Ord. 1
No newspaper published in Township., therefore all ordinances shall be published in the Carnegie Signal Item newspaper
Ord. 8
Fixing the bond for the Township Treasurer for the year of 1911
Ord. 18
Fixing the bond for the Township Treasurer for the year of 1912
Ord. 19
Fixing the bond for the Township clerk
Ord. 43
Fixing the bond for the Township Treasurer
Ord. 137
Signifying the Township's intention to organize an authority under the Municipalities Authorities Act (Repealed by Ord. No. 711)
Ord. 148
Designation of Fire and Water Districts for the purpose of fire protection
Ord. 150
Agreement between Pennsylvania and the Township of Collier for the coverage of certain employees
Ord. 174
Appointing James O'Connell as Earned Income Tax Commissioner for the term to expire 4/30/1957
Ord. 191
Appointing James O'Connell as Earned Income Tax Commissioner for the term from 1/1/1958 to 4/30/1959
Ord. 193
Payment to Allegheny County Sanitary Authority for the construction of a diversion structure
Ord. 200
Water and Sewage Survey (Repealed by Ord. No. 711)
Ord. 209
Appointing William Whitley as the Earned Income Tax Commissioner for the term of 1/1/1960
Ord. 210
Fixing the compensation of the Earned Income Tax Commissioner
Ord. 227
Authorizing and directing to joint with the City of Pittsburgh and the Boroughs and Townships for the creation of the Chartiers Valley District Flood Control Authority
Ord. 237
Electing to join the municipal employees' retirement system
Ord. 248
Audit report for the year of 1963
Ord. 270
Establishing salaries to be paid to Township Commissioners
Ord. 329
Regulations pertaining to Chartiers Creek Local Flood Protection Project. State assumed jurisdiction
Ord. 338
Adopting the police retirement ordinance
Ord. 354
Agreement with Allegheny County Sanitary Authority for an acceptable procedure for collection
Ord. 398
Electing to upgrade member benefits in the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System
Ord. 416
Authorizing the use of speed timing devices on the roads
Ord. 470
Amending Ord. 338, police retirement ordinance
Ord. 477
Electing to upgrade member benefits in the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System
Ord. 487
Empowering and authorizing the police department of the Township of Collier and the individual officers thereof to enforce speed limit and traffic control device laws of the Township of Collier or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on real property of 10 acres or more upon request of the owner thereof and upon posting of the property in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation regulations
Ord. 490
Authorizing the Township to join with other local government units as a settlor of the Pennsylvania Local Government investment Trust for the purpose of purchasing shares of the trust
Ord. 501
Adopting a municipal Drug Task Force Agreement with the office of the Attorney General of Pennsylvania
Ord. 508
Authorizing participation in the municipal risk management workmen's compensation pooled trust
Ord. 523
Amending Ord. 338, police retirement ordinance
Ord. 526
Establishing a budgetary reserve account for 1994 funds received for use in paying or reimbursing costs incurred during unanticipated fiscal emergencies
Ord. 528
Creating and establishing a procedure and requirements needed for residents o the Township to qualify and establish eligibility for a property tax rebate under the requirements of Act 77 of 1993
Res. 010395-01
Reenacting existing ordinances enacted under Authority of the Local Tax Enabling Act of December 31, 1965, as amended
Ord. 541
Authorizing the Township to enter into an agreement creating an entity to be known as Southwest Regional Dispatch Center
Res. 122695-01
Reenacting existing ordinances enacted under Authority of the Local Tax Enabling Act of December 31, 1965, as amended
Res. 01-07-97-01
Declaring a portion of the Collier Township Zoning ordinance, Chapter 27 of the Code substantially invalid and directing that a curative amendment be considered to overcome such invalidity
Res. 07-01-97-01
Recognizing that the Kirwin Heights Volunteer Fire Department is a volunteer department serving the residents of the Township
Res. 060600-01
Amending the established retirement plan for certain employees known as the police pension plan administered by the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs Master Retirement Trust (PSAB Master Retirement Trust)
Res. 100300-01
Authorizing and adopting an agreement
Res. 060501-01
Authorizing and adopting an agreement
Res. 121702-01
Establishment and maintenance of Township employees pension, annuity, insurance, and benefit fund or funds, to amend certain provisions of the pension plan or program applicable to the police of said Township and to restate in its entirety such pension plan or program
Ord. 598
Authorizing the adoption of an intergovernmental cooperation agreement pertaining to mutual police aid pursuant to 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 2305
Ord. 599
Changing the benefits it has in the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement system, agreeing to be bound by all provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement law as amended and as applicable to member municipalities changing benefits under the provisions
Res. 020805-01
Amending the police pension plan by adopting the PSAB Master Retirement Trust and the joinder agreement
Res. 020805-02
Establishing and forming an Agricultural Area Advisory Commission with the Township of South Fayette and approving request for inclusion by Mr. A. E. (Peter) Couch, Jr.
Res. 071205-01
Supporting the efforts of the regional coalition to retain military base facilities in Allegheny County, and further, calling on the U.S. Department of Defense and the Base Realignment and Closure commission to keep the 911th Airlift Wing, 99th Regional Readiness Center, and the 171st Air Refueling Wing open and operating
Res. 071205-02
Designated George Scarborough as the official to file all applications, documents, and forms between the Township and the Allegheny County Department of Economic Development
Res. 071205-03
Structures that are vacant and dilapidated and identified for demolition will undergo condemnation proceedings
Res. 071205-04
Designated George Scarborough as the official to file all applications, documents, and forms between the Township and the Allegheny County Department of Economic Development
Res. 071205-05
Designated George Scarborough as the official to file all applications, documents, and forms between the Township and the Allegheny County Department of Economic Development
Res. 091305-01
Municipal winter traffic services agreement
Res. 093005-02
Adoption of the National Incident Management System (NIMS)
Ord. 611
Changing the benefits it has in the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System of the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Law agreeing to be bound by all provisions of it as amended and as applicable to member municipalities changing benefits under the provisions
Res. 101105-01
Disposition resolution for the destruction of specific records
Res. 021406-01
Reducing police officers' contributions to the police pension plan for the year 2006
Res. 031306-02
Adopting an employees deferred compensation plan and authorizing the execution of agreements relating to said plan
Res. 031406-01
Supporting grant funded studies by the Chartiers Valley District Flood Control Authority to determine the impact of tributaries that drain into the Chartiers Creek and are located beyond the current maintenance responsibilities of the Authority
Res. 050906-02
Board of Commissioners to enter into and execute an agreement
Res. 071106-01
Approving the submission to the Commonwealth, Department of Community and Economic Development's Enterprise Zone Program to plan for a proposed joint enterprise zone with other municipalities located west of the City of Pittsburgh and south of the Ohio River
Res. 071106-02
Approving the submission of Collier Township Municipal Building ADA Compliant Exterior Doors by designating George Scarborough as the official to file all applications, documents, and forms between the Township and the Allegheny County Department of Economic Development
Res. 071106-03
Approving the submission of Rennerdale Fire Station ADA Renovations by designating George Scarborough as the official to file all applications, documents, and forms between the Township and the Allegheny County Department of Economic Development
Ord. 614
Amending the police pension plan to authorize a deferred retirement option plan for participants in the plan
Res. 022007-01
Recognizing the achievement of Mr. Barry L. Wauthier upon his retirement from the Township of Collier with 38 years of service
Res. 022007-02
Disposition resolution for the destruction of specific records
Res. 022007-03
Considering a Zoning Ordinance amendment which will limit and control development and removal of vegetation in steep slope areas as defined within the amendment
Res. 022007-04
Authorizing the adoption of the Allegheny County Hazard Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigation Plan as the Official Hazard Assessment and Mitigation Plan of Collier Township, a municipality situate in the County of Allegheny and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Res. 041007-01
Recognizing the donation of an automated external defibrillator (AED) to the residents and visitors of Collier Township by the Collier Township Volunteer Fireman's Association
Res. 031307-01
Disposition resolution for the destruction of specific records
Res. 050807-01
Adopting a smoke-free workplace policy consistent with Chapter 880 of the Allegheny County ordinances
Res. 061207-01
Considering a Zoning Ordinance amendment which will regulate logging in all zoning districts
Res. 061207-02
Disposition resolution for the destruction of specific records
Res. 061207-03
Disposition resolution for the destruction of specific records
Res. 071007-01
Entering into the agreement of desiring of obtaining funds from the Department of Economic Development in the amount of $12,000
Res. 081407-01
The accompanying joinder agreement and the terms of the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs Master Retirement Trust are hereby adopted by the Employer, to be known as the Township of Collier Police Pension Plan
Res. 081407-02
Proclaiming the month of August 2007 as Collier Township Volunteer Fire Fighter Appreciation month
Res. 081407-03
Considering a Zoning Ordinance amendment which will set minimum lot sizes and lot widths for lots with public sewers in the R-1 and R-2 Zoning Districts
Res. 091107-01
Recognizing the achievement of Shane Robert John O'Brien of Troop 860, Frontier District, Greater Pittsburgh Council of the Boy Scouts of America upon attaining scouting's highest award, the Status of Eagle Scout
Res. 091107-02
Recognizing the achievement of Casey John Bonincontro of Troop 860, Frontier District, Greater Pittsburgh Council of the Boy Scouts of America upon attaining scouting's highest award, the Status of Eagle Scout
Res. 091107-03
Recognizing the achievement of the Collier All Stars including players from Bridgeville, Scott and Collier in winning the State Little League Baseball Title
Res. 091107-04
Recognizing the achievements of Mr. Nufrie Medvid, Collier Township Commissioner, 1982-1989
Res. 091107-05
Appointing Bill Snider as a Township Commissioner to fill a vacancy created by the resignation of Darlene Restich
Res. 011508-02
Disposition resolution for the destruction of specific records
Res. 021908-01
Incorporating all of the terms, representations, promises and conditions set forth in the proposal for Comprehensive Recreation, Park and Open Space Plan, Greenways Plan and Trail Study, Swimming Pool Study and Community Center Study submitted to the Township of Collier by Pashek Associates ("Planner") under Planner's letter of September 24, 2007
Res. 021908-02
Adopting guidelines for all committees and liaison positions to the Collier Township Board by establishing a "Code of Conduct" for all the commissioners serving in these functions
Res. 061008-01
Adopting a purchasing policy to provide guidance for the Township Manager, Department Directors and other staff in the authorization process for the purchase of materials, supplies and professional services
Res. 070108-01
Adopting the Kelly Facility Re-Use Plan
Res. 070808-02
Entering into the agreement of desiring of obtaining funds from the Department of Economic Development in the amount of $60,480
Res. 070808-01
Recognizing the Samuel J. Fondation as a Civic and/or Service Association under the Local Options Small Games of Chance Act, as amended
Res. 051308-03
Establishing an Impact Fee Advisory Committee and authorizing the preparation and public advertisement of the Township's notice of intention to adopt an impact fee ordinance pursuant to Act 209 of 1990 and further providing for the application of a fee for up to 18 months during the adoption of the program
Res. 081208-01
Proclaiming the month of August 2008 as Kirwan Heights Volunteer Fire Fighter Appreciation month
Res. 081208-02
Authorizing pursuit of a Tax Increment Financing Plan
Res. 081208-03
Approving the budget transfers as adopted at a duly assembled public meeting held this 12 day of August, 2008
Res. 121608-01
Setting a uniform rate structure to be applied to monthly usage charges for sewer use service billed by the Pennsylvania American Water Company monthly billing program
Res. 011409-02
Disposition resolution for the destruction of specific records
Res. 021109-02
Establishing a procedure for all expenditures by department heads and authorized purchasers of the various departments of the Township of Collier
Res. 040709-01
Amending Section 5.4 of the Civil Service Rules and Regulations of Collier Township
Res. 040809-02
Declaring its intent to follow the schedules and procedures for disposition of records as set forth in the municipal records manual approved on December 16, 2008
Res. 040809-03
Declaring its intent to follow the schedules and procedures for disposition of records as set forth in the municipal records manual approved on December 16, 2008
Res. 061009-01
Considering a Zoning Ordinance amendment, which will define and restrict gas and oil well drilling to areas designated on a Zoning Map overlay, subject to certain conditions
Res. 061009-03
Agreeing to use the dotGrants on-line reporting system to file required Liquid Fuels forms annually; including, but not limited to, the MS-965, MS-329 and MS-999 forms
Res. 070809-02
Entering into the agreement of desiring of obtaining funds from the Department of Economic Development in the amount of $129,375
Res. 070809-03
Entering into the agreement of desiring of obtaining funds from the Department of Economic Development in the amount of $92,160
Res. 070809-04
Entering into the agreement of desiring of obtaining funds from the Department of Economic Development in the amount of $9,600
Res. 072909-01
Determining and declaring that vacant and dilapidated structures individually and collectively constitute blighted property in the municipality as defined by the Urban Redevelopment Law (1945, May 24, P.L. 991; 1978, June 23, P.L. 556, No. 94; as amended, 1988, March 30, P.L. 304, No. 39, be demolished
Res. 081209-02
Disposition resolution for the destruction of specific records
Res. 081209-03
Proclaiming the month of August 2009 as Kirwan Heights Volunteer Fire Fighter Appreciation month
Res. 101409-01
Certifying that Collier Township is willing to participate in an energy audit as part of Allegheny County's Energy Program for municipalities Financed by a block grant through the U.S. Department of Energy
Res. 101409-02
Appointing Bob Schuler, as the appointed delegate and Kay Downey-Clarke and Gary Vituccio as alternates for the Allegheny Southwest Tax Collection District
Res. 101409-03
Appointing Gary Vituccio, Township Manger, as the Emergency Management Coordinator and John Kripp as the alternate Emergency Management Coordinator and directing that all appropriate government agencies and personnel be so notified
Ord. 650
Amending Ord. 395, as amended, pertaining to composition of the Police Pension Fund Committee
Ord. 707
Electing to amend the Non-Uniform Pension Plan administered by the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System
Ord. 724
Rezoning property on Miller Drive desiginated as Block and Lot 264-F-2 from R-1 to PEDD Residential Overlay
Ord. 727
Electing to amend the Non-Uniform Pension Plan administered by the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System