that office.
[Amended by c. 57, Acts of 2005[1]]
There shall be a Town Collector, elected, whose term of office shall be three (3) years.
The Town Collector shall have all of the powers and duties conferred upon the office by this Charter, the Town By-laws, votes of Town Meetings, and the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
Editor's Note: Section 3 of this Act provided that the "person holding the elected office of tax collector on the effective date of this act shall be considered to have been elected to the office of town collector and shall remain in office until the expiration of the term to which he was elected, unless he sooner resigns or is removed or recalled."
There shall be a Board of Assessors consisting of three (3) members, each elected for a three (3) year term, who shall choose a chairman and shall act by majority vote.
The Board of Assessors shall have all of the powers and duties conferred upon it by this Charter, the Town By-laws, votes of Town Meetings, and the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
The Board of Assessors shall appoint a Director of Assessing, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. The duties of the Director of Assessing shall be such as may be legally conferred upon the Director of Assessing by the Board.
[Amended by c. 331, Acts of 2020]
There shall be a Board of Health consisting of three (3) members, each elected for a three (3) year term, who shall choose a chairman and shall act by majority vote.
The Board of Health shall have all of the powers and duties conferred upon it by this Charter, the Town By-laws, votes of Town Meetings, and the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
The Board of Health shall appoint a Health Agent, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. The duties of the Health Agent shall be such as may be legally conferred upon him by the Board, as well as those that are conferred upon him by the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
In the event of public health emergency, as declared by a majority of the members of the Board of Health, the provisions of Section 2.01(I) shall not be deemed to apply.
There shall be a Board of Water Commissioners consisting of three (3) members, each elected for a three (3) year term, who shall choose a chairman and shall act by majority vote.
The Board of Water Commissioners shall have all of the powers and duties conferred upon it by this Charter, the Town By-laws, the votes of Town Meetings, and the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
In the event of a water emergency, as declared by a majority of the members of the Board of Water Commissioners, the provisions of Section 2.01 (I) shall not be deemed to apply.
There shall be a Board of Sewer Commissioners, consisting of three (3) members, each elected for a three (3) year term, who shall choose a chairman and shall act by majority vote.
The Board of Sewer Commissioners shall have all of the powers and duties conferred upon it by this Charter, the Town By-laws, votes of Town Meetings, and the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
The board of sewer commissioners shall also be known as the drainage committee and shall have all the powers and duties conferred upon it by this charter, the town by-laws, votes of town meetings, and the General Laws.
[Added by c. 134, Acts of 1997]
There shall be a Board of Library Trustees consisting of six (6) members, each elected for a three (3) year term, who shall choose a chairman and shall act by a majority vote.
The Board of Library Trustees shall have all of the powers and duties conferred upon it by this Charter, the Town By-laws, votes of Town Meetings, and the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
There shall be a School Committee consisting of five (5) members, each elected for a three (3) year term, who shall choose a chairman and shall act by majority vote, except as may be otherwise required by the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
The School Committee shall have general charge of all the public schools, including the evening schools and evening high schools, and of vocational schools when not otherwise provided for, and shall be responsible for the full administration of these schools.
The School Committee shall be responsible for the supervision of such private schools or academies as may be established within the Town.
The School Committee shall have all of the powers conferred upon it by this Charter, the Town By-laws, votes of Town Meetings, and the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
There shall be a Planning Board consisting of five (5) members, each elected for a five (5) year term, who shall choose a chairman and a clerk and shall act by majority vote, except as may be otherwise required by the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
The Planning Board shall have all of the powers and duties conferred upon it by this Charter, the Town By-laws, votes of Town Meetings, and the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
There shall be a Town Moderator, elected, whose term of office shall be three (3) years.
The Town Moderator shall preside over and regulate all of the proceedings of the Town at Town Meetings, as hereinafter set forth in Article III of this Charter; and pursuant thereto, shall decide all questions of order and make public declaration of all votes. He shall otherwise have all of the powers and duties conferred upon him by this Charter, the Town By-laws, votes of Town Meetings, and the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
The Town Moderator shall appoint the members of the Finance Committee, as hereinafter set forth in Article VI, Section 6.04 (A) of this Charter.
There shall be a Rockland Housing Authority consisting of five (5) members, four (4) of whom shall be elected for a term of five (5) years in such manner that the term of one (1) member will expire each year, and one member who shall be appointed by the State Housing Board. The Rockland Housing Authority shall choose a chairman and a vice chairman, and shall act by majority vote.
The Rockland Housing Authority shall have all of the powers and duties conferred upon it by this Charter, the Town By-laws, votes of Town Meetings, and the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
There shall be a Board of Park Commissioners consisting of three (3) members, each elected for a three (3) year term, who shall choose a chairman and shall act by majority vote.
The Board of Park Commissioners shall have all of the powers and duties conferred upon it by this Charter, the Town By-laws, votes of Town Meetings, and the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
There shall be a Highway Superintendent, elected, whose term of office shall be three (3) years.
The Highway Superintendent shall have the responsibility for and control of the ordinary repair of public ways in the Town, and shall have all of the powers and duties of a highway surveyor under the General Laws of the Commonwealth. He shall, in addition, have all of the powers and duties conferred upon him by this Charter, the Town By-laws, votes of Town Meetings, and the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
[Added by c. 58, Acts of 2005[1]; amended by c. 331, Acts of 2020; c. 99, Acts of 2024]
The select board by an affirmative vote of not less than 4 members shall appoint a town administrator for a term of not more than 3 years and may extend such appointment for additional terms of not more than 3 years.
The town administrator shall be appointed solely on the basis of executive, administrative and municipal experience. His education should consist of a bachelor's degree in public or business administration or related field; a master's degree in public administration is preferred. In the absence of either degree, a minimum of 10 years actual work experience shall be required and shall consist of at least 5 years of progressively responsible experience in municipal management, 3 years of which shall be as a chief administrative or assistant administrator in a municipal organization. He shall not have served in an elective office in or for the town of Rockland for at least 12 months before his appointment.
The town administrator shall devote full time to the office and shall not hold any other public office, elected or appointed, nor engage in any other business, occupation, or profession during their term of office, unless the select board approves the action in advance in writing. The town may from time to time, by by-law establish additional qualifications as it considers necessary and appropriate.
The town administrator shall execute a bond in favor of the town of Rockland for the faithful performance of his duties in such sum and with such surety or sureties as may be fixed by the select board. The town shall pay the cost of the bond.
The select board may appoint an assistant town administrator to perform duties assigned by the town administrator. The assistant town administrator shall perform the duties of the town administrator in the town administrator's absence.
Editor's Note: Section 2 of this Act provided that the "town administrator of the town of Rockland holding office as of the effective date of this act shall continue to hold such office for the term of his appointment, unless he sooner resigns or is suspended or recalled in accordance with the town charter."
[Added by c. 58, Acts of 2005; amended by c. 331, Acts of 2020; c. 99, Acts of 2024]
The select board by affirmative vote of not less than 2/3 of its members may suspend or remove the town administrator from office. If the select board affirmatively votes to suspend or remove the town's administrator, the board shall give at least 60 days notice as to the effective date of his suspension or termination, or provide 60 days of severance pay, or a combination of both notice and severance pay equivalent to at least 60 days. At least 30 days before the proposed suspension or termination becomes effective the select board shall file a preliminary written resolution with the town clerk setting forth in detail the specific reason for the proposed suspension or termination. A copy of the resolution shall be delivered to the town administrator. The town administrator may within 10 days of service of the resolution, reply in writing to the resolution and may request a public hearing. If the town administrator so requests, the select board shall hold a public hearing not earlier than 20 days nor later than 30 days after the filing of the request. After the public hearing, if any, otherwise at the expiration of 30 days following the filing of the preliminary resolution, the select board may suspend or terminate the town administrator from duty. In the event the town administrator is charged with a criminal act, alleged to have been perpetrated while performing his job, suspension without pay is immediate and if the town administrator is not exonerated of the charges, termination is immediate and no notice or severance shall be provided. Nothing contained herein shall limit the authority of the select board to suspend or terminate the town administrator as provided by state, federal or local law.
If the office of town administrator is vacant, as a result of death, removal, resignation, or otherwise, or the town administrator is on a leave of absence exceeding 2 weeks, the select board by affirmative vote of at least 3 members, shall appoint a qualified town administrator officer, or employee to serve as acting town administrator. The acting town administrator shall receive compensation as set by the affirmative vote of at least 3 members of the select board, but shall not exceed the rate of compensation approved for the town administrator being replaced. The appointment of the acting town administrator shall not exceed a 4-month period.
[Added by c. 58, Acts of 2005]
The town administrator shall be the administrative officer of the town of Rockland, reporting directly to the select board and acting as its agent. He shall be responsible for the effective and professional administration of the day-to-day affairs of the town in the absence of the select board as described herein.
[Amended by c. 99, Acts of 2024]
The town administrator shall administer this charter, either directly or through a person or persons appointed by the select board.
[Amended by c. 99, Acts of 2024]
The town administrator shall be responsible for the proper administration and development of the annual operating budget process.
The town administrator shall recommend to the select board strategic plans and objectives for mitigation or other purposes. He shall have prepared multi-year forecasts on revenues and expenditures for use in analyzing financial impacts in collective bargaining issues, insurance costs, and other long-term costs. He shall recommend to the select board, for their approval, debt management, and capital planning policies. He shall further recommend policies and long-range goals to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of town government.
[Amended by c. 99, Acts of 2024]
The town administrator shall keep the select board fully informed regarding all departmental operations, fiscal affairs, general problems, and administrative actions. He shall keep the select board and the finance committee informed as to the financial condition and the needs of the town.
[Amended by c. 99, Acts of 2024]
The town administrator shall act as the town's insurance coordinator. He shall be responsible for ensuring that all pertinent policies are in effect, see that adequate insurance coverage is provided, ensure that claims are properly processed, conduct cost benefit analyses on existing policies and propose changes. He shall render an annual report to the select board on all claims made and losses sustained.
[Amended by c. 99, Acts of 2024]
The town administrator shall act as grant coordinator for the town. He shall collect and distribute information concerning grants, establish uniform procedures for grant applications, prepare or assist in developing grant proposals and shall monitor all town grants to ensure fiscal and program compliance.
The town administrator, in cooperation with other town officials selected by him, shall establish policies, procedures and guidelines for town procurements in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws. He shall keep an inventory of the real and fixed assets of the town.
The town administrator shall be responsible for the approval of the purchase of all supplies, materials, equipment, and other services, for departments or agencies under the jurisdiction of the select board.
[Amended by c. 99, Acts of 2024]
The town administrator in the absence of the select board shall act as agent of the select board in coordinating activities, budgets, and day to day operations of the town departments, boards, committees, and commissions that come under the jurisdiction of the select board. He shall coordinate these activities with officers and boards elected by the voters, keeping all informed of ongoing activities and issues.
[Amended by c. 99, Acts of 2024]
The town administrator shall plan, organize and supervise the operational audits of the activities of town departments to evaluate the efficiency of resource utilization and the effectiveness of governmental services. Audit areas may include staffing, scheduling, vehicle management, and any other topic requested by the select board.
[Amended by c. 99, Acts of 2024]
The town administrator shall participate in the collective bargaining process and see that the provisions of the collective bargaining agreements are enforced in departments under his jurisdiction.
The town administrator shall assist the select board in recruitment and selection of department heads under their jurisdiction.
[Amended by c. 99, Acts of 2024]
The town administrator shall ensure that the town maintains a professional personnel system by monitoring the effectiveness of policies, procedures and practices as required by law, in accordance with proper personnel practices. He shall ensure that the recruitment, selection, promotion, transfer, discipline, and removal of employees are conducted in accordance with applicable state and federal laws, and with personnel by-laws and policies adopted pursuant to the same. He shall coordinate personnel administration with the personnel board.
In the absence of the select board, and at its direction, he shall perform public relations functions for the select board by presenting the town's position of issues, responding to citizens complaints, preparing press releases, and representing the board at conferences, hearings, and meetings with county, state, and federal agencies. He shall act as its liaison to business, industrial and community groups.
[Amended by c. 99, Acts of 2024]
The town administrator shall be responsible for the use and maintenance of all town facilities and equipment under the jurisdiction of the select board.
[Amended by c. 99, Acts of 2024]
The town administrator shall attend all regular and special meetings of the select board and have voice but no vote in all meetings. He shall attend all regular and special sessions of the town meeting to answer questions and provide information. He shall oversee the preparation of the annual town report and town warrants.
[Amended by c. 99, Acts of 2024]
The town administrator shall see that the General Laws, the Rockland town charter and Rockland town by-laws, and the votes of town meeting, and votes of the select board are carried out and performed.
[Amended by c. 99, Acts of 2024]
The town administrator shall perform all other duties as may be required by the select board.
[Amended by c. 99, Acts of 2024]