[L. 1916, c. 409; L.L. No. 2-1961; L.L. No. 3-1973]
The Mayor shall nominate and by and with the consent of the Common Council as hereinbefore provided appoint three (3) Directors of Civil Service. The term of office of said directors first appointed shall terminate the 31st day of May, 1918. And thereafter the term of office of said Directors shall be six (6) years. The Clerk of said Civil Service Board shall be nominated by the Mayor with the consent of the Common Council for a term of office concurrent with the Director of Civil Service. The Civil Service Board and the Directors thereof shall have all powers and be charged with all the duties and responsibilities conferred and imposed by the general laws of the state. Said Directors shall receive for their services the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.) each per year and no other fee or reward. The term of office of the present Civil Service Commission and of the Commissioners thereof appointed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 288 of the Laws of 1906 shall terminate when this Charter takes effect.