[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of East Granby 11-10-2020. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Town of East Granby, under its powers pursuant to state law, has adopted this chapter to protect public health, safety, and welfare by prohibiting the intentional feeding of wildlife. This chapter is intended to assist our residents, guests, and other stakeholders to peacefully and safely coexist with wildlife.
When used in this chapter, the following definitions apply:
All sworn personnel of the Police Department and Animal Control Officers. Additionally, any employees or designees of the Town as designated by the First Selectman to enforce this chapter.
An individual, a corporation, a partnership, a nonprofit, a trust, an unincorporated organization, business organization of any kind or any other group or organization.
The Town of East Granby.
Includes, but is not limited to, nondomesticated animals that due to intentional feeding have been determined to be a nuisance or threat to public health, safety, and welfare such as bears, deer, coyotes, bobcats, fisher cats, turkeys and wild birds. Wildlife does not include livestock used for agricultural purposes.
In recognition that these animals are wild and should be left alone for the health, safety, and welfare of both the wildlife and our residents, guests, and other stakeholders, the following is prohibited activity:
Intentional feeding of wildlife. Feeding, giving, placing, exposing, depositing, distributing or scattering any edible material, attractant, or other substance with the intention of feeding, attracting or enticing wildlife.
Feeding birds. Bird feeders should not be used from April 1 through November 30, unless the source is recognized as not being desirable to bears, such as but not limited to Nyjer or thistle.
Improperly storing food, refuse, or other wildlife attractants. Improperly storing food, pet food, refuse (garbage), or other attractants and substances in a manner that results in wildlife feedings.
The following shall be exceptions to § 184-3:
Unintentional feeding of wildlife. Unintentional feeding of wildlife means using or placing any material for a purpose other than to intentionally attract, entice, or feed wildlife but which results in unintentionally attracting, enticing, or feeding of wildlife. Unintentional feeding will become intentional feeding if a written notice is issued by an authorized enforcement agency and ignored.
Composting. Composting that was properly secured but unintentionally led to the feeding of wildlife is excluded.
Feeding birds. Bird feeders may be used from December 1 through March 31. If the food is recognized as not desirable to bears, such as, but not limited to Nyjer or thistle, bird feeders may be used year round.
Permitted activity. This chapter does not apply to any person with a valid permit issued by the State of Connecticut, Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.
Wildlife rehabilitation. Any person providing care to wildlife for the purpose of an animal's rehabilitation due to illness or injury, as part of a recognized for-profit or nonprofit entity providing for such care of wildlife.
Whenever the authorized enforcement agency determines that a person has violated this chapter, the authorized enforcement agency is authorized to issue a written warning to the violator for a first offense and then a fine in the amount of $100 for a second offense and $250 for each additional offense. Any violation continued more than one day shall constitute a separate offense for each day such violation continues. After two or more violations of this chapter have been cited to any person, the Town may initiate a civil action in Superior Court for injunctive relief to prohibit and prevent such violation or violations, and the court may proceed in the action in a summary matter.
Any person receiving a fine may appeal the determination of the authorized enforcement agency to the First Selectman who will serve as hearing officer. The notice of appeal must be received in writing and filed with the Town Clerk's office within 10 business days from receipt of the notice of the fine. The appeal shall be deemed received by the Town on the first business day following the day it is filed with and received by the Town Clerk's office. Hearing on the appeal before the First Selectman shall take place within 30 business days from the date of receipt of the notice of appeal. The decision of the First Selectman may be appealed to Superior Court.