[Adopted 2-22-1971 by L.L. No. 1-1971 as Ch. 62, Art. X, of the 1971 Code]
Sawmills, planing mills and other woodworking plants shall be equipped with refuse-removal systems which will collect and remove sawdust and shavings as produced; or suitable metal or metal-lined bins provided with normally closed covers or automatically closing covers shall be installed at or near such machines, and shavings and sawdust shall be swept up and deposited in such bins at sufficiently frequent intervals as to keep the premises clean.
The burning of shavings, sawdust and refuse material shall be permitted only under boilers, in furnaces or in properly constructed incinerators or refuse burners; provided that these materials may be burned in the open if surrounded by a metal or other wall at least six feet high and distant at least 50 feet from any building or storage of lumber. All stacks shall be provided with suitable spark arresters.