All subdivision/land development or earth disturbance activities as specified in § 140-5, except those specifically exempt from drainage plan submittal and review requirements specified in § 140-17, shall be conducted only after the issuance of a drainage permit.
The applicant shall obtain the required drainage permit after obtaining the required drainage plan approval as specified in Article IV of this chapter. This drainage permit will be issued by the governing body concurrently with final subdivision/land development approval.
A modification to an approved drainage plan, when required under § 140-20 of this chapter, shall require a new drainage permit. The permit shall be issued following approvals of the revised plan.
All applications for drainage permits required by this chapter shall be made on forms supplied by the municipality. Such application shall provide a brief description of the stormwater management controls and earth disturbance activity. This application shall become part of the plan submission required by Article IV of this chapter.
All drainage permits shall expire 36 months from the date of issuance.
A renewal of the expired drainage permit may be issued by the municipality following a resubmittal of the drainage permit application form. Additional fees must be paid for the resubmittal of an expired permit.
The refusal of the governing body to reissue and expired drainage permit shall contain the reasons for such refusal.
Changes in project site conditions and requirements for the drainage plan may occur over a period of time.
If the requirements for the drainage plan have changed as determined by the governing body, reapplication, review and permit issuance requirements must be performed pursuant to this chapter.