The Human Resources Director shall be responsible for preparing and promulgating personnel policies governing all employees serving under the jurisdiction of the County Officers. All policies shall be subject to the approval of the County Manager before they are implemented.
Personnel policies shall cover, but not be limited to, the following subjects: equal opportunity, sexual harassment, holidays, vacation, employee benefits, family medical leave act, leaves of absence, affirmative action, drug free work place.
The existing Allegheny County Policies and Procedures Manual shall continue in effect until amended or replaced. In cases of conflict between the wording of this Administrative Code and the existing Allegheny County Policies and Procedures Manual, this Administrative Code shall prevail.
Within the three months after the Administrative Code becomes effective in the County, the Human Resources Director shall arrange meetings with all employees to provide an orientation to the new government and its policies.
Within one year of the effective date of the Administrative Code, the Human Resources Director shall have in place a formal orientation program for all employees. The Human Resources Director shall decide the timing for orientation, the scope of the program, and those who will be involved.
Prior to the start of the orientation program, the Human Resources Director shall cause to be prepared an employee handbook (policy guide) designed to provide information which will be helpful to the employee during his tenure with Allegheny County, and which makes clear the obligation which the individual undertakes as an employee of the County. The purpose shall be to encourage commitment to their job and to the County. The handbook will cover such areas as:
Employee benefits;
The Accountability, Conduct and Ethics Code;
Performance evaluation system;
Disciplinary system;
Grievance procedure;
Hours of work;
Pay periods;
Holidays, sick leave, leaves of absence, etc.
Part of each orientation should be devoted to a discussion of the handbook, and each employee shall receive a personal copy. Each person may be asked to sign a statement to the effect that he or she has received such copy, understands its contents, and agrees to abide by established policies.
Within one year after the effective date of the Administrative Code, a Performance Evaluation System shall be established by the Human Resources Director and approved by the County Manager. Among other things, the procedures shall provide for the frequency of evaluation, the type of evaluation rating appropriate for each class of employees, the review process, and the opportunity for an employee to file objection to the evaluation.
The evaluation system shall be performance-based and established on job related criteria. Its principal objectives shall be the development of personnel and the correction of poor performance, to the degree possible.
The Human Resources Director shall arrange for training sessions for all persons responsible for evaluating others. Such sessions shall, among other things, guide evaluators in the use of rating forms, stress the importance of objectivity and professionalism in evaluating others, and the need to be familiar with the work and performance of the person being evaluated.
The Human Resources Director shall foster and develop programs for the improvement of employee development and effectiveness. The funds needed to support such programs shall be recommended in the balanced annual operating budget for the Human Resources Division. The recommended policy on employee development also shall include guidelines for participation in such programs.
The Human Resources Director shall maintain a roster of County officials, County officers, all career service and exempted career service employees. Where applicable, such roster shall specify the class or title of the position held, the current salary and pay grade, any changes in class or title, salary or pay, and such other data as may be deemed useful.
The Human Resources Director shall maintain the official personnel file of each employee.
All personnel files shall be considered confidential and shall only be disclosed within the County to aid in personnel administration, and only with the approval of the Human Resources Director.
No data in personnel files shall be disclosed to outside sources of inquiry except as required by law or with the consent of the employee.
Each employee shall have the right to inspect those records, which have been or may be used in connection with any personnel action relating to that employee in accordance with applicable law. The Human Resources Director may establish rules in the furtherance of this provision.