[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ballston 9-6-1994 by L.L. No. 1-1994. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Officers and employees — See Ch. 26.
Sexual harassment policy — See Ch. 39.
The governing body of the Town of Ballston does hereby adopt a Code of Ethics for the guidance of its officers and employees, setting forth herein the standards of conduct reasonably expected of them and, pursuant to Subdivision 3 of § 812 of the General Municipal Law, the Town of Ballston does hereby require that the officers and employees are required to file completed annual statements of financial disclosure containing the information as asked for in Form 200, entitled "Town of Ballston Disclosure Statement."
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A direct or indirect pecuniary or material benefit accruing to an official or employee as the result of a contract, business, professional transaction or other relationship with the Town of Ballston. For the purpose of this chapter, an official or employee will be deemed to have an interest in the affairs of:
His or her spouse and unemancipated children.
A firm, partnership or association of which an official or employee is a member or employee.[1]
A corporation of which such official or employee is a member, officer, director or employee or in which the official or employee owns any outstanding shares of any class of stock.[2]
An official or employee of the Town of Ballston government, whether paid or unpaid, who is a member of one or more of the boards, commissions, departments or agencies which serve the Town of Ballston, as set forth in Exhibit A.[3] The Town Board reserves the right by resolution of such Board to add new classes of officials or employees under this definition as deemed appropriate.[4]
The husband or wife of the employee or official unless living separate and apart from the employee or official with the intention of terminating the marriage or providing for permanent separation or unless separated pursuant to a judicial order, decree or judgment or a legally binding separation agreement.
Any son, daughter, stepson or stepdaughter who is under the age of 18, unmarried and living in the household of the official or employee.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Editor's Note: Exhibit A is located at the end of this chapter.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Prohibited activities. It is the policy of the Town of Ballston that all officials and employees must avoid conflicts or potential conflicts of interest. A conflict or a potential conflict exists whenever an official or employee has an interest, direct or indirect, which conflicts with his or her duty to the town or which could adversely affect an individual's judgment in the discharge of his or her responsibilities. No official or employee shall:
Take action or participate in any manner whatsoever in his or her official capacity in the discussion, negotiation or the awarding of any contract or in any business or professional dealings with the Town of Ballston or any agency thereof in which the official or employee has or will have an interest, direct or indirect, in such contract or professional dealings.
Engage in, solicit, negotiate for or promise to accept private employment or render services for his or her personal benefit when such employment or service creates a conflict or impairs the proper discharge of his or her official duties.
Solicit, directly or indirectly, any gifts having the value of $75 or more, whether in the form of money, services, loan, travel, entertainment, hospitality, thing or promise, or in any other form, under circumstances in which it could be reasonably inferred that the gift was intended to influence him or her, or could reasonably be expected to influence him or her, in the performance of his or her official duties or was intended as a reward for any official action on his or her part. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any public officer listed in § 11 of the Domestic Relations Law from accepting any gift or benefit having a value of $75 or less for the solemnization of a marriage by that public officer at a place other than the public officer's normal place of business or at a time other than the officer's normal hours of business. For purpose of this section a campaign contribution made to any candidate or political party in accord with appropriate laws shall not be considered a gift prohibited by this subsection.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Disclose confidential information acquired in the course of his or her official duties or use such information to further his or her personal interest.
Accept employment or engage in any business or activity which will require him or her to disclose confidential information which he or she has gained by reason of his or her official position or authority.
Take action on a matter before the Town of Ballston or any instrumentality thereof when, to his or her knowledge, the performance of that action would provide a pecuniary or material benefit to himself or herself.
Disclosure of interest.
Any official who has, will have or intends to acquire a direct or indirect interest in any matter being considered by the Town of Ballston or by any other official, board, agency, officer or employee of the Town of Ballston and who participates in the discussion before or who gives an opinion or gives advice to any board, agency or individual considering the same shall publicly disclose on the official record the nature and the extent of such interest.
Any official or employee of the Town of Ballston who has knowledge of any matter being considered by any board, agency, officer or employee of the Town of Ballston, in which matter he or she has or will have or intends to acquire any direct or indirect interest, shall be required immediately to disclose, in writing, his or her interest to such board, agency, officer or employee and the nature and the extent thereof.
Annual Code of Ethics review.
Every official and employee is required to attest on an annual basis that he or she has reviewed the Code of Ethics of the Town of Ballston, and such attestation shall be made on or before the first of February each year.
The penalties for failing to comply with this subdivision will be the same as those provided for in § 14-8. The Attestation Form shall provide as follows:
  I, the undersigned, hereby attest that I have reviewed the Local Law providing for the filing of Financial Disclosure Statements by certain Town officials and employees and the Code of Ethics. I further attest that I understand the provisions of such Code of Ethics and, to the best of my knowledge, I am not in violation of any of its precepts or requirements.
Subscribed and Sworn to
before me this __________________
day of _______    , 19_____
Notary Public
State of New York
All officials and employees of the Town of Ballston shall file a statement of disclosure (Form 200) containing the information as required by the annual statement of disclosure form which follows. The statement shall be filed in the office of the Town Supervisor no later than the first day of February each year and shall cover the preceding calendar year. Newly appointed or elected officials or employees whose duties commence after the first of January will be required to submit a statement of disclosure within 30 days after the commencement of their duties. Such disclosure will cover the twelve-month period prior to the date of filing. Within 30 days of any material change in the information contained in his or her most recently filed statement, the official or employee shall file a signed amendment to the statement reflecting such change. It shall be the duty of the Ethics Board to verify that each official or employee subject to this chapter has filed his or her statement, and the Ethics Board shall notify the Town Board of any instances of failing to file.
Disclosure statements shall be maintained for a minimum period of seven years from the date of filing.
The form of the disclosure statement shall be as follows:
FORM 200
I hereby submit the following Disclosure Statement, under oath, listing the assets and liabilities and sources of income of me, my spouse and my unemancipated children with respect to entities doing business of any kind with the Town of Ballston.
Date of Statement:______________________
For the Period Ended:___________________
General Information:
Name: _________________________________
Address: ______________________________
Title: ________________________________
Office Telephone: _____________________
Date of Appointment: ___________________
Marital Status: _______________________
Name of Spouse: _______________________
Occupation of Spouse: _________________
List any office, trusteeship, directorship or position of any nature, whether compensated or uncompensated, held by you or your spouse, with any proprietorship, partnership, corporation or other organization, which at present or during the prior twelve (12) months does business with the Town of Ballston:
List any occupations, trade, business or profession presently engaged in by you or your spouse [presently or during the prior twelve (12) months] which does business or has any matter pending with or is licensed or regulated by a Town Agency or Department:
List all sources of income received by you, your spouse or unemancipated children from entities doing business with the Town of Ballston at present or during the prior twelve (12) months' period or which you anticipate will engage in business with the Town in the future:
All compensated continuing employment of whatever nature with an entity doing business with the Town of Ballston:
All directorships or other fiduciary positions for which compensation has or will be paid by an entity doing business with the Town of Ballston:
All contractual arrangements producing or expected to produce income from entities doing business with the Town of Ballston:
List the names and address of any proprietorship, partnership or corporation doing business with the Town of Ballston, or any instrumentality thereof, in which you, your spouse or your unemancipated children presently have or have had in the prior twelve (12) months, an interest of 5% or more:
Company Name:
  I, the undersigned, being duly sworn, hereby state that I have personally completed the above Disclosure Statement, and that such Disclosure Statement is true and complete.
Subscribed and Sworn to
before me this
day of _______, 19_________.
Notary Public
State of New York
The Town of Ballston recognizes that public access to the disclosure statements which are filed by town officials and employees will enhance the public confidence thereof and shall deter conflicts of interest and assist in their uncovering.
Any person or news media desiring to review the disclosure statement of any official or employee shall submit as a request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Law[1] or written request to the Town of Ballston's Town Board which shall include the following:
Name and address.
Name and address of any person or organization on whose behalf the statement is being requested.
A form of identification to verify that an accurate name and address has been given by the person requesting such information.
The payment of a fee of $0.25 per page if a copy of the disclosure statement is desired.
Editor's Note: See Public Officers Law § 84 et seq.
Any official or employee whose disclosure statement has been inspected or copied shall be notified of the identity and the address of the person(s) who or organization(s) which requested to view or to copy such statement.
It shall be unlawful for any person or organization to inspect or to copy a statement for:
Any unlawful purpose.
The use, directly or indirectly, in the solicitation of the official or employee for political, charitable or business purposes.
A civil action may be brought by the Town of Ballston's Town Board against any person or organization that violates the provisions of Subsection C of this section or for the willful withholding of the information requested in Subsection A of this section.
The Ethics Board of the Town of Ballston shall consist of five members, each appointed by a majority vote of the Town of Ballston Town Board. Each appointee must be a resident of the Town of Ballston. The Chairman of said Ethics Board shall be selected by the Town Supervisor for a term of one year. Only one elected official of the Town of Ballston shall be allowed to serve on the Ethics Board.
Town of Ballston's Ethics Board members shall serve a term of four years; however, two of the original appointees shall be appointed to serve an initial term of two years.
Four members of the Ethics Board shall constitute a quorum, with a vote of at least three members being required for action by the Board.
The members of the Ethics Board shall not be compensated; however, they may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
The Ethics Board will meet as necessary or when called upon to convene by the Town Board. At its meetings, the Ethics Board shall receive and consider complaints of unethical practices or instances of alleged impropriety which have been presented to it and shall render advisory opinions when requested to do so by any town employee or elected official.
When the Ethics Board determines that a conflict of interest or that other impropriety exists, the Ethics Board will cause and direct that relevant information pertaining to the conflict or impropriety of a particular official or employee be filed with the Supervisor of the Town of Ballston, together with a recommendation for a penalty, if any, to be imposed. The filing will constitute a public record to be made available to anyone who makes application to examine such record. The Town Board shall accept such statements and shall maintain separate files for them.
Prior to any disclosure to the Town Board, the Ethics Board shall set forth its findings of fact and its conclusions and the reasons which justify its decision to make public such information. Prior to the filing of such findings of fact and conclusions, a copy of such shall be mailed to the official or the employee by certified mail, return receipt requested. The official or employee may respond, rebut or otherwise refute the findings of the Ethics Board either in writing, personally, by counsel or any combination thereof, at a time and place specified by the Ethics Board. The failure of the official or employee to respond within 21 days from the date of the Ethics Board's letter shall constitute a waiver by the official or employee. The Ethics Board may, in its discretion, amend, revise or rewrite its findings or it may rescind its initial decision by a majority vote of its total membership.
In addition to all the other powers conferred upon the Ethics Board, the Ethics Board may recommend to the official or employee a manner in which the conflict of interest or appearance of impropriety may be resolved. An affidavit by the official or employee detailing his or her compliance with the recommendations may be sufficient reason to rescind the Ethics Board's decision to disclose the statement or portion of such statement to the Town Board of the Town of Ballston. The affidavit must be delivered to the Ethics Board at a time and place which shall be set forth in the Board's certified, return receipt requested letter to such official or employee. If the official or employee fails to follow the recommendations of the Ethics Board in curing the conflict of interest or appearance of impropriety, such fact shall also be disclosed to the Town Board of the Town of Ballston.
Pending the response of the official or the employee and the final resolution pursuant to either Subsection E(3) or (4) above, the Ethics Board shall not disclose any information to the Town Board of the Town of Ballston or to the public.
In addition to any other powers and duties specified by this chapter, the Ethics Board will have the power and duty to conduct any investigations necessary to carry out its responsibilities. Pursuant to this power and duty, the Ethics Board may administer oaths or affirmations, subpoena witnesses and compel the attendance of witnesses and require the production of any books or records which the Ethics Board deems relevant or material.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 6 of the Public Officers Law, the only records of the Ethics Board which will be available for public inspection are:
The information set forth in the annual financial disclosure statement filed pursuant to this chapter.
Notices of reasonable cause pursuant to this section.
Notices of civil assessments imposed pursuant to this chapter.
The Ethics Board shall hold a meeting in April of each year to review all financial statements to ascertain said statements are filed in compliance with this chapter.
[Amended 5-6-1997 by L.L. No. 2-1997]
The Town Attorney shall be the legal advisor to the Ethics Board.
Complaints against any official or employee of the town for any violation of this chapter shall be submitted to the Town Ethics Board in care of its Chairman and must contain sworn allegations of fact setting forth the name and title of the official or employee; the nature of the alleged violation and the name and address of the complainant. The Town Ethics Board shall receive such complaint and act upon it in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 14-6 of this chapter.
Any town officer or employee who engages in any action that violates any provision of this chapter may be warned or reprimanded or suspended or removed from office or employment by the appointment authority or person or body authorized by law to impose such sanctions. A warning, reprimand, suspension or removal may be imposed in addition to any other penalty contained in this chapter or in any other provision of law.
Any town officer or employee who violates any provision of this chapter shall be subject to a civil fine of up to $1,500 for each violation, as may be determined by the Town Board.
Any town officer or employee who violates any provision of this chapter shall be liable in damages to the town for any losses or increased costs incurred by the town as a result of the violation. Such damages may be imposed in addition to any other penalty contained in this chapter or in any other provision of law.
Any town officer or employee who has knowingly or intentionally violated any provision of this chapter shall be subject to a civil forfeiture to the town of a sum equal to three times the value of any financial benefit he or she received as a result of the conduct that constituted the violation. A civil forfeiture may be imposed in addition to any other penalty contained in this chapter other than a civil fine pursuant to Subsection B or damages pursuant to Subsection C or in any other provision of law.
If an official or employee filed a statement with intent to deceive or intentionally misrepresent, or otherwise fraudulently answers any questions set forth in the statement or intentionally withholds any information requested or demanded in the statement, and if such deception or misrepresentation is found to be both intentional and material, then such official or employee may be assessed a civil penalty of not more than $2,500 by the Town Board. An assessment of a civil penalty will be final unless suspended or vacated within 30 days of imposition by the Town Board.
It will be a violation of this chapter for any individual, except the individual who files such statement, to disclose any information contained on a financial disclosure statement, except as authorized by this chapter. A civil action may be brought by the Ethics Board against any person or organization that violates this subsection.
Any penalty imposed pursuant to this section shall be so imposed by the Town Board after considering the recommendation, if any, of the Ethics Board.
Nothing in this section shall be construed as precluding the prosecution of officials or employees for violations of any offense, criminal or civil, pursuant to the laws or statutes of the State of New York.