[Adopted 12-17-2001]
Purpose. The purpose of this article is to insure routine maintenance and annual inspections of required private fire hydrants.
Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any fire hydrant that is required to be installed by the Division of Fire on private property.
Maintenance service. Any person or firm who owns fire hydrants in accordance with Subsection A of this section shall be required to annually subscribe to and pay for maintenance service which is available through the Metropolitan District Water Bureau. Maintenance service shall be performed at least once per year and shall include painting, flushing and testing. Maintenance records are to be available for inspection by any member of the Division of Fire or a member of the Fire Marshals' Office during normal business hours. The owner of said fire hydrants shall keep the hydrants clear of all obstructions, e.g., snow and ice, to assure maximum access for utilization by fire personnel during emergencies.
Repair of fire hydrants on private property. The Town may, at its option, order the repair of a defective fire hydrant on private property and bill the cost of such work to the owner.
Penalties for offenses. Any person or firm who fails to comply with the provisions of this article shall be subject to a fine, payable to the Town of Wethersfield, of $75 per day, and each day that the violation continues to exist or for each day there is a failure or neglect to comply with the above provisions shall be deemed a separate offense.
Administration and enforcement. The administration of this article shall be by the Division of Fire, and the enforcement shall be by the Police Department of the Town of Wethersfield.