[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of East Goshen 5-4-2004 by Ord. No. 129-E-04.[1]Amendments noted where applicable.]
Contractors — See Ch. 124.
Electrical — See Ch. 128.
Energy conservation — See Ch. 129.
Existing buildings — See Ch. 133.
Fire prevention — See Ch. 143.
Fuel gas — See Ch. 145.
Mechanical standards — See Ch.150.
Residential dwellings — See Ch. 160.
Plumbing — See Ch. 175.
Property maintenance — See Ch. 178.
Zoning — See Ch. 240.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Ch. 100, Building Construction, adopted 1-7-2002 by Ord. No. 129-B-02.
The Township hereby elects to administer and enforce the Act[1] and the regulations promulgated under the Act which are found at 34 Pa. Code Chapters 401 through 405 (the regulations), as the same are amended from time to time, as the Township's Building Code. The Township shall notify the Department[2] within 30 days of adoption of this chapter that the Township has elected to administer and enforce the Act in accordance with this chapter.
Editor's Note: The Pennsylvania Construction Code Act, adopted 11-10-1999 as Act 45 of 1999.
Editor's Note: The State Department of Labor and Industry.
By electing to adopt, administer and enforce the Act, the Township hereby adopts and incorporates as fully as if set out at length herein Chapters 1 through 29 and 31 through 35 of the International Building Code, 2003 Edition, (IBC 2003) as now and as hereafter supplemented, reissued, amended and revised, and its successor building codes, as published by the International Code Council, Inc., as the Township's Building Code. If any provision in Chapter 1 of the IBC 2003, which governs administration of the Building Code, is inconsistent with the regulations, the provisions in the regulations shall govern the administration and enforcement of the Building Code. Three copies of the IBC 2003 are filed in the office of the Secretary of the Township of East Goshen and may be examined there without charge.
The Township hereby adopts and incorporates as fully as if set out at length herein all appendices of the IBC 2003, as now and as hereafter supplemented, reissued, amended and revised, and its successor appendices, as published by the International Code Council, Inc.
The following sections of the IBC 2003 are hereby amended and revised as follows:
Section 101.1 is amended by the insertion of "East Goshen Township" in the "[NAME OF JURISDICTION]" blank.
Section 103.1 shall be amended to read as follows:
103.1 Creation of enforcement agency. The East Goshen Township Code Department (the "Code Department") shall be responsible for administering and enforcing this Code. The Zoning Officer is in charge of the Code Department and for purposes of this Code shall be known as the Building Official.
Section 108.2 is amended to read as follows:
[Amended 7-21-2009 by Ord. No. 129-G-09]
108.2 Fee schedule. The Board of Supervisors shall, by resolution, adopt a schedule of fees and a collection procedure which shall be kept on file by the Township Secretary and shall be reviewed and revised as necessary by the Board of Supervisors. All fees shall be paid upon billing from the Township but in no case later than 30 days from the date of billing. When the 30th day from the date of billing falls on either a weekend or a holiday on which the Township building is closed, payments that are received before the close of business the next business day immediately following the 30th day shall be deemed to be paid on time and no interest shall be applied. If the fee is not paid within 30 days of billing, the Township shall charge and be entitled to collect interest equal to 3/4 of 1% of the unpaid balance per month, or fraction thereof, until paid.
Section 112, Board of Appeals, shall be deleted and replaced with the following:
[Amended 8-7-2012 by Ord. No. 129-E-2012; 8-11-2015 by Ord. No. 129-H-2015]
112.1 General. The Township designates the WCACOG Board of Appeals as the Board of Appeals for East Goshen Township who shall hear appeals from decisions of the East Goshen Township Building Code Official which are filed pursuant to the Act and the Township's Building Codes.
Section 113.4, Violation penalties, is amended to read as follows:
Section 113.4. Violation penalties. Any person who shall violate a provision of this Code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, construct, alter or repair a building or structure in violation of an approved plan or directive of the Building Official or of a permit or use and occupancy permit issued under the provisions of this Code shall be guilty of a summary offense, punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 per day, plus costs and attorney's fees, and, upon default of the payment of the fine and costs, imprisonment not to exceed 30 days. Each day that a violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense.
Section 1612.3 is amended by the insertion of "East Goshen Township" in the "[NAME OF JURISDICTION]" and "June 9, 1997" in the "[DATE OF ISSUANCE]" blanks.
Section 3410.2 is amended by the insertion of "March 15, 1956" in the "[DATE TO BE INSERTED BY THE JURISDICTION]" blank.
The Building Code shall be administered and enforced by the Code Department. The Board of Supervisors shall by resolution appoint the Township Zoning Officer, who shall serve as the head of the Code Department and shall also be referred to as the “Building Code Official”.
Pursuant to Section 104(d)(1) of the Act, the Township may keep in full force and effect any provisions of the Township's existing Building Code which were in effect on or before July 1, 1999, or reenactments of simultaneously repealed ordinances which were originally adopted before July 1, 1999, provided that such provisions meet or exceed the Act. Under such authority, the Township intends to keep in full force and effect the following provisions of its existing Building Code which meet or exceed the standards in the Act:
Section 109 shall be amended by adding a new Subsection 109.7 which shall read as follows:
109.7. Fees for missed inspections. The Board of Supervisors shall, by resolution, impose a fee to be paid by the permit holder when the permit holder or his or her agent has requested the Township Building Official or Codes Enforcement Officer to conduct any inspection described in this Section 109 and such Township official is unable to conduct such inspection at the scheduled time due to any delay in completion of the work to be inspected or inability to gain access to the work to be inspected caused by the permit holder or his or her agent.
The first two sentences in Section 1009.3 shall be revised to state as follows: "Stair riser heights shall be 8 1/4 inches maximum and 4 inches minimum. Stair tread depths shall be 9 inches minimum."
The Township shall keep in full force and effect the following requirements in its Building Code, which provisions were in effect as of July 1, 1999:
[Added 9-21-2004 by Ord. No. 129-R-04]
All repairs and alterations to residential buildings shall comply with the Township's Building Code adopted on May 4, 2004, and any successor code adopted by the Township pursuant to Act 45 of 1999.
Construction, alteration, enlargement, replacement, repair, removal and demolition of utility and miscellaneous use structures which are greater than 500 square feet in area shall comply with the Township's Building Code adopted on May 4, 2004, and any successor code adopted by the Township pursuant to Act 45 of 1999.
Section 403.102(l)(8) of the regulations allows a municipality to revise certain provisions in the regulations regarding the administration and enforcement of the Act. Pursuant to such authority, the Township elects to make the following revisions to the regulations:
The exemption in Section 403.62(c)(1)(xiii) of the regulations shall be deleted. The Township shall require a building permit for the replacement of existing siding.
The exemption in Section 403.62(c)(1)(xvii) shall be deleted. The Township shall require a building permit for the installation of all decks.