[Added 7-8-2008 by Ord. No. 449[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Art. XV, I-G General Industrial District, as amended.
The G-C Groundwater Conservation district is intended to provide the opportunity for environmentally sensitive commercial and/or industrial development while preserving significant environmental features, encouraging environmentally sensitive and sustainable "green" design and construction methods, minimizing impervious surface, maximizing groundwater recharge and protecting the aquifer. The intent of the district is to allow a mix of low- to moderate-intensity industrial and commercial uses while maintaining high performance standards that protect the environment, balance water use with groundwater recharge and minimize any deleterious effect on adjoining uses including residential areas. The further intent is to promote the use of emerging sustainable technologies in the design and construction of buildings, roads and parking areas.
The following regulations and applicable regulations contained in other articles shall apply in the G-C Groundwater Conservation District.
Principal permitted uses or structures shall be:
Agriculture or viticulture where irrigation is not required and where any buildings or feeding pens in which farm animals are kept shall comply with the distance requirements of § 135-20. This excludes concentrated livestock or poultry feeding operations or any other intensive agricultural activities determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission to be incongruent with the purpose of this chapter.
Forestry and tree farming.
Parks and such recreational uses as are consistent with the purpose and intentions of this section.
Wildlife refuges and ecological sanctuaries.
Water impoundments and wells for water supply.
Conservation areas and nature trails.
Municipal and public utility structures.
Conditional permitted uses or structures shall be:
Low- to moderate-intensity, environmentally sensitive, sustainable commercial or industrial uses that are determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals ("the Board") to be congruent with the intent and purposes of this article. Examples of such uses may include but are not limited to professional offices, technology-based businesses, research and development facilities, commercial/retail uses and light assembly and manufacturing.
In granting or denying a conditional use or uses, the Board of Zoning Appeals ("the Board") shall consider the intent of the G-C district, the potential impact on significant environmental features, the congruency of the proposed use or uses with the site including all natural features, the capacity of public facilities, the environmental sensitivity of the proposed uses and structures and other considerations deemed reasonable by the Board. Before convening any hearing on a request for a conditional use or uses in the G-C district, the Board shall allow at least 60 days to receive reports from the Mayor and Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Zoning Administrator concerning the requested conditional use or uses. The Board shall not have the authority to grant any variance from the required conditions in § 135-149.
Accessory uses shall be as follows:
Uses and structures customarily accessory and incidental to any permitted principal use or authorized conditional use.
For the purposes of avoiding misinterpretation and providing guidance to the Board of Zoning Appeals and the Planning and Zoning Commission as to the legislative intent of the G-C District, the following uses are expressly prohibited in the G-C District:
Residential dwellings.
Any prohibited use in the I-R district (§ 135-135).
Car washes.
Automotive or vehicle service, maintenance or repair facilities.
Laundry or dry-cleaning facilities.
Any development in the G-C District shall require the preparation of an Environmental Site Delineation (ESD) in conformance with the Carroll County development regulations. The Planning and Zoning Commission ("the Commission") may require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) where the parameters and scope of such study shall be established by the Commission. The developer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation of all environmental reports. All environmental reports shall be prepared by a public entity such as a unit of local government or an independent private firm approved by the Commission.
The water consumption of any use or uses in the G-C district shall not be greater than the groundwater recharge of the lot or parcel upon which the use is located. The projected water consumption of any new development or proposed change in use shall be calculated in gallons per day by a certified engineer hired by the Town. The recharge rate shall be calculated in gallons per acre per day as established by the Maryland Department of the Environment for the Town of Hampstead. All water consumption and recharge calculations shall be enumerated on the site plan. No change of use shall be approved where the cumulative water use of the development shall exceed the standard described herein.
Any new building or structure shall comply with the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards for silver certification or a standard deemed equivalent by the Commission. The developer shall be responsible for the cost of the Town hiring a consultant to certify that the site plans and construction drawings conform to the LEED or other approved environmental standard. The Commission may establish a higher standard if deemed appropriate by the Commission.
All vegetation and landscaping shall be drought-resistant native Maryland species as recommended by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Outdoor irrigation of plants or trees shall be prohibited except where irrigation water is derived from recycling, reuse or reclamation.
Any new building or structure shall maximize the use of water saving plumbing and processes, including water-saving fixtures and water-reclamation devices.
Any development where the cumulative gross floor area of the structures exceeds 10,000 square feet shall have included with the site plan a water conservation plan to include a water loss reduction element, a water use education element, an evaluation of potential water reuse options and requirements for mandatory water use reductions during drought emergencies imposed by the local governing body or the State of Maryland.
Any development shall minimize to the extent practicable the coverage of impervious surfaces. Impervious coverage of any parcel shall be limited to no more than 60%.
The stormwater management facilities for any new buildings or structures shall make the maximum possible use of infiltration. The postdevelopment groundwater recharge rate for the site shall be equal to or greater than the predevelopment groundwater recharge rate of the site as reviewed and approved by the Carroll County Stormwater Engineer or an engineer hired by the Town. There shall be no increase in the peak discharge rate for the ten-year storm event between pre- and postdevelopment.
Any development shall maintain, protect and preserve to the extent possible any significant environmental features such as ponds, wetlands, streams, steep slopes, specimen trees or other natural features as deemed significant by the Commission. The Commission may establish buffer zones around ponds, wetlands, streams (intermittent or perennial), steep slopes or other environmental features.
The Commission may impose other requirements, terms or conditions on development as deemed necessary to ensure any development in the G-C district meets the purposes and intent of this article. The Commission is also authorized to prepare additional regulations related to development in the G-C district for the review and approval of the Town Council.
The Commission has the authority to establish the height, lot area and lot width requirements through the site plan and/or subdivision process, except that no lot shall be smaller than one acre. The Commission shall establish such requirements to meet the goals of the G-C District to include minimizing any disruption to adjoining properties, preserving any significant environmental features, decreasing water use, increasing groundwater recharge and protection and the other objectives as described in this article.