[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Gardiner 7-13-2004 by L.L. No. 4-2004. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Commission for Conservation of the Environment — See Ch. 16.
Defense and indemnification — See Ch. 21.
Code of Ethics — See Ch. 26.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide standards of minimum attendance by members of the Town of Gardiner Planning Board, Town of Gardiner Zoning Board of Appeals, the Parks and Recreation Committee, and the Commission for the Conservation of the Environment (ECC) at meetings and hearings of said Boards and Commissions, and to establish minimum training and continuing education requirements for said members.
This chapter is enacted under the authority of Town Law, § 267(2) and (9) and Town Law, § 271(1) and (9), and the Municipal Home Rule Law, § 10.
Members of the Boards or Commissions are required to attend all regularly scheduled meetings of said Boards or Commissions. In the event that a member of either of said Boards or Commissions is absent from three consecutive regular meetings, or in the event that a member of either Board or Commission is absent from four meetings within one calendar year, then such member may be removed from the Board or Commission as provided herein. In the event an individual is appointed subsequent to January 1 of any calendar year, the allowable absences shall be prorated. in the event the Board or Commission moves to two regular meetings every month, a member cannot miss six consecutive meetings or eight meetings within one calendar year.
Members of the Boards or Commissions are required to attend at least one seminar, workshop or continuing education course during each calendar year in which a person is a member of either the Board or Commission. Members of either the Board or Commission shall request and receive approval from the Board or Commission Chair with respect to the seminar, workshop or continuing education course the member desires to attend. The seminar, workshop or continuing education course shall be reasonably related to assisting the member in carrying out his/her Board or Commission duties as determined by the Chair of said Board or Commission. Said seminar(s), workshop(s), or continuing education course(s) shall be cumulatively a minimum of four hours in length. The reasonable costs of such seminars, workshops, or continuing education courses shall be paid for by the Town. Board or Commission members shall also be reimbursed for travel within a one-hundred-mile radius of Gardiner and meal expenses in accordance with policies established by the Town Board. In the event that a member of either Board or Commission does not attend at least one seminar, workshop or continuing education course during each calendar year, then such member may be removed from the Board or Commission as provided herein.
In the event any member of a Board or Commission shall fail to meet the minimum attendance or continuing education requirements of this chapter, the Board or Commission Chair or, in the absence of the Chair, the Town Board shall serve notice of same to the member. Said notice shall state that in the event the member misses one more meeting within 60 days or in the event that the member fails to fulfill the prior year's continuing education requirements within 60 days, the matter shall be referred to the Town Board for action pursuant to § 43-5 below.
The Board or Commission Chair shall provide the Town Board 30 days before the commencement of the Town Board's annual organizational meeting with a report stating the attendance and continuing education record of each member of said Board or Commission.
In the event that a member of either the Town of Gardiner Planning Board, Town of Gardiner Zoning Board of Appeals, the Parks and Recreation Committee, or the Commission for the Conservation of the Environment (ECC) has failed to meet the minimum attendance requirements for meetings and/or has failed to meet the minimum requirements for continuing education as provided for in this chapter, and has received adequate and fair warning from the Chair of said Board or Commission, the Town Board may remove such member from the Board or Commission he/she is serving on in the following manner:
Notice. Such member shall receive by certified mail, written notice specifying the nature of his/her alleged failure to meet the minimum attendance requirements.
Public hearing. Said written notice shall specify a date, not less than 10 nor more than 30 days from the date of mailing of said notice, indicating when the Town Board shall meet and hold a public hearing regarding whether the member should be removed from the Board or Commission on which he/she is serving. The written notice shall also state the time and location of the public hearing.
Public notice. Public notice of said public hearing shall be given by posting a notice indicating the nature of the hearing on the bulletin board located at the Gardiner Town Offices and by publishing the same notice in the Town's official newspaper. The posting and publication of said notice shall be completed at least 10 days prior to the date of the public hearing.
Conduct of hearing. The public hearing shall be conducted before the Town Board. The member may be represented by counsel and shall be given an opportunity to present evidence and to call witnesses on his/her behalf and to cross-examine witnesses and to attempt to refute the allegations that he/she has not complied with the minimum requirements. A record of said public hearing shall be made.
Action by the Town Board. Following the public hearing and upon the finding that a member has not met the minimum requirements as established by this chapter, the Town Board may:
Remove such member from the Board or Commission; or
The Board may elect to take such other action that it deems just and proper under the circumstances. If the Town Board shall find that the reasons for failing to meet the minimum attendance requirements are excusable because of illness, injury or other good and sufficient cause, the Town Board may elect to take no action.
The decision of the Town Board shall be reduced to writing, together with specific findings of the Town Board with respect to the allegations that the member has not complied with the minimum attendance requirements. A copy of said decision and findings shall be sent to the member by certified mail within 20 days from the date of the public hearing.
The minimum attendance requirements established by this chapter shall not apply to a member of the Board or Commission who has applied for and been granted a leave of absence by the Town Board from his/her duties as a Board member. A request by a member for a leave of absence shall be made in writing to the Town Board, and the Town Board shall notify the member of its approval or denial of the request in writing. The Town Board may grant such a leave of absence on such terms and for such time period as it may deem appropriate; however, no such leave of absence shall be for a period in excess of six consecutive months and only one leave of absence can be granted during the duration of the Board or Commission member's term.
This chapter shall apply to all members of the Town of Gardiner Planning Board, Town of Gardiner Zoning Board of Appeals, the Parks and Recreation Committee, and the Commission for the Conservation of the Environment (ECC) regardless of the year of their appointments to either of said Boards or Commissions. Prospective members of either of the said Boards or Commissions shall be notified of the requirements of this chapter prior to their appointments.