[Adopted as § 1-5 of the 1972 Code (Ch. 1, § 1-14, of the 1990 Code of Ordinances)]
The following shall be the device of the Seal of the Town: around the margin of the same, a raised circle containing the words “Town of Lincoln, Rhode Island,” and within the circle, another circle containing a likeness of Abraham Lincoln, and the words “Incorporated 1871.”
The following shall be the device of the Seal of the Town Council: around the margin of the same, a raised circle containing the words, “Town Council, Lincoln, R.I.” and within the circle another circle containing the words “Incorporated 1871.”
The following shall be the device of the Seal of the Court of Probate: around the margin of the same, a raised circle containing the words, “Court of Probate, Lincoln, R.I.” and within the circle, another circle containing a likeness of Abraham Lincoln, and the words “Incorporated 1871.”
The Town Clerk shall be ex officio keeper of the Seals.