[Adopted 6-23-1980 as Ch. IX of
the 1980 Code]
As used in this article, the following terms
shall have the meanings indicated:
The Department of Public Works of the Borough of Mountain
The person in charge of the Department, who shall be responsible
for the enforcement of the provisions of this article.
All pipes, other than supply pipes and service pipes, used
for conveying water.
Rates or prices to be charged for water, based upon the quantity
consumed as measured by an approved water meter.
Any person, firm, corporation or association, or the duly
authorized agent, owning any property or premises which is or prospectively
can be supplied with Borough water.
Any tract or parcel of land with the improvements, if any,
A pipe extending from the curbline into privately owned property
for supplying water thereto.
A pipe connected to the main and extending to and including
the curb stop or valve at the curbline of the street.
Requests for discontinuance of service, special
meter readings or new or renewed service shall be arranged by the
owner three days in advance.
[Added 5-29-2007 by Ord. No. 07-07;
amended 9-10-2007 by Ord. No. 15-07]
A. Water restrictions. During the months of June, July,
August, and September of each year, all Borough water customers are
required to observe the following water use restrictions: outdoor
use for lawn, tree and shrub watering shall be restricted to alternate
days, with usage allowed on even-numbered days for those water customers
whose dwelling or building number is even and on odd-numbered days
for those water customers whose dwelling or building number is odd.
Such water use shall be done only from 12:01 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from
6:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight on the allowed days. Hand-watering of
shrubs and trees is permitted anytime during the assigned watering
day. Watering of new lawns, trees, or shrubs shall be permitted at
any time. There should be no such outdoor water usage on July 31 or
August 31. The following types of businesses or organizations shall
be exempt from water use restrictions to the extent necessary to operate
their businesses: nurseries, garden centers and car washes. The Borough
Manager may, however, impose water restrictions upon such businesses
or organizations by promulgation of a declaration specifying such
[Amended 7-28-2008 by Ord. No. 07-08]
B. Declaration of water emergency. In addition to the restrictions set forth in Subsection
A, whenever the Borough Manager is satisfied and finds that a water emergency exists in the Borough of Mountain Lakes, the Borough Manager may promulgate and publish a declaration that a water emergency exists in the Borough. Such declaration may impose the complete ban and prohibition of outside water usage, including the watering of lawns and plants, the filling of pools and the washing of motor vehicles; and/or any other water use restrictions specified by the Borough Manager in the declaration which are reasonable under the circumstances considering the nature and extent of the water emergency.
C. Regulations during water emergency. In addition to
any water use restrictions set forth in a declaration promulgated
by the Borough Manager declaring a water emergency, every owner, lessee,
tenant and occupant of any building or premises connected with and
using water from any water supply which services the residents of
the Borough and every person using the water supply shall comply with
the following regulations during a declared water emergency:
(1) Maintenance of water service pipes, fixtures and connections
in good order and repair, whereby there shall be no waste of water.
(2) Completion of all necessary repairs to prevent the
waste of water.
(3) Immediate notification to the owner or the agent of
the owner of any defective waste service pipes, fixtures or connections,
whereby water is being wasted.
(4) Immediate notification to the Borough Clerk or Police
Department and water company representative of any waste occurring
by reason of defective water service pipes, fixtures or connections.
(5) Otherwise complying with all provisions in this section
and the water use restrictions and other regulations promulgated under
any declaration of emergency promulgated by the Borough Manager.
D. Duration of water use restrictions.
(1) The declaration as required by Subsection
B shall provide a period of time during which the water use restrictions imposed shall be applicable and which shall be no longer than reasonably necessary to abate the water emergency under the circumstances considering the nature and extent of the water emergency.
(2) At the expiration of the time period specified, the
water use restrictions shall lapse and be inapplicable and unenforceable.
(3) If the Manager shall be satisfied that the water emergency
has been abated prior to the expiration of the time period specified
by declaration, the Borough Manager shall declare the water emergency
ended and the water use restrictions inapplicable.
(4) If, at the expiration of the time period specified,
the Manager shall be satisfied that the water emergency continues
to exist, the Borough Manager may, in accordance with the requirements
of this article, continue the water use restrictions.
E. Enforcement of water use restrictions. The water use restrictions imposed pursuant to this article shall be enforced during a water emergency by such local official authorized by the Borough Manager, including the Borough Police Department. Whenever a local authorized official or Borough Police Department shall find a violation of the water use restrictions, such authorized official or Borough police officer shall give the violator a written warning and explain the penalties for a second and third offense as provided for in Subsection
F. The local authorized official or Borough Police Department shall keep such records as may be reasonable and necessary for the purpose of determining the persons and businesses who have been warned upon a first offense. The local authorized official or the officers of the Borough Police Department are hereby empowered to write summonses for the violation of water use restrictions imposed pursuant to this article.
F. Violations and penalties. After a first offense of
this section, any person or business who thereafter violates the water
use restrictions imposed pursuant to this article shall be fined or
imprisoned in accordance with this section. For a second offense,
the penalty imposed shall be $500 or imprisonment for 10 days, or
both. For a third and subsequent offense, the penalty imposed shall
be $1,000 or imprisonment for 30 days, or both.
G. Additional water conservation provisions.
(1) The Borough will also enact a fee scale that will
rise with the amount of water that each customer consumes effective
the second quarter 2007 billing.
(2) The Borough will continue not to charge for sewer
on all water that is used through a sprinkler meter, although the
cost per cubic feet for water metered through a sprinkler meter will
be higher than domestic water.