[Added 8-21-2017]
Purpose. The purpose of this article is to enable the streets of the City of Lackawanna to provide safe, convenient, and comfortable routes for walking, bicycling, and public transportation that encourage increased use of these modes of transportation, enable convenient travel as part of daily activities, improve the public welfare by addressing a wide array of health and environmental problems, and meet the needs of all users of the complete streets, including children, older adults, and people with disabilities, and provide adequate parking for commercial and residential uses.
Definitions. The following words and phrases, whenever used in this section, shall have the meanings defined in this section unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
Design features that contribute to a safe, convenient, or comfortable travel experience for users, including, but not limited to, features such as: sidewalks; shared use paths; bicycle lanes; automobile lanes; paved shoulders; street trees and landscaping; planting strips; curbs; accessible curb ramps; bump outs; crosswalks; refuge islands; pedestrian and traffic signals, including countdown and accessible signals; street furniture; bicycle parking facilities; public transportation stops and facilities; transit priority signalization; traffic calming devices, such as rotary circles, traffic bumps, and surface treatments, such as paving blocks, textured asphalt, and concrete; narrow vehicle lanes; raised medians; and dedicated transit lanes.
Any public right-of-way, including arterials, connectors, alleyways, lanes, and roadways by any other designation, as well as bridges, tunnels, and any other portions of the transportation network.
The construction, reconstruction, retrofit, maintenance, alteration, or repair of any street, and includes the planning, design, approval, and implementation processes, except that "street project" does not include minor routine upkeep, such as cleaning, sweeping, mowing, spot repair, or interim measures on detour routes.
Individuals that use streets, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motor vehicle drivers, public transportation riders and drivers, and people of all ages and abilities, including children, youth, families, older adults, and individuals with disabilities.
Complete streets ordinance goals and guidelines. The City of Lackawanna shall attempt to enhance the safety, access, convenience and comfort of all users of all ages and abilities, providing for equality in use between pedestrians (including people requiring mobility aids), bicyclists, transit users, motorists and freight drivers, and businesses and residents who need adequate parking through the design, operation and maintenance of a transportation network, so as to create a connected network of facilities accommodating each mode of travel that is consistent with and supportive of the local community and businesses, recognizing that all streets are different and that the needs of various users will be balanced in a flexible manner to achieve complete streets. This goal shall be implemented as follows:
The City of Lackawanna will consider including complete streets elements in all public transportation projects, in order to provide appropriate accommodation for bicycles, pedestrians, transit users and persons of all abilities, while promoting safe operations for all users, in comprehensive and connected networks, in a manner consistent with, and supportive of, the surrounding community.
As practical, the City of Lackawanna may incorporate complete streets infrastructure into existing streets so as to improve the safety and convenience of users, construct and enhance the transportation network for each category of users, and foster economic development and new employment.
The City of Lackawanna shall recognize that complete streets may be achieved through single elements incorporated into a particular project, or incrementally through a series of smaller improvements or maintenance activities over time. The City of Lackawanna shall approach every street project and program as an opportunity to improve streets and a transportation network for all users.
Complete streets, bicycle, pedestrian, and transit facilities shall be incorporated, when applicable and practical, in all City street projects, and reconstruction, repaving, and rehabilitation projects, with only the following exceptions:
Bicycles or pedestrians are prohibited by law from using the facility.
The cost of establishing bikeways or walkways as part of the project would be disproportionate in cost or to anticipated future use (not the current use).
The existing right-of-way is constrained in a manner that inhibits simple addition of transit, bicycle, or pedestrian improvements.
Where such facilities would constitute a threat to public safety or health in the determination of the Director of Development or City Council.
All initial planning and design studies, and other project reviews, for public infrastructure projects requiring funding or approval by the City of Lackawanna shall:
Evaluate the effect of the proposed project on safe travel by all users; and
Identify measures to mitigate any adverse impacts on such travel that are identified.
When drafting or revising design guidelines, the City of Lackawanna shall consider including complete streets infrastructure and goals, bicycle lanes and cycle tracks, sidewalks, street crossings, curb geometries, and planting strips. The design of new or reconstructed facilities should anticipate and support likely future demand for bicycling, walking and transit facilities.
Because freight is important to the basic economy of the City and has unique right-of-way needs to support that role, freight will be a priority on streets classified as truck routes. Complete streets improvements that are consistent with freight mobility but also support other modes shall be considered on these streets.
Nothing in this article is intended to impose any additional civil liability upon the City of Lackawanna other than that which is imposed by existing law.