[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Health 2-13-2020 by Ord. No. BOH 20-02.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Ch. 274, General Provisions, Board of Health, comprised of Art. I, Adoption of Code by Board of Health, adopted 6-9-2005 by Ord. No. BOH 05-01, and Art. II, Ordinances Adopted During Codification, which provided a list of certain complete new ordinances that were approved by the Board of Health for inclusion in the Code during codification.
The Board shall exercise its powers in accordance with N.J.S.A. 26:3-31 et seq. and Title 8 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, which are hereby incorporated by reference.
All the ordinances of the Board of Health of the Borough of Chatham of a general and permanent nature, as codified, are ordained as general ordinances and are adopted as part of the Code of the Borough of Chatham, County of Morris, State of New Jersey.
All the provisions of that part of the Public Health Code (hereinafter the "Code") of the Borough of Chatham, County of Morris, State of New Jersey, adopted by the Board of Health shall be in force and effect on and after the effective date of this article.
Sufficient copies of that part of the Code adopted by the Board of Health of the Borough of Chatham, Morris County, New Jersey, have been filed in the office of the Secretary of the Board of Health of the Borough of Chatham and shall remain there for the use and examination of the public until final action is taken on this article.
Any and all additions or amendments to the Code, when passed in such form as to indicate the intention of the Board of Health of the Borough of Chatham to make the same a part hereof, shall be deemed to be incorporated in said Code so that reference to the Code of the Borough of Chatham shall be understood and intended to include such additions and amendments.
One copy of that part of the Code adopted by the Board of Health of the Borough of Chatham, Morris County, New Jersey, shall be and remain on file in the office of the Secretary of the Board of Health of the Borough of Chatham and made available to persons desiring to examine same if this article shall be adopted and while the same shall be in effect.
Every section of that part of the Code of the Borough of Chatham adopted by the Board of Health and every part of each section is an independent section or part of a section, and the holding of any section or part thereof to be unconstitutional, void, or ineffective for any cause does not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section or part thereof.
Each section of the ordinance is an independent section, and the holding of any section or part thereof to be unconstitutional, void, or ineffective for any cause shall not be deemed to affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section or part thereof.
This article shall take effect immediately after final adoption and publication according to law.
In compiling and preparing the ordinances of the Board of Health of the Borough of Chatham for adoption and revision as part of the Code of the Borough of Chatham, County of Morris, State of New Jersey, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:49-4, certain grammatical changes and other minor changes were made in one or more of said ordinances. It is the intention of the Board of Health of the Borough of Chatham that all such changes be adopted as part of the Code of the Borough of Chatham, County of Morris, State of New Jersey, as if the ordinances so changed had been previously formally amended to read as such.
No person shall hinder, obstruct or interfere with anyone authorized or empowered to perform any duties under this Code.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions under this Code shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $2,000, and each day the same is violated shall be deemed and taken to be a separate and distinct offense.